Issued By: Coordinator, IQAC

Minutes of IQAC Meeting


Date: 25 April 2023 (Tuesday)  |  Time: 1500 hrs onwards  |  Venue: SSCBS (and online)


Members Present:

  1. Kavita Sharma, Treasurer of GB, SSCBS – joined online
  2. Poonam Verma, Principal, SSCBS
  3. Tarannum Ahmad, Asso. Prof., SSCBS
  4. Shalini Prakash, Asso. Prof., SSCBS
  5. Shikha Gupta, Asso. Prof., SSCBS
  6. Neeraj Kumar Sehrawat, Asst. Prof., SSCBS
  7. Kishori Ravi Shankar, Asst. Prof., SSCBS
  8. Rishi Rajan Sahay, Asst. Prof., SSCBS
  9. Mona Verma, Asst. Prof., SSCBS
  10. Deepti Khatri, Librarian, SSCBS
  11. Ankur Aggarwal, AO (Offg.), SSCBS
  12. Deepak Tiwari, Placement Officer, SSCBS
  13. Meenu, Parent Representative
  14. Aditya Arora, Alumni of SSCBS – joined online
  15. Shashwat Chandra, Student Representative, SSCBS
  16. Saloni, Student Representative, SSCBS


Special Invitees:

  1. Tushar Marwaha, Assistant Prof., SSCBS
  2. Abhimanyu Verma, Assistant Prof., SSCBS



  1. To confirm the minutes of the IQAC meeting held on 09 Nov, 2022
  2. To report the Action Taken on the minutes of IQAC meeting held on 09 Nov, 2022
  3. To discuss a road map of the steps to improve the learning environment of the college.
  4. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.


The following was deliberated upon and resolved:


At the onset, the IQAC coordinator welcomed Prof. Kavita Sharma as a new member of the SSCBS IQAC; in her capacity as member of College Governing Body, SSCBS.


  1. To confirm the minutes of the IQAC meeting held on 09 Nov, 2022


IQAC coordinator informed all present that the draft minutes of the meeting held on 09 Nov, 2022 were circulated to all the members and the observations received regarding the same were incorporated into the Minutes.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 09 Nov, 2022 are confirmed.


  1. To report the action taken on the minutes of IQAC meeting held on 09 Nov, 2022.


An Action Taken report was discussed with all present. The report is appended in Annexure 1.


The report was tabled.


  1. To discuss a road map of the steps to improve the learning environment of the college.


Suggestions were invited from the attendees. Their inputs are as below:

  1. The Principal, SSCBS briefed all on the following new developments:

– College has formed an ISO Certification Committee to explore the possibility of conducting an ISO Audit for the college. This is in line with a suggestion that came from the GB meeting held on 10 March, 2023.

– The college has submitted all necessary documents to GNCTD pertaining to the teaching and non-teaching posts in the college.

– Principal briefed about the Student Mentorship program in the college and that the college has a Counsellor to help the students.

– She also briefed that some students of the college have launched an initiative to help provide mentorship to 1st and 2nd year students (Ms. Pranjal and Mr. Pulkit – BMS 3rd year students). She has assured them of support to see if a substantial number of students express interest in this program. 

– The Principal further briefed that she had interacted with some of the school principals and teachers who came to the college for the Prodigy 2023 event and they had expressed a desire to have some skill workshops by SSCBS teachers for them.

– She also briefed that the college tendered for Crescendo (annual cultural fest) 2023 – marking it as the 1st time this has been done for any college event. The AO (Offg.) said that the college had a good experience and saved a lot of money as well.

– The Principal mentioned that some teachers of the college have expressed a desire to go on Corporate assignments with EOL (Extraordinary leave) and have requested that such EOL may be counted as in-service. She requested Prof. Kavita for help to raise this in the Univ. Prof. Kavita stated that the DU is bound by GoI rules and she said that we should explore the relevant rules before we can finalise any thing in this context.


  1. Parent Representative gave her inputs as below:

– She suggested that the college could have some programs to help students cope with stress. Student Rep, Ms. Saloni said that the college already conducts sessions on Sudarshan Kriya and shared some of her experiences. The Principal added by saying that the college is also offering a VAC Program in Yoga and also that some students have joined this on a volunteer basis without any academic credits.

– She also expressed her concern with the matter covered in Item D in Annexure 1.


  1. Student members gave their inputs on the following:

– They expressed satisfaction with the teaching process, guest faculty, cultural events and repair of AV equipment.

– They further requested for AC in Audi Control room and some extra mics in Audi and Seminar Halls. The AO (Offg.) replied that the college will look into the feasibility of having extra mics in the Auditorium and AC in Auditorium control room and commented that it may not be possible to have more mics in the seminar halls.


  1. Other members present shared their views on the following:

– Dr. Shikha and Mr. Deepak briefed that the college is proposing to start technical internships where the students collaborate with teachers and the outcomes could be in the form of research papers.

– Prof. Kavita expressed that SSCBS is a good college with good processes and courses that are more industry ready than others.


IQAC should work to identify best possible and feasible actions to address these concerns and suggestions received.



Annexure 1:

Action taken report of the IQAC Meeting held on 09 Nov, 2022



Item A

It was suggested that SSCBS should prepare a document depicting its capabilities and this document could be used to connect with recruiters and industry partners for collaborating on joint research and consultancy activities.

Mr. Deepak, Placement Officer briefed all present on the following:

– College has connected with many recruiters such as Bain and Fibonacci Consulting to create a mechanism whereby teachers and students can do consulting activities with the corporate recruiters.

– However, there is limited traction as corporate side operational challenges such as client data confidentiality remain.

Item B

Mr. Aditya Arora kindly expressed his willingness to help the college by extending funding support for start-up ventures and inputs for curriculum development. He further informed the attendees that he has been nominated as an Ambassador for a GNCTD program to strengthen the entrepreneurship curriculum being offered by it.

Mr. Aditya briefed all present that:

– He has had multiple interactions with CEO, SIIF (Dr. Ramesh Barpa) to help startups in the college.

– His colleagues joined Yuva E-Summit event to help.

– He has assured that he will continue to interact with SIIF and figure out a plan of action for effective support.

Item C

It was requested by the student representatives that the college should have a fully operational UPS system for all IT equipment, esp. the AV system in the auditorium to help ensure smooth conduct of events and activities in the college.

The AO (Offg.) briefed all present that:

– the College has been taking swift and strong steps to resolve these issues. Since the previous meeting, funding for the repair and upkeep of ACs, AV equipment and UPS has been secured and contracts awarded.

– Per current status; most of the small faults in all classrooms have been rectified and only 4 Projectors, 1 Switcher, 1 power issue in the podium and some mic filters are pending. Light system in auditorium being repaired. Rest all is functional.

– The completion report of work done will be managed only once all known issues have been resolved satisfactorily.


Student representatives present thanked the college and expressed satisfaction that work being done in this context is effective.

Item D

It was requested by the student representatives that the college should try and avoid frequent changes in teachers teaching particular papers in a given semester so as to minimise learning disruptions for the students. In this regard, attendees were apprised by the Principal that the college currently has only 26 teachers as against a sanctioned strength of 44 and is utilising the services of guest faculty to overcome this deficit. Hope was expressed that the GNCTD would expeditiously sanction the recruitment of faculty members to fill up these empty posts and provide a stable and regular set of faculty for the students.

Prof. Poonam Verma, Principal briefed all present that:

– Such issues are being faced by all 12 colleges funded by GNCTD

– This issue has been raised in EC, DU.

– The VC, DU took a stand that all colleges should release advertisements for recruitment and complete the screening process. However, the actual interviews and subsequent intake may be held only after the approval of GNCTD. A letter is to be received from DU to this effect.

– The College Roster was reworked to include teachers who have left the college upon superannuation or having taken VRS. This has been sent to the DU for approval.

– Post this approval, the proposal for recruitment would be placed before the college GB. Upon their approval, the process would start with the release of the advertisement.

– It is hoped that in the meantime the GNCTD would sanction these new appointments.

The IQAC coordinator summarised at the end and the meeting ended with thanks to all present.


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