Issued By: Coordinator, IQAC

Minutes of IQAC Meeting

Date: 26 April 2024 (Friday) | Time: 1500 hrs onwards | Venue: SSCBS (and online) Members Present:

  1. Kavita Sharma, Treasurer of GB, SSCBS – joined online
  2. Poonam Verma, Principal, SSCBS
  3. Tarannum Ahmad, Asso. Prof., SSCBS
  4. Shalini Prakash, Asso. Prof., SSCBS
  5. Kavita Rastogi, Asso. Prof., SSCBS
  6. Neeraj Kumar Sehrawat, Asst. Prof., SSCBS – joined online
  7. Kishori Ravi Shankar, Asst. Prof., SSCBS
  8. Rishi Rajan Sahay, Asst. Prof., SSCBS
  9. Satish K. Goel, Asst. Prof., SSCBS
  10. Deepti Khatri, Librarian, SSCBS
  11. Ankur Aggarwal, AO (Offg.), SSCBS – joined online
  12. Deepak Tiwari, Placement Officer, SSCBS
  13. Vikas Goyal, Industry Member
  14. Pushpender Kumar, Alumni of SSCBS
  15. Tanusha Arora, Student Representative BMS, SSCBS
  16. Shashwat Chandra, Student Representative BSc, SSCBS


Special Invitees:

  1. Tushar Marwaha, Assistant Prof., SSCBS
  2. Abhimanyu Verma, Assistant Prof., SSCBS



  1. To confirm the minutes of the IQAC meeting held on 09 2023
  2. To report the Action Taken on the minutes of IQAC meeting held on 09 2023
  3. To discuss a road map of the steps to improve the learning environment of the
  4. Any other matter with the permission of the


The following was deliberated upon and resolved:


At the onset, the IQAC coordinator welcomed Mr. Vikas Goyal (VP (Cyber Security), FIS Global) – Industry member as a new member of the SSCBS IQAC.

  1. To confirm the minutes of the IQAC meeting held on 09 2023

IQAC coordinator informed all present that the draft minutes of the meeting held on 09 Oct. 2023 were circulated to all the members and the observations received regarding the same were incorporated into the Minutes.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 09 Oct. 2023 are confirmed.


  1. To confirm the minutes of the IQAC meeting held on 09 2023


IQAC coordinator informed all present that the draft minutes of the meeting held on 09 Oct. 2023 were circulated to all the members and the observations received regarding the same were incorporated into the Minutes.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 09 Oct. 2023 are confirmed.


  1. To report the action taken on the minutes of IQAC meeting held on 09 2023.


An Action Taken report was discussed with all present. The report is appended in Annexure 1.


The report was tabled.


  1. To discuss a road map of the steps to improve the learning environment of the college.

The following was deliberated upon:

  1. The situation with the demand for the photocopy machine was discussed. It was mentioned that work and deliberations are ongoing in this regard.
  2. Due to positive feedback from the students regarding the services provided by the empanelled counselor, her term has been extended by one more
  3. It was suggested that the college should attempt to evolve a system for tracking the visitation of students to the reading This will enable a use-case analysis of this facility.
  4. Vikas Goyal committed to help conduct workshops to help the students of the college. Mr. Deepak was requested to help coordinate such activities.
  5. Deepak briefed in greater detail on various aspects relevant to Item E and F of the Action Taken Report
  6. Pushpender suggested that the college should include more guest speakers who can provide real-life examples and scenarios that can help the students. Additionally, he suggested applying psychometric tests for the students to help develop their personalities.
  7. Pushpender further suggested that the college could leverage some grant funds and retained income to promote research projects via funding support. He was requested to share some details of the scheme already running in his own college so that we can prepare a concept note along similar lines for use within our college.
  8. Pushpender also suggested that the college could organise workshops and certificate courses to better leverage its infrastructural resources to enhance the capabilities of its students. Mr. Vikas also supported this initiative. Ms. Tanusha also shared her positive experiences regarding workshops she attended as part of the college.
  9. Vikas shared his perspective on the importance of using LinkedIn to enhance the industry connect of the students and help enhance their capabilities.
  10. Satish shared that he is facing issues with using softwares such as SPSS due to availability issues. Dr. Pushpender suggested open source software – PSPP that could serve as a workaround.
  11. The Library was requested to help with such issues and also help improve the knowledge base of the college.
  12. It was decided that the college could undertake some trainings and MOOCs to enhance the capabilities of the college fraternity.
  13. Vikas emphasised that the college could identify their interests and then run sessions and workshops based upon these interests. This could help improve the practical capabilities of the students. Exposure to real world scenarios would also help strengthen this.
  14. Tanusha suggested that the college could work towards incentivising the role and position of the CR so that the students can take this role with greater responsibility. Ms. Shalini supported this initiative and mentioned that determining specific parameters for eligibility for incentives is important for the success of this initiative.
  15. Tanusha also suggested that the college could take a subscription of TheKen, a publication that can provide news and insights in the management domain.
  16. Kavita mentioned that the Computer Science Department at DU has transitioned majorly to open source softwares for their use. Dr. Satish and Dr. Rishi were requested to help conduct a similar exercise for the Management Department. Help from DUCC (Delhi University Computer Centre) and the Central Library can be sought in this regard.
  17. Rishi shared some inputs that he has received from students pertaining to the shortened summer vacation period and its impact on their ability to undertake the 6-8 week summer internship in the 2024-25 cycle. The Principal and Mr. Deepak briefed that there would be a mechanism to help with this situation.
  18. Rishi further shared that some students are facing language capability issues esp. for this students who come from Tier 2 and 3 cities and more humble educational background. The college could conduct interventions to support such students. The Principal briefed that the college is laying emphasis on language skills under the AEC papers. Considering the changing macro climate, such weakness can impact the job orientation and opportunities of such students. Competency building for the college students therefore becomes more important.
  19. Neeraj briefed that he is preparing to offer workshops for teachers and students on how to use cases and teach with cases. Mr. Deepak is ably assisting him in this.
  20. Tushar shared his concerns with the entire process of NDAs in the Summer Internships. Mr. Vikas shared that we need to structure where and how we use the NDA process. Mr. Deepak said that he will try and look for a feasible solution for this and sensitize the students in this regard.


Annexure 1:

Action taken report of the IQAC Meeting held on 09 Oct. 2023





Item A

– Student members voiced a request for photocopy services to be available in the college premises along with basic stationery facilities.




– The tendering process for this is ongoing.






Item B

– Increase the awareness that the college has an empanelled counselor through an email, support for student council and ask the counselor for an awareness session.

– The college takes its responsibility towards the

mental health of its students quite seriously. Numerous efforts have been made to both make them aware of the various facilities available and to encourage them to use the same. At the start of each academic year, through the Orientation program and personal efforts of the coordinator, Dr. Sonika Thakral; all students are made aware of all the facilities available and this awareness is reinforced throughout the semester via personal visits of Dr. Sonika to each classroom of the 1st year students. Emails are also used towards this end. Further, since Oct 2023, the college has conducted 3 major workshops viz. The Breath Workshop (20 Oct. 2023), FDP on Mental Health Awareness (11 Mar. 2024) and Ethics and Governance (11 Mar. 2024).

It is heartening to see the level of participation in the

mental initiatives of the college.

Item C

– The students also requested that the computers in the labs be upgraded.

– The college has constituted a Purchase Committee to

procure new computers for use in the computer labs in the college. It is hoped that this process will be completed at the earliest.

Item D

– Considering upcoming exams, the students have asked to extend the timings of the library. The Principal and the Librarian have agreed to explore this on a trial basis.

– The real need behind this demand is to have a quiet place to read and study rather than continually issue/ re-issue books etc. As such, the college has created a Reading Room in Room 127 which is open to all students till 9pm every day throughout the year. The number of students utilizing this facility has been impressive.

Item E

– The students also requested that the college offer more workshops even for the 1st and 2nd year students so that they can be prepared better for their internships and the placement processes. The Principal and the Placement Officer agreed that this could be initiated from Sem 2 (for 1st year students) and Sem 3 (for 2nd year students) while continuing for the 3rd year students.



–  The Placement Cell (CDC) of the college has been taking the lead in this aspect.

–  Since October 2023, more than 16 sessions have been organised for the students of the college. These sessions are wide ranging and cover topics likes Careers in HR, Guesstimates, Excel etc. These Sessions have been conducted by eminent industry speakers and academicians such Prof. Ranjeet Nimbudri of IIM- Indore.

–  The placement cell will try and ensure that more such sessions are organised for not only the 3rd year students but the 1st and 2nd year students as well.


Item F

– Mr. Anand further added that more resume/ CV building workshops could also be offered, esp. on what content should go into the CV so that it can help the student during the interview process. Students should also be offered support in determining their future career paths and the job role- personality fit.

–  CDC has organised multiple workshops to help with

career planning and higher studies options for the students.

–  Mr. Gagan Arora, an IIM-Ahemdabad alumnus, has led multiple sessions on the summer internship and placement prep process including personality, interview skills and CV building.

–  Further, sessions on careers in HR (Prof. Nimbudri) and Options and planning for pursuing MBA courses in India and Abroad have also been conducted.

– Further, the college has tied up with EEMA (Event & Entertainment Management Association) to conduct sessions on careers in Event Management and talks are also underway to procure placement opportunities

though the aegis of EEMA as well.


The IQAC coordinator summarised at the end and the meeting ended with thanks to all present.
