E-mail submission guidelines

Issued By: Nodal Officer, Examination

E-mail submission guidelines

1. Please read the attached notification for clarity on duration of examination. All previously shared timelines stand null and void.

2. There is a change in time duration. Please ensure that you submit scripts via email only after 3+1 hour duration and  must attach the portal submission failed snap shots (4-5 attempts), during the 3+1 hour duration through your OBE registered email only to obedecember2020@sscbsdu.ac.in

3. Submission by both email and portal will not be accepted.

4. Please note that email submission will cause delay in result declaration as it happened during OBE-I.

5. All PwBD (Physically Disabled) students are hereby informed that they can submit the answer scripts by OBE portal or by email at pwdanswerscripts@exam1.du.ac.in ONLY one mode of submission will be accepted.

6. Students should mention course name, paper code and roll no in the subject line.

7. It may be noted that e-mails sent by the students prior to completion of 4 hours shall not be accepted and the same is required to be resent by the students after 4 hours along with 4-5 snap shots of failed submission at different times.

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