Hon’ble guests, worthy colleagues and dear students; it is a matter of proud privilege for me to present the 29th Annual Report of Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, 2015-16. I would like to extend a warm welcome to our Chief Guest, Sh. Manish Sisodia (Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister, Govt. of NCT of Delhi) and our Guest of Honour, Smt. Punya Salila Srivastava (Secretary, Higher Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi) on this day. I also extend a warm welcome to the esteemed Chairman of the College Governing Body, Sh. Pankaj Vohra.



Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies (SSCBS) is one of the premier institutions of the University of Delhi, imparting path-breaking education in the fields of Management and Information Technology. It was established in August 1987 by the Delhi Administration on the initiation of UGC and the Ministry of Human Resources.


At present, the college offers three full time graduate courses leading to the award of Bachelor of Business Studies, Bachelor of Business Administration (Financial Investment Analysis) and B.Sc. (H) Computer Science. The college is also running one batch, currently in 3rd year of Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) in Computer Science degree program, admitted under FYUP in 2013-14.


The college emphasizes on an interactive mode of education. The teaching methodology is interactive & innovative. It is designed to stimulate inquiring minds and provide significant exposure to the realities of business processes and challenges. Industry interaction is achieved through guest lectures, industrial tours, industry based project work and summer training.


The strength of the college lies in its highly qualified faculty having industrial experience, dynamic students, supportive non-teaching staff and an enterprising and encouraging governing body.



A strong infrastructure base is imperative for providing a learning environment of an international standard. We have taken some concrete steps in this direction. The college has well-equipped Audio-visual rooms and a Conference room. Individually, each classroom is also equipped with LCD projector.


The college has 3 generators of 82.5 KVA, 75 KVA and 62 KVA capacities to ensure un-interrupted power supply. The college also has a 35 seater bus to be used by students for industrial visits and inter-college students’ activities. Further, sports room and other sports facilities are available to provide opportunity to students to play indoor games.


During the year the following purchases were made to improve the infrastructure facilities:

  • 51 Chairs and 3 Tables worth ₹ 6,28,253/- were purchased from the APC fund.
  • 1 Refrigerator worth ₹ 1,49,002/- was purchased from the APC fund.


The efforts of the purchase committee are appreciated.

(List of purchase committee members is enclosed in Annexure 35)


New Campus

We are poised to shift to a new multi-storied campus in Rohini, Delhi very soon. Spread over 5 acres, our new campus incorporates all the latest amenities and facilities including hostels, auditoriums, amphitheatre, sports facilities (indoor and outdoor), a yoga room, a large library area, staff accommodation, central air-conditioning and much more. Designed keeping current environmental concepts such as water harvesting, energy efficiency and environment friendly building standards in mind, this campus would herald a bold and exciting new phase for SSCBS.


The construction of the building is proceeding apace and we are hopeful of being able to start the new academic session from our own campus.


College Website

The college website provides a platform for students to view their attendance at the end of each month and their internal assessment at the end of each semester. The college has made available previous year question papers to students with the help of a question bank setup on the website. The website is updated constantly with the help of the website committee and system network administrator. The college has made a constant effort to make website informative and also made sure that website is used as a platform to promote various activities and achievements of our students and faculty.

The efforts of the website committee and Mr. Varun Kumar Kushwaha (Systems and Network Administrator) are appreciated for creating the new website for the college.



  • Incubation Centre:

Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies has been selected by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi for setting up an Incubation Centre for promoting Entrepreneurship. It is one of the 6 Delhi based institutions and the only undergraduate college chosen. The college has been given an initial grant of Rs 1.5 Crore by the Govt. The amount was handed over to the Principal by the Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minster of Delhi, Sh. Manish Sisodia at distribution ceremony in the Delhi Secretariat on 07 March, 2016. Students from the Entrepreneurship Society of the college (Yuva) also represented the college and shared their experiences with their own start-ups. The college aims utilise these funds to promote entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ventures among the students of the college and beyond in an inclusive and beneficial manner.


  • College Motto:

The staff council of the college has accepted and approved the motto of the college as विचारः परमम ज्ञानम (Vicharah Paramh Gyanam) with the aim of strengthening the connect that the students have with the college and provide more direction to the efforts of the college towards higher achievements.



The library adds new titles in its collection on regular basis which as of now, holds 19,780 titles.  In addition, the library subscribes to 51 magazines and journals of national and international repute and 13 national and business newspapers.  The library made purchases in the field of business communication, computer science, economics, finance, human resource management, marketing and other related areas during the year to enhance the knowledge of the students by exposing them to a greater variety of books and periodicals on their respective subject.


Apart from the print resources, teaching and research is also supported by accessing the large number of electronic resources i.e. Electronic Journals, Reports, and Case Studies through Delhi University Library Network which includes 02 Federated/Common Search Engines namely JCCC and Knimbus, 12 Reference & Citation Sources, 07 Bibliographic Sources, 02 Citation Analysis Resources namely, Scopus and Web of Science and other full text databases in the field of Management Studies and Computer Science etc.


Moreover, the library has an Institutional membership of Developing Library Network (DELNET) and its databases are accessible through worldwide web using the web address http://delnet.nic.in followed by N-LIST (National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content) provides access to E-books and E-journals.


Most importantly, all our college library activities have been automated using the complete modern Web-based Open Source Solution i.e. KOHA, Internationally renowned Integrated Library Management System. We are one of the first few college libraries of University of Delhi which has shifted from from LIBTEK DOS based library system to KOHA Open Source Library Management Software. Koha was introduced in May 2014. The basic objective of the KOHA is meeting the needs of its user base by providing the resources i.e. Books, Journals, Newspapers etc. With the use of KOHA software, Electronic resources i.e. Research Papers, Articles etc. of our college faculty members have been processed and put exclusively under the Research Publications category of  interactive library catalogue which is part of the recently created Research Section of our college library.


Students, faculty and staff members can easily check the status of the library resources by accessing the Online Public Access Catalogue and also download the syllabus and question papers through the Library Portal. This catalogue supports advanced search strategies displaying enhanced catalogue.


Library has Hindi Literature books and a separate section of books for Economically Weaker Section Students.


In addition, all the library resources are barcoded and a software has been installed at the check desk for analysing the foot falls of faculty, staff and students visiting the library.



The College has four well equipped computer laboratories and one electronics laboratory with 140 computers and associated infrastructure. The entire college campus is Wi-Fi enabled. The labs are enriched with softwares like SPSS, Mathematica, Oracle, C/C++, Visual C++, Java, Weka, ERP, MS Project and MS Visio and provide both Linux and Windows platforms. Each lab is also equipped with printers. All computer laboratories and classrooms are equipped with LCD projectors to facilitate teaching and presentations.


Lab 1 Faculty-in-Charge – Ms. Kavita Kapur

Lab 2 Faculty-in-Charge – Dr. Ajay Jaiswal

Lab 3 Faculty-in-Charge – Dr. Shikha Gupta

Lab 4 Faculty-in-Charge – Dr. Amrina Kausar

Lab 5 Faculty-in-Charge – Ms. Sonika Thakral



  • Kavita Rastogi, Associate Professor with the Department of Computer Science, has been nominated as an Anti – Discriminatory Officer.
  • Onkar Singh, Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer Science, has been nominated as the Liaison Officer (SC/ ST).
  • The tenure of Dr. Ajay Jaiswal, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science as Bursar has been extended for another year w.e.f. January 17, 2016.
  • The tenure of Ms. Kishori Ravishankar, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Studies as the ‘Principal Information Officer’ (PIO) has been extended for another year.
  • The tenure of and Mr. Surender Jairath, Administrative Officer as ‘Assistant Principal Information Officer’ (APIO) has been extended for another yearcontinue for this year.



The college has recently applied for accreditation from esteemed national bodies, AICTE and NAAC. These accreditations would help the college gain better standing in terms of its academic and student activities.


  • AICTE: (All India Council for Technical Education)

The AICTE accreditation process was initiated in 2015 for the B.Tech. (Computer Science) program. AICTE team has visited the college campus and approved the B.Tech. (Computer Science) course to run in the same premises/campus in the field of technical education.

  • NAAC: (National Assessment and Accreditation Council)

The NAAC peer team visited the college campus during 27-29 January 2016. The college Accredited with a CGPA of 3.16 on a four point scale at A Grade valid for a period of five years from 19/02/2016. The original certificate of accrediatation with the quality profile is awaited.  The efforts of the NAAC Steering Committee are appreciated.

(List of NAAC Committee members is enclosed in Annexure 36)



The college now has 35 permanent and 1 ad-hoc faculty members. In addition to these, there are 12 guest faculty members associated with the Department of Management Studies and 31 guest faculty members associated with the Department of Computer Science.


  1. Shalini Prakash, Associate Professor, availed Child Care Leave w.e.f. w.e.f. January 5, 2016 to January 26, 2016 and from January 30, 2016 to January 15, 2017.
  2. Sonika Thakral, Assistant Professor, availed Child Care Leave w.e.f. January 5, 2016 to January 26, 2016 and from January 30, 2016 to April 25, 2016.
  3. Shikha Gupta, Assistant Professor, availed Child Care Leave w.e.f. August 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015.
  4. Neetu Yadav, Assistant Professor resigned w.e.f. November 16, 2015 (A.N.).



The college has 36 permanent and 10 contractual non-teaching staff working in the administration, library, computer laboratories and the placement cell.


  1. Ajitabh Saxena joined as S.O. Accounts on regular basis w.e.f. June 11, 2015 (F.N.).
  2. Uttam Singh joined as Jr. Assistant on contractual basis w.e.f. July 2, 2015 to January 1, 2016 and from January 5, 2016 for a period of six months.
  3. Laxmi joined as Jr. Assistant on contractual basis w.e.f. August 27, 2015 to September 29, 2015 and from October 1, 2015 for a period of six months.
  4. Champa Negi joined as Jr. Assistant on contractual basis w.e.f. September 29, 2015 to March 28, 2016 and from March 30, 2016 for a period of six months.
  5. Bharti Misra joined as Jr. Library and Information Assistant on contractual basis w.e.f. May 12, 2015 to September 29, 2015 and from October 1, 2015 for a period of six months.
  6. Varun Bhardwaj joined as Office Attendant on contractual basis May 12, 2015 to September 29, 2015 and from October 1, 2015 for a period of six months.
  7. Hamendra Kumar joined as Sr. Technical Assistant on contractual basis w.e.f. July 10, 2015 to January 9, 2016 and from January 12, 2016 for a period of six months.
  8. Deepak Kumar Patel joined as Lab. Attendant on contractual basis w.e.f. July 3, 2015 to January 2, 2016 and from January 5, 2016 for a period of six months.
  9. Sunny joined as Lab. Attendant on contractual basis w.e.f. July 2, 2015 to January 1, 2016 and from January 5, 2016 for a period of six months.
  10. Varun Kumar Kushwaha joined as System & Network Administrator on contractual basis w.e.f. June 1, 2015 to November 30, 2015 and from December 2, 2015 for a period of six months.
  11. Manika Kaushik joined as Placement Officer on contractual basis w.e.f. August 7, 2015 to February 6, 2016 and from February 9, 2016 to April 30, 2016.
  12. Archna Panday, Lab. Attendant, availed Child Care Leave w.e.f. September 14, 2015 to October 9, 2015 and from January 5, 2016 to January 25, 2015.
  13. Harbhajan Singh, Driver retired on January 29, 2016 (30th and 31st being Saturday and Sunday respectively).


(List of the governing body members, teaching and non-teaching staff is enclosed in Annexure-1)



The Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Humanities (FASSH) conducted the Joint Entrance Test 2015 for admission to Bachelor of Management Studies (BBS) and Bachelor of Financial and Investment Analysis (BFIA) programs under the CBCS umbrella. The selection criteria comprised of eliminative objective type multiple choice written test, group discussions, personal interviews and weightage for performance in Class XII. The entrance exam for the BMS and BBA(FIA) courses was held on June 26, 2015.  

During the year 2015-16, 196 students were admitted to the BMS and 69 students were admitted to the BBA(FIA) programs.


The admission to B.Sc. (H) Computer Science program is based on Class XII performance of the candidates. 57 students were admitted to the B.Sc. (H) Computer Science program.



The College follows a continuous system of evaluating the student’s performance through a system of tests, assignments, projects and presentations marked for internal assessment purposes followed by the University conducted semester-end examinations to ensure that high academic standards are maintained. The system enables the students to acquire considerable in-depth knowledge in different fields of their chosen discipline.


Bachelor of Business Studies

  • 189 students appeared for the exams.
  • 178 students were awarded the BBS degree.
  • 165 students secured 1st
  • 13 students secured 2nd

__________, with _____% marks secured 1st position in the University, is being awarded the Dr. S.S. Gulshan, Founder Principal’s Gold Medal.

__________, with ______% marks secured the 1st position in BBS (2014-15) 1st year.


Bachelor of Financial and Investment Analysis

  • 66 students appeared for the exams.
  • 61 students were awarded BFIA degree.
  • 54 students were placed in 1st
  • 07 students were placed in 2nd

___________, with _____% marks secured 1st position in the University and  is being awarded the Gold Medal.

___________, with ______% marks secured 1st position in BFIA 2nd year.


Bachelor of Management Studies

________, with   _____% marks secured 1st position in BMS 2nd year and is being awarded the Shri Sultan Chand Memorial Endowment.


B.Sc. (H) Computer Science

  • 31 students appeared for the exams.
  • 30 students were awarded B.Sc. (H) degree.
  • 30 students were placed in 1st

_________ with ______% marks secured 1st position in B.Sc. (H) Computer Science 2nd  year is being awarded a gold medal.

_________ with ______% marks secured 1st position in B.Sc. (H) Computer Science 1st year.


B.Tech. Computer Science

_____________, with _____% marks secured 1st position in B.Tech. Computer Science 2nd year.


     (List of complete result is enclosed in Annexure-2)



KPMG has provided a Scholarship grant of ₹ 4,00,000/- for students from economically weaker sections of the society on a need-cum-merit basis. 67 students in total were selected for this scholarship program.


(List of KPMG Scholarship Recipients is enclosed in Annexure-3)


Fee Waivers

Two students have been provided fee waivers by the college.

  1. Ginny Jaswal (B.Tech. Comp. Sc.) = ₹ 5,025/-
  2. Aarush Verma (B.Sc. (H) Comp. Sc.)             = ₹ 20,020/-



Faculty Awards

The Government of NCT Delhi, Directorate of higher Education has instituted an award for College lecturers, for all Delhi Government funded colleges. The award is based on exhaustive criteria of Student Evaluation (40%), Self-Appraisal (10%), Result Evaluation (30%) and Evaluation by Principal (20%). Based on the criteria those faculty members whose score is 70% and higher are eligible for the award. Dr. Kumar Bijoy, Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science was awarded the ‘Best Teacher Award’ by Delhi Government for 2015-2016.


Dr. Poonam Verma, Principal

  • Member of the Nodal Advisory Body for the UGC proposal for introduction of e-governance in the University system. She has been nominated by the Vice Chancellor, University Of Delhi, vide letter dt. Nov 1, 2014.
  • Nominated by the UGC as a Chairperson of the Expert Committee to evaluate the performance and academic attainments for the extension of autonomous status of Chhatrapati Shahu Institute of Business Education & Research (CSIBER).
  • Member of the committee constituted by the Vice Chancellor, University Of Delhi, to propose change in nomenclature of Bachelor of Business Studies to Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Financial Control to M.Com (Finance Control).
  • Member of the expert committee constituted by UGC to assess the proposals received under the schemes of Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc.) and Community Colleges (CC).
  • Member of the Advisory Council of Centre for Education Growth and Research (CEGR).
  • Delivered a lecture on Effective Leadership at the 78th Orientation course for University Teachers organised by UGC-ASC, CPDHE, University of Delhi, held on November 26, 2014.
  • Chaired National Conference on Higher Education – Way Ahead on Novermber 18, 2014, organised by Council of Centre for Education, Growth and Research.
  • Attended HT Leadership Summit 2014 (November 21-22).


Department of Management Studies


Dr. Sanjay Kumar Goyal, Associate Professor

  • Trainings Attended:
    1. Attended one day Faculty Development Program on ‘Computerised Accounting System using Tally.ERP 9’ at Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (06 August 2015)
    2. Attended six day Faculty Development Program on ‘Excel Applications’ at Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies (17-22 August 2015)
    3. Attended one day Workshop on ‘Ind-AS / IFRS’ at Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies (12 October 2015)
  • Convener/Coordinator of College Committees:
    1. IQAC (NAAC)
    2. Admission Committee for admissions to BMS and BBA (FIA) Programs
    3. Anti-Ragging / Disciplinary Committee
    4. Teachers’ Grievance Committee
  • Member of College Committees:
    1. NAAC Core Committee / Steering Committee
    2. Grievance Redressal Committee
    3. Internal Complaint Committee
  • Co-Principal Investigator in the following Innovation Project Sponsored by the University of Delhi – SSCBS-303 (Project Raahat)


Dr. Preeti Rajpal Singh, Associate Professor

  • Participated in the National Management Convention organised by AIMA
  • Participated in the National Leadership Conclave organised by AIMA, 3-4 March, 2016.
  • Member of Innovation Project: SSCBS 302 (2015-16) – Shramdaan for Skilling India
  • Invited as resource person/guest faculty for Statistical Analysis for the PhD program at National Institute of Fashion Technology (Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India)


Dr. Hamendra Kumar Porwal, Associate Professor

  • Participated in the workshop on “Corporate Valuation and Financial Forecasting” conducted in College  on 9/11/2015
  • Participated in the workshop on “Ind – AS / IFRS” organised by College on 12/10/2015
  • Paper presentation on “Comparative Study of Income Computation and Disclosure Standards vs. GAAP and Ind-AS” by Co-author in UGC sponsored National Conference on Emerging Issues in International Trade and Finance in Post Recession Period” organized by Department of Management Studies of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (University of Delhi) held on 22-23 February, 2016.
  • Member Innovation Project 2015-2016 for Project Code: SSCBS 302 – Shram Daan for Skilling India: Harnessing Youth Power for Development.
  • Convenor for NAAC Accreditation Process
  • Convener – PF Committee
  • Member – Anti Ragging Committee
  • Member – Grievance Redressal cell
  • Member – Disciplinary Committee
  • Member – Complain committee


Dr. Rohini Singh, Associate Professor

  • Principal Investigator in DU Innovation Project: SSCBS 302 – Shram Daan for Skilling India: Harnessing Youth Power for Development.
  • Coordinated first time submission of SSCBS data for NIRF.
  • Attended a one day seminar on “Women’s safety in Public Spaces” organised by the University school of Architecture and Planning, GGSIPU on 22 March 2016.
  • Was invited by MBE department in November 2015 and took two guest lectures on SPSS for post graduate students.


Dr. Anuja Mathur, Associate Professor

  • Principal Investigator for the University of Delhi Innovation Project: SSCBS 303 – Project Raahat
  • Nominated as an expert for recruitment of teacher in the area of Business Studies at Vasant Valley School, New Delhi (March 2016)
  • Participated in the National Management Convention organized by AIMA
  • Member of IQAC
  • Member of Committee for NAAC Accreditation process


Mr. Neeraj Kumar Sehrawat, Assistant Professor

  • Publications
  1. K Sehrawat, Amit Kumar, Asha Rani, Pranav Jain, “Assessment of leading indicators to evaluate country vulnerability evidence from 2008-09 global finance crises.” Research Express, Vol 2, issue7, pg. 151-167, 2015. ISSN 2395-3756.
  2. K Sehrawat, Amit Kumar, Asha Rani, “Impact of corporate governance on firm value.” Social Science Reporter, Vol 5, issue1, Pg. 120-139, 2015 ISSN 2231-0789.
  3. K Sehrawat, Amit Kumar, Asha Rani, Manish Chaudhary, “Corporate Sickness: Cash flow ratios as indicators”. The Thematics Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol 4, issue 4, pg56-68, 2014, ISSN 2231-4881.
  4. K Sehrawat, Amit Kumar, Asha Rani, Divya Gupta, “Impact of product diversification strategy on financial performance: An Empirical evaluation in the Indian context.” Bulletin of Indian Society and Culture, Vol 12, Issue 6, Pg. 82-96, 2015, ISSN 2395-3748.
  5. Amit Kumar, N.K Sehrawat, Asha Rani, Myanak Sharma, “Cause and effects relationship between financial inclusion and economic growth: An empirical study”. Research Arena, Vol 2, Issue 10, Pg. 77-88, 2015, ISSN 2320-6263.
  6. K Sehrawat, Amit Kumar, Asha Rani, “A comparative study of Altman z-score and credit rating for predicting a company’s failure performance” Research Express, Vol 2, issue 6, Pg. 7-17, 2015, ISSN 2395-3756.
  • Working Research Papers
    • “Quantify the impact of corporate governance disclosure on share price accuracy: An empirical study.”
    • “Financial and Non-financial variables in predicting bankruptcy of small business organizations.”
    • “Fair value in financial statement after financial crisis: An Empirical study.”
  • Paper presented and Accepted in Conferences
  1. Presented paper titled “Are we nearing Dot.com bubble 2.0?” An Empirical Investigation.” in 5th India Finance Conference (2015) jointly organized by IIMA, B& C at IIM Calcutta.
  2. Presented a paper titled “Predicting the financial crises of the companies based upon cash flow statement: An innovative approach” at 5th India Finance Conference (2015) jointly organized by IIMA, B& C at IIM Calcutta.
  3. Research paper titled “Predicting Bankruptcy of Companies based upon Cash Flow Statement :An Innovative Approach.” accepted in world finance conference organised by Havard Business Scool, World Bank, IMF, Federal Reserve Bank of USA at New York from 29-31 July 2016.
  4. Completed 28 days Orientation Programme at UGC- Human Development Centre, Kurukhustra University Kurukshetra from 28 Nov-25 Dec 2015 with ‘A’ grade.
  • Contribution to Industrial Development
    • Provide consultancy to KG Management Advisors LLP, B-1223, Main Market, Shashtri Nagar, Delhi-110052 for converting the financial statements of corporates into IFRS format from the local GAAP of the countries. Provide inputs to the KG Management Advisors LLP on outcome of his empirical research in this area.
  • Seminar/Workshop/FDP/Guest Lectures Organised
    • Workshop on Excel (Basic to Advanced) for students and FDP for faculty (17-21 August, 2015).
    • Organised a Guest lecture on “Environment and Disaster Management” for the students (Sept 2015).
    • Organised a Seminar on “IFRS / Ind-As” for faculty and students (12 Oct 2015).
    • Organised a Seminar on “Corporate Valuation and Financial forecasting” for faculty and students (10 Nov 2015).
    • Organised a Workshop on “MS Office Tripod” for students (7-8 Nov, 2015).
    • Organised a Workshop on Excel (Basic to Advanced) for students (27-29 Jan, 2016).
    • Organised a Seminar on “Entrepreneurship” for students delivered by Anmol Ahlawat and Nakul Khanna, Founder of Instago (7 Jan 2016).
  • Collaborative Courses
    • Started a short term vocational course on Integrated Financial Modelling and Financial Econometricsin association with BSE Institute Ltd., an Arm of leading stock exchange “BSE”. (Oct, 2015).
  • Innovation Research Project Undertaken
    • Working on Innovation Research project titledQuantify the Impact of IFRS Adoption on corporate reporting practices in India: An Empirical Investigation Funded by University of Delhi with Rs. 5 Lacks (2015-16).


Ms. Kishori Ravi Shankar, Assistant Professor

  • Completed orientation course from Jamia Millia Islamia from 3rd Nov to 3rd Dec. 2015.


Dr. Kumar Bijoy, Assistant Professor

  • Attended Refresher Program on Women’s Studies (ID) at CPDHE, DU, 02-22 Dec, 2015


Dr. Rishi Rajan Sahay, Assistant Professor

  • Member of Innovation Project, Project code: 304 – Sustainable Business Strategies: A study of select Indian Enterprises
  • Conference attended:
    • Recent Advances in Optimization Theory & Applications (RAOTA) held at University of Delhi during January 30 – 31, 2016.
  • Refresher course:
    • Attended refresher course in Mathematical sciences held at CPDHE, University of Delhi during 26 Nov to 16 Dec. 2015
  • Member of the learned bodies
    • Life member of Indian Mathematical Society (IMS).
    • Life member of Working Group on Generalized Convexity.
    • Life member of Ramanujan Mathematical Society (RMS).


Dr. Amrina Kausar, Assistant Professor

  • Attended a Faculty Development Programme on Advanced Excel held at Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies from 17-22 August, 2015
  • Attended a Refresher course in Mathematical Science held at CPDHE, University of Delhi from 26 Nov-16 Dec, 2015.
  • Attended an International conference on Recent Advances in Optimization theory and applications held at University of Delhi from 30-31 January, 2016.


Mr. Ramesh Kumar Barpa, Assistant Professor

  • Attended 68th All India Commerce Conference 2015 and presented paper on “Social Media Marketing: Opportunities and Challenges” organised by Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh, held from 6-8 November, 2015.
  • Attended Orientation Programme at CPDHE, University of Delhi from 17 Nov to 15 Dec, 2015
  • Attended One-week Orientation Programme on Social Science Research Methodology during 22-27 February 2016 at Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), New Delhi.
  • Publication Chapter in edited book:
    • Sustainable marketing: Ecological Issues”Contemporary Issues in Marketing“, ISBN: 978-81-8220-775-2, Global Vision Publishing House, New Delhi.
  • Workshop/FDP attended:
    • FDP and Student Workshop on Digital Marketing in SSCBS, 5-10 October, 2015
    • Student workshop on Excel (Basic to Advanced) in SSCBS, 27-29 Jan, 2016
    • FDP on Digital Marketing in SSCBS, 5-10 October, 2015


Dr. Mona Verma, Assistant Professor

  • Attended and presented a paper in International conference on “Recent Advances in Optimization Theory and Applications” on 30-31 Jan, 2016.
  • Attended Refresher Program on Mathematical Sciences held from 26 Nov-16 Dec, 2015 organized by CPDHE, University of Delhi.
  • Attended one day workshop on “ Gender Sensitization & Implementation of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act,2013)” organized by Women’s Studies and Development Centre in collaboration with Internal Complaints Committee, University of Delhi held on 03 Nov,2015.
  • Attended one day training program organized by the Directorate of Training, Union Territories Civil Services, Delhi on 09 Oct, 2015.


Ms. Madhu Totla, Assistant Professor

  • Attended a 2 day National Seminar on “Changing Business and Economic Environment in India: Vision 2020”. 26 -27 February, 2016.
  • Presented Paper “Taxation in E-retail: A Challenge in Global Scenario” at National Seminar on “Changing Business and Economic Environment in India: Vision 2020”. 26 -27 February, 2016
  • Training Programs Attended
    • Attended workshop on “IFRS” held at SSCBS
    • Attended FDP on “Digital Marketing” 5-10 October, 2015.
    • Attended FDP on “Advanced Excel” 17-22 August, 2015.
  • Workshops Organised:
    • FDP and student workshop on “Digital Marketing” from 5-10 Oct, 2015.
    • Student workshop on “Soft Skill development” on 20 Oct. 2015.
    • Student workshop on “Advance Excel” 27-29 Jan, 2016.


Dr. Nidhi Kesari, Assistant Professor

  • Published the paper:
    1. Bhatt, S., and Kesari N. (2015). Leadership Dichotomy: Women are more Efficacious in Working with Diverse People. International Journal of Indian Psychology, Vol. III, Issue I, pp. 78-85. ISSN 2348-5396.
  • Seminars/Workshops Attended
    1. Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Excel Applications” held at SSCBS from 17-22 August, 2015.
    2. Attended International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Doctoral Research, BHU University; Varanasi, in August, 2015.
  1. Attended ‘Leadership in Higher Education Programme: A Practical Approach’ in June, 2015 in Oxford, UK.
  2. Attended Higher Education Technology Conference (HETC 2015) on Academic Leadership with Focus on Research in February 2015 at Hotel Leela Ambience, Gurgaon organized by Ed Tech Review.
  • Seminars/Workshops Organised
    1. Organised workshop on Six Sigma in the college from 26-31 October, 2015.
  1. Organising Secretary in International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Doctoral Research in August, 2015 in BHU University, Varanasi.
  • Member in Global Networks of Doctorates (An International network of academicians with highest university degree namely Ph.D., D.Lit., D.Sc.)
  • Executive Secretary in Global Academy of Doctorates (An International body of doctorates)
  • Principal Investigator for Innovation Project: SSCBS 304 – Sustainable Business Strategies: A Study of Select Indian Enterprises


Ms. Paridhi Saini, Assistant Professor

  • Attended workshop on “Corporate Valuation and Financial Forecasting” held at SSCBS in the month of November, 2015.
  • Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Digital Marketing” held at SSCBS in the month of October, 2015.


Dr. Sushmita, Assistant Professor

  • Publications:
  1. Sushmita, “Internal Migration in India: Opportunities and Challenges”, Tatvanveshan, ISSN 2319-5827, March – September, 2015- Dr. Sushmita, “Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act: A Review”, International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Management, ISSN 2395-0692, Volume 01, No.7, July 2015
  2. Sushmita, Mohd. Rumman & Harshit Bajaj “ Decoding the Oil Price Crisis – 2014”, International Journal of Resarch in Commerce Economics and Management, ISSN 2231-4245,Volume No.5 (2015), ISSUE No. 09,September 2015
  3. Sushmita, “Conceptualising Smart City Concept with Sustainable Economic Development”, International Journal of Trade & Global Business Perspectives; ISSN: 2319-9059 (print) ISSN: 2319-9067 (online), impact factor-2015: 6.533, 2014: 5.912, 2013: 5.017, 2012: 3.946
  • Courses:
  1. Participated in UGC Sponsored Orientation Programme “OR-80”, May 25 – June 20, 2015. Organized by CPDHE, University of Delhi, Delhi.
  2. Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Excel Appications”, August 17 –22, 2015. Organized by Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, Delhi.
  • Seminars:
  1. Participated in ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on “Poverty and Inequality in India: Challenges and Possibilities (With Special Reference to Eastern Uttar Pradesh”, October 10-11, 2015. Organized by Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi.
  2. Participated in Workshop on “IND-AS/IFRS”, October 12, 2015. Organized by Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, Delhi
  3. Participated in Workshop on “Corporate Valuation and Financial Forecasting”, November 10, 2015. Organized by Shaheed  Sukhdev College of Business Studies, Delhi
  • Membership of committees:
  1. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance
  2. Affiliate Fellow, Developing Countries Research Center, University of Delhi


Mr. Tushar Marwaha, Assistant Professor

  • Organised a joint debate competition on February 23, 2016 with Jagannath International Management School, Kalkaji via the Debating Society of the college.
  • Convenor of Convergence, 2015 – the Annual Leadership Summit of the college (03-04 November, 2015.
  • Attended a Faculty Development Programme on Digital Marketing held at Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies from 5-10 October, 2015.
  • Attended a Faculty Development Programme on Advanced Excel held at Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies from 17-22 August, 2015.


Mr. Narander Kumar Nigam, Assistant Professor

  • Publications:
  1. “Perception of Maggi Noodles Amongst Delhi Residents: Before and After Controversy”-Narander Kumar Nigam, Saumya Jain and Dr. Purushottam Arya, IOSR Journal in Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), , Issn : 2278-487x,Vol 18,Issue 2, feb 2016 Pp 159-166, Impact Factor: 1.458
  2. ‘Personal investment: From Riskier to Risk-Free’ Accepted in Dec 2015 by CPDHE, UNIVERSITY OF DELHI awaiting publication. (ISBN NO: 9789385503207  ; Title of the Book , “Nation Building Through Higher Education”  , New Delhi Publication, Delhi)
  3. Paper on “Perception of Branded Noodles amongst Delhi residents: Before & After Maggi controversy accepted by RAMANUJAN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND RESEARCH, Journal of Ramanujan College, D.U and awaiting publication.
  4. Behaviour and Determinants of Implied Volatility in Indian Market, accepted in Feb 2016 by Journal of Advances in Management Research (IIT Delhi) awaiting publication
  • Seminars/FDP’s/Workshops Organised:
  1. Organized workshop on Excel (Basic to Advanced) for Students (Aug 2015)
  2. Organized workshop on Ind-AS for Faculty and Students (Oct 2015)
  3. Corporate Valuation & Financial Forecasting for Faculty and Students (Nov 2015)
  4. Organized workshop on Ms Office Tripod for Students (Nov 2015)
  5. Organized workshop on Excel (Basic to Advanced) for Students (Jan 2016)
  6. Organised a session on ‘Environment & Disaster management’ in Sep 2015
  • Training Programs Attended
    • Attended Faculty development program in South Campus, University of Delhi 2015
    • Attended Faculty development program in SSCBS 2015 on EXCEL (Basic to Advance)
  • Conferences Participated
    1. Repersented SSCBS in South Korea BY PRESENTING PAPER in “Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives at South Korea” Topic- Behaviour of Implied Volatility in Indian Market: An Empirical Study of Implied Volatility in India: Aug 24-25, 2015
    2. Represented SSCBS in IIM CALCUTTA by presenting paper in “India Finance Conference 2015 at IIM Calcutta” ‘’ Topic-Predicting The Financial Crisis of the Companies Based Upon Cash Flows Statements ‘’ at: Dec 16-19, 2015
  • Completed 28 days Orientation Course in CPDHE, University of Delhi (17 Nov TO Dec 2015) with ‘A’ grade
  • Coordinator of ‘IFMFE’: First batch


Dr. Abhishek Tandon, Assistant Professor

  • Publications:
  1. “Mis-selling’: the stumbling block for Insurance industry” in portal http://www.bharatniti.in/ (Apr 09, 2015 01:17 AM).
  2. “LIC struggles to stay at number one” in portal http://www.bharatniti.in/ (Apr 25, 2015 12:29 PM).
  • Attended Orientation Program at CPDHE, DU, Nov-Dec 2015


Mr. Amit Kumar, Assistant Professor

  • Required


Ms. Neha Rajput, Assistant Professor

  • Participated in UGC sponsored orientation programme (OR-82) organized by UGC-HRDC for professional development in higher education from Nov 17,2015 to Dec 15, 2015 and secured grade ‘A’
  • Presented a research paper titled ‘E-CRM: A strategy for retaining customers in the age of e-commerce’ , in 68th All India Commerce Conference 2015, organized under Indian Commerce Association, by University Department of Commerce and Business Management, Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh.
  • Attended National Safety Convention 2015, on the theme ‘Incorporating Safety in Habitats and Smart Cities’ organized by The Institution of Engineers (India) from September 3-5, 2015 as invitee delegate, in capacity of management Expert to the organizing Committee. Coordinated with HR activities of the organizing team of this convention.
  • Attended Present Around the World (PATW) competition 2015, organized by Institute of Engineering and Technology (United Kingdom), in capacity of Judge. The subject event is an international presentation competition annually organized by IET (UK).
  • Judged presentation competition organized by Young Professional (YP) section of IET on September 06, 2015.the subject event is Northern Regional Level Presentation Competition.
  • Delivered key note address on ‘Relevance of Leadership’, on February 06, 2016 at Delhi Technical University in seminar themed on Engineering: the Gateway for Sustainable Development.
  • Attended AIMA’s 2nd Leadership Conclave on the theme ‘Breaking Through: Making India a Creative Superpower’, from March 03-04, 2016.
  • FDP and workshop organized and attended on Digital Marketing, for six days (5-10 October, 2015).


Mr. Raj Kumar, Assistant Professor

  • Attended Orientation Program, CPDHE, University of Delhi. (17 Nov to 16 Dec, 2015)
  • Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Excel Applications” held at SSCBS, 17-22 August, 2015.
  • Attended workshop on “Gender Sensitization & Implementation on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013, 03 November 2015 at University of Delhi.
  • Attended workshop on “Designing, transacting, Accessing and Delivering MOOCs with Moodle Platform” at SSCBS, 24 November 2015.
  • Attended workshop on “New Indian Accounting Standards issued by ICA” at SSCBS, 12 October 2015.
  • Attended workshop on “Corporate Valuation and Financial Forecasting” at SSCBS, 10 November 2015.
  • Publication:
    • Higher Education System in India: Current Status, Challenges and targets, ISBN: 9789385503191, “Dimensions of Higher Education”, New Delhi Publishers, Delhi


Ms. Saumya Jain, Assistant Professor

  • Published the papers:
  1. “Perception of Maggi Noodles Amongst Delhi Residents: Before and After Controversy”-Narander Kumar Nigam, Saumya Jain and Dr. Purushottam Arya, IOSR Journal in Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), , Issn : 2278-487X,Vol 18,Issue 2, Feb 2016 Pp 159-166, Impact Factor: 1.458
  2. ‘Tax Planning For Salaried Individuals : Utilising Section 80C’ Accepted in Dec 2015 by CPDHE, UNIVERSITY OF DELHI awaiting publication. (ISBN NO: 9789385503207  ; Title of the Book , “Nation Building Through Higher Education”  , New Delhi Publication, Delhi)
  3. Paper on “Perception of Branded Noodles amongst Delhi residents: Before & After Maggi controversy accepted by RAMANUJAN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND RESEARCH, Journal of Ramanujan College, D.U ( Accepted, waiting publication)
  • Trainings Attended:
  1. Attended Faculty Development Programme in SOUTH CAMPUS organised jointly by Ramanujan College and Indian Accounting Association in June 2015
  2. Attended Faculty development program in SSCBS on EXCEL (Basic to advanced) (17-22 Aug, 2015)
  3. Completed 28 days Orientation Course in CPDHE, DU (17 Nov to 16 Dec, 2015)
  4. Attended Faculty Development Programme on Excel (Basic to Advanced) for Students (16 to 21 Aug 2015)
  5. Attended workshop on Ind-AS for Faculty and Students (Oct, 2015)
  6. Attended workshop on Corporate Valuation & Financial Forecasting (Nov 2015)
  • Workshops Organised:
  1. Organized workshop on Excel (Basic to Advanced) for Students (16 to 21 Aug 2015)
  2. Organsied Faculty Development Programme on Excel (Basic to Advanced ) (Aug 16 to 22 Aug, 2015)
  3. Organized workshop on Ind-AS for Faculty and Students (Oct, 2015)
  4. Organized workshop on Personality Development (Oct, 2015)
  5. Organised workshop on Corporate Valuation & Financial Forecasting for Faculty and Students (Nov 2015)
  6. Organized workshop on Ms Office Tripod for Students (Nov 2015)
  7. Organized workshop on Excel (Basic to Advanced) for Students (Jan 2016)
  8. Organised workshop on E-Views & SPSS for students ( 14th & 15th Jan 2016)
  • Organised a session on ‘Environment & Disaster management’ addressed by Mr. Shashi Pratap, Assistant Commandant, Indo Tibetan Border Police Force in Sep 2015
  • Team Member of Innovation Project Code SSCBS 307


Dr. Gurjeet Kaur, Assistant Professor

  • Team Member of Innovation Project SSCBS-305 (Web Based Automation for the Self Assessment of an Educational Institute)


Department of Computer Science


Dr. Anamika Gupta, Assistant Professor

  • Selected as an editor in International Journal of Data Analysis, Techniques and Strategies, Inderscience Publications
  • Reviewed several research papers of reputed journals
  • Chaired the Session of National Conference on Advancements in Electronics and Computer Applications” NCAECA-2016 on Feb 4-5, 2016 organised by Department of Computer Science and Department of Electronics at Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, University of Delhi.
  • Coordinated in-house project “Automation of time table, monthly attendance and internal assessment”
  • Coordinated in-house project “Web Based Student’s Feedback”
  • Coordinated in-house project “Uploading of Previous Years Question Papers on College Web Site”
  • Principal Investigator in the Innovation Project SSCBS-305 titled “Web Based Automation for Self Assessment of an Academic Institution”
  • Organized a talk on “Management Opportunities for an IT Professional” by Malvika Gaur, Google Play Analytics, Google, Hyderabad
  • Coordinated in-house web-based projects of the students.


Dr. Ajay Jaiswal, Assistant Professor

  • Required


Ms. Shikha Gupta, Assistant Professor

  • Published the paer:
  1. Gupta, B. Khatri, T. Gupta and N. Kumar, “Modified partition integration method for community detection in multidimensional social networks,” Natural Computation (ICNC), 2015 11th International Conference on, Zhangjiajie, 2015, pp. 1188-1195.
  • Membership: ACM


Dr. Sameer Anand, Assistant Professor

  • Required



Ms. Sonika Thakral, Assistant Professor

  • Required



Mr. Onkar Singh, Assistant Professor

  • I have attended Orientation Course in CPDHE, University of Delhi, from May 26, 2015 to June 20, 2015.
  • I have attended Refresher Course in Mathematical Science in CPDHE, University of Delhi, from November 26, 2015 to December 16, 2015.



University of Delhi

The college was assigned four Innovation Projects. The list of projects, faculty and mentor is given below:

  1. SSCBS-301

Title: Quantifying the impact of corporate operations on Environment

Duration: August 2015 to August 2016

Mentor: Prof Sanjay Sehgal, Department of Financial Studies, University of Delhi (South Campus)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Kumar Bijoy

Team Members (Faculty): Dr. Sushmita, Mr. Onkar Singh

Team Members (Students): Aakash Singla (BMS3FA), Partth Mahajan (BMS3FC), Moksh Garg (BMS3FD), Nitish Dewan (BMS3FC), Jashan Gupta (BMS3FB), Karan Sharma (BBS2B), Samridhi Singhal (BFIA2B), Kriti Bansal (BBS2C), Harshul Jain (BBS2B), Sukriti Jain (BBS2E).

  1. SSCBS-302

Title: Shram Daan for Skilling India: harnessing youth power for development

Principal Investigator: Dr. Rohini Singh

Team Members (Faculty): Dr. H.K. Porwal, Dr. Preeti Rajpal Singh.

Team Members (Students): Alvin Divyank Lakra, Anubha Sagar, Anushka Negi, Pranav Mittal, Harshit Bajaj, Mohd. Rumman, Dhanishtha Anand, Sukriti Goel Parmeet Sethi, Aditya Kohli, Paras Mahajan, Prerna Bhatia

  1. SSCBS-303

Title: Project Raahat

Duration: August 2015 to August 2016

Mentor: Mr. K.K. Sharma, Executive Engineer, DUSIB

Principal Investigator: Dr. Anuja Mathur

Team Members (Faculty): Dr S.K.Goyal and Dr. Sameer Anand

Team Members (Students): Aniruddh Gupta (BBS 2), Naman Bansal (BBS 2), Nikhil Garg (BBS 2), Sunidhi Sebait (BBS 2), Vani Kapoor (BMS 1), Garima Goel (BMS 1), Abhishek Arora (BMS 1), Akshay Raheja (BMS 1), Dhruv Gupta (BMS 1), Suryansh Agarwal (BMS 1)

  1. SSCBS-304

Title: Sustainable Business Strategies: A Study of Select Indian Enterprises

Duration: August, 2015 to July, 2016.

Mentor: Prof. Sushil, Professor, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.

Principal Investigator: Dr. Nidhi Kesari.

Team Members (Faculty): Dr. Rishi Rajan Sahay and Mrs. Kishori Ravi Shankar.

Team Members (Students): Rhea Khurana, Satpreet Singh, Puran Rathore, Saachi Rawat, Vibhor Goel, Vartika Agarwal, Shreya Khandelwal, Shubham Swaroop, Tanvi Binani, Tanishka.

  1. SSCBS-305

Title: Web Based Automation for the Self Assessment of an Educational Institute

Duration: September 2015 to August 2016

Mentor: Dr. Naveen Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Delhi

Principal Investigator: Dr. Anamika Gupta

Team Members (Faculty): Dr. Poonam Verma, Dr. Gurjeet Kaur

Team Members (Students): Lakshay Bhambri (BTech 3A), Himanshu Rohilla (BTech 3B), Hittu Garg (BTech 3B), Aditya Gupta (BTech 3A), Aseem Upadhay (BTech 3A), Rohit Chauhan (BTech 3A), Harshita Arora (BTech 3A), Aarti Sharma (BTech 3C), Karan (B.Sc.(H) Comp Sc 2nd yr), Arush (B.Sc.(H) Comp Sc 2nd yr)

  1. SSCBS-306

Title: E-waste management: A social responsibility towards sustainability

Duration: September, 2015 to March, 2016.

Mentor: Col. R Johri, ME (Environmental Engineering), Senior Fellow and Organising Secretary, IWF, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

Principal Investigator: Mr. Ramesh Kumar

Team Members (Faculty): Ms Neha Rajput and Mr. Abhimanyu Verma.

Team Members (Students): Anuraag Gupta (BBS 2nd Year), Kanika Budhiraja (BMS 1st

Year), Priya Sharma (BMS 3rd Year), Priyanka Goyal (BMS 3rd Year), Samarth Wahi (BBS

2nd Year), Sanat Kumar Sahu (BBS 2nd Year), Shubham Tomar (BMS 3rd Year), Sugandha

Priya (BMS 3rd Year), Swati Kumawat (BMS 3rd Year), Vikrant Kadian (BMS 3rd Year)

  1. SSCBS-307

Title: Financial Literacy among Indian Youth: A Study of University of Delhi’s Students.

Duration: Aug, 2015 -present

Mentor: Prof C.P. Gupta, Ex-Dean, Faculty of Commerce & Business Studies, DU.

Principal Investigator: Mr. Narander Kumar Nigam.

Team Members (Faculty): Ms. Saumya Jain and Mr. Raj Kumar.

Team Members (Students): Alok Chandan (BMS 3GB), Charvi Gupta (BMS 3FA), Falak Kathuria (BFIA 2A), Gurpreet Kaur Chugh (BMS3FB), Harnav Juneja (BMS3FB) Madhujot Madan (BMS3FB), Neelaksh Arora (BMS 3 FB), Rajit Uboweja (BMS3FC), Saadhika Chawla (BMS3FC), Sarthak Kumar (BMS3FC)

  1. SSCBS-308

Title: “Quantify the impact of IFRS adoption on Corporate Reporting Practices in India: An Empirical Investigation.”

Mentor:  C.A Kamal Garg and Mayank Jain

Principal Investigator: Mr. Neeraj Kumar Sehrawat.

Team Members (Faculty): CA Madhu Totla, Dr. Abhishek Tandon

Team Members (Students): Anant Gupta(BFIA), Ayan Pandey (BFIA), Mansimar (BFIA), Ritvik Gupta (BFIA), Divyam Aggarwal (BMS), Kamakshi (BMS), Pankhuri (BMS), Shreya Bansal (BMS), Debasish (BMS)


In-house Projects

Students have undertaken a number of in-house web-based projects under the guidance of Dr. Anamika Gupta. The team is maintaining and customizing the projects since last 2 years.

These projects enable the smooth functioning of the student centric administrative activities of the college. These include:

  1. Web-based Time Table Management System (Displays the class-wise time table as day-wise and teacher-wise time table on-demand).
  2. Web-based Attendance and Waivers Management System (The faculty can enter the attendance details online and the students can see their attendance in their respective login-ids).
  3. Web-based Internal Assessment Management System (Facillitates internal assessment record management and enables the students to viw their scores in their respective login-ids).
  4. Web-based Feedback System (Students provide feedback through the online system. Compiled feedback is sent as a report to individual authorities).
  5. Web-Site for display of Question Papers of previous years (A web site has been developed to display previous years question papers for all the courses in the college).

(List of Student Team Members is enclosed in Annexure-4)




Ms. Deepti Khatri, Librarian

  • Participated in a workshop on “Information Literacy & Competency: Training the Trainers organized by Delhi University Library System, University of Delhi from 16th July 2015 to 17th July 2015.
  • Participated and presented a paper in the National Conference of the Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science (IATLIS) on the theme “Hundred Years of LIS Educaiton and Library Services in South Asia: Perceptions and Directions” jointly organized by the IATLIS and the A.C. Joshi Library, Panjab University, Chandigarh from 20th November 2015 to 21st November 2015.
  • Participated and presented a paper entitled Ópen Access Repositories Worldwide in the Field of Business and Ecnomics: An Informative Study’ in the 61st ILA International Conference on “Sustaining the Excellence: Transorming Libraries through Technology, Innovation and Value Added Services in Google ERA”jointly organized by Indian Library Assocation (ILA) & Saurashtra University Library, Saurashtra University, Rajkot from 12th March 2016 to 15th March 2016.


Mr. Surender Kumar Jairath, Administrative Officer 

  • Attended a training programme on ‘Leadership and Motivation’ organized by the Directorate of Training, Union Territories Civil Services, Delhi on 8th October 2015.
  • Attended a training programme on ‘Noting Drafting and Office Procedure’ organized by the Directorate of Training, Union Territories Civil Services, Delhi from 14th December 2015 to 15th December 2015.
  • Attended a training programme on ‘Pay Fixation’ organized by the Directorate of Training, Union Territories Civil Services, Delhi from 21st December 2015 to 22nd December 2015.


Mr. Ajitabh Saxena, Section Officer 

  • Attended a training programme on ‘Procurement Process’ organized by the Directorate of Training, Union Territories Civil Services, Delhi from 7th October 2015 to 8th October 2015.


Mr. Surender Kumar Dagar, Assistant

  • Attended a training programme on ‘Noting Drafting and Office Procedure’ organized by the Directorate of Training, Union Territories Civil Services, Delhi from 14th December 2015 to 15th December 2015.
  • Attended a training programme on ‘Pay Fixation’ organized by the Directorate of Training, Union Territories Civil Services, Delhi from 21st December 2015 to 22nd December 2015.
  • Attended a training programme on ‘CCS (CCA) Rules and Conduct Rules’ organized by the Directorate of Training, Union Territories Civil Services, Delhi from 28th December 2015 to 29th December 2015.



The college has instituted the Best All-Round Student Award. Each year the award is given to a student who has not only been an exceptional academic performer but has also made contributions to the college through initiatives in organizing and participating in college activities. These are students who have brought laurels to the college by winning a number of inter college events and exhibiting the true spirit of SSCBS – mature, committed, creative and willing and capable of bringing in change.


The recipient of the Best All-Round Student Award for the year 2015-16 is – ____________. She has consistently shown excellent performance in academics as well as extracurricular activities. 


Padmashree Dinesh Nandini Ramkrishna Dalmia Foundation has instituted an award for the Most Promising Student Entrepreneur. This year the award is being given to _____________ for showcasing extraordinary entrepreneurial skills.


This year, the college has instituted a special award, Bravehearts, to recognise the efforts put in by differently-abled students in attending and participating in the college. ___________ has been awarded the same.


Student contributions to the college include their efforts towards the two flagship events of the college. This year, __________ and __________ for Convergence and _____________ and ______________ for Crescendo are being recognised for their contributions to these events.


POSCO Scholarship, POSCO TJ Park Foundation is given by the University of Delhi. This year, _____________ has been awarded the same.


SOCIETY AWARDS (from Deepti)

The college emphasizes on learning both within the environment of a classroom as well as giving opportunities to students to explore their potential in various fields. The college thus boasts of myriad societies in the area of dramatics, music, dance, social initiatives, finance, economics, marketing etc. These contribute to the overall learning and development of the students.

The society awards are being given to appreciate and recognize the exemplary contributions of students towards their societies. This year the following students are receiving awards.

Name of Society

Name of Student(s)


Saksham Verma-BMS3FD

Career Development Center



Shubham Verma-BMS3FD, Rishabh Singhania- BMS3FC



Debating Society

Ritwik Mallik-BMS3GB, Varun Sharma-BMS3FD


Chestha Sarin-BMS3FA


Latika Gupta-BMS3M, Sonali Verma-BMS3M


Not nominating

Editorial Board

Aakriti Agarwal-BMS3M, Gaurav Singh-BMS3M


Ankur Ahlawat-BMS3M, Kshitij Purswani-BMS3FB


Ananya Chopra-BMS3FA, Akshay Bansal-BMS3FA

Fourth Wall



Suman Raj-BMS3FD, Rishabh Jain-BMS3FC


Satya Mathur-BMS3M, Shanav Kakkar-BMS3FD


Parmeet Singh Sethi-BMS3FD, Prateek Chotrani-BMS3FC


Kanishka Gautam-BMS3FB




Vartika Agarwal-BMS-3FD, Vibhor Goel-BMS3FD


Divij Kashyap-BMS 3FA, Pragya Khera-BMS 3FC




Aastha Singh-BMS3M, Akanksha Verma-BMS3FA

Phi Beta Kappa



Kanika Jain-BMS3M




Atishay Jain-BMS3M, Rayaan Jaitly-BMS3GB

Other Societies

Pls Mention and Provide Student Details



Round the year the students participate in several national and international level and inter-college events and win laurels for the college by winning prizes at various cultural and business competitions.

(List of Student Achievements is enclosed in Annexure-5)


Entrepreneurial Ventures

  1. Contacgrow founded in 2014 is a student run body formed with the sole aim and objective of helping students’ realise their aptitude and potential through corporate interactions and based on the same carve out their career path in an area of their interest.
  2. Contyxt founded in 2014 enables one to network with people sharing common interests and context and have meaningful conversations.
  3. De founded in 2014 is a one stop for discounts across various food outlets. With a distinct mechanism of an online currency called ‘Discoin’, it seeks to create an ecosystem of discounts for foodies, and thus change the way discounts work.



The college has a placement cell to help fulfil the students’ aspirations. The cell maintains a computerized database of companies that recruit management and IT graduates and ensures that students get placements commensurate with their abilities and aspirations.


Final Placements

The fact that CBS doesn’t believe in a one-size-fits-all policy is evident in its placement process, where companies from as many as fifteen sectors, including consulting, insurance, knowledge services, real estate, media, investment banking, PR, IT, shipping, and financial services recruit students who are offered a diverse mix of profiles that included strategic consulting associate, business analyst, equity and other research oriented positions.


The 2014-15 placements season saw 158 offers that were made to 214 students from 61 companies, wherein the highest package stood at Rs 10 lakhs p.a. offered by DE Shaw while the average package stood at Rs 5.5 lakhs p.a. The profiles offered constituted those of strategic consulting associate, business analyst, equity and research oriented positions. Our recruiters included Nomura, UBS Verity, McKinsey, DE Shaw, Bain & Co., CBRE, Ernst & Young, Baring PE, Akosha, Zomato, McGladrey, KPMG and The Smart Cube. UBS Verity and Bain & Co. were amongst our largest recruiters with 13 and 8 offers respectively, whereas Bain & Co. and DE Shaw offered the highest packages.


The current placement (2015-16) season started in September 2015 and there have been 153 offers so far from coveted recruiters like Bain Capability Centre, HCL, McKinsey Knowledge Center, Nomura, Verity, KPMG, CBRE, The Smart Cube, i3C, Nearbuy etc. The highest package has been in excess of 12 lakhs p.a. offered by Reckitt Benckiser and the average so far stands at ₹ 6.2 lakhs p.a. Though we are still awaiting the final numbers, CBS is on the verge of reaching record breaking offers yet again.


Summer Internships

The college has summer internships as part of the course curriculum, providing corporate exposure and learning and helping to enrich the theoretical classroom learning of the students.

Summer internships were undertaken at leading companies like Alamak, B9 Beverages, Inshorts, M&C Saatchi, Nearbuy, Sberbank, Teach for India, Willis Towers Watson and others.

In 2015-16, companies such as Knight Frank, Sutra, Sharekhan came to the college campus for recuiting interns.


The efforts of the placement officer, Ms. Manika Kaushik are highly appreciated.

 (List of CDC members is enclosed in Annexure-6)


Value-added Courses

In addition to the curriculum, the college has taken initiative for enhancing the skills of the students. Numerous talks, lectures and interactions have been organized in various guises to help the students develop a better understanding of the business world and entrepreneurship related concepts. The resource persons for these special lectures have been drawn from various professional/business institutions to help hone the skills of the students.



Our Alumni are an important part of the SSCBS family. They are our brand ambassadors, our alter ego, our connect with the corporate world and a reflection on SSCBS as an institution.

It is with, perhaps, a bit of justifiable pride that we look at our alumni and feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment when we look at the amazing levels of success that they have achieved after leaving the college.

Their success is not only visible in the corporate and/or academic spheres, but in the visibility of the country as a whole.

In order to connect better with our alumni and to foster their continued association with the college; the college regularly conducts alumni meets.

However, this year, we played host to a special alumni meet. The Silver Jubilee of the second batch of the college (1988-1991) was celebrated with a get together of alumni, students and staff arranged at the college premises.

Alumni Meet: Silver Jubilee – Batch of 1991 (BBS)

In the summer of 1991, CBS bade farewell to its first batch of students, starting out a succession of students who would go on to achieve great heights in their chosen professions.

Sanjeev Murgai as CEO of Dent Aids, Nara Ramakrishnan as VP of Semtech, Rajiv Sethi from Radius Consulting lead the list of illustrious SSCBS alumni from this batch. Students from this batch have reached great heights in their chosen professions, with many of them successfully placed in senior managerial positions in reputed multi-national companies.

Twenty five years hence, it is with fond memories that the college welcomed back its second batch of students. Coming from different professions and different locations, they brought with them their memories of time spent at SSCBS when they came to the college on March 28, 2016.

Tinged with nostalgia, happy memories and a genuine regard for the institution they had graduated from, these “students” become students for a day, re-living their memories as they took a walk around the campus, interacted with the teachers who had taught them and good naturedly behaved like students once again.

The teachers and the administrative staff honoured the alumni who were in the college during their period, bringing for them mementoes that reflected upon the love and admiration that the faculty had in their hearts.

Lunch, photography sessions and lot of happy interactions marked the event for both the alumni and the teachers.




Good research skills and knowledge of industry are a pre­requisite for any student who wants to get a good job or admission into a top­league B­School. The entire concept of the Knowledge and Research Cell (KRC) has been designed keeping in mind the industry expectations and giving maximum learning exposure to students. The cell provides guidance in research related activities of the students.


Projects undertaken:

  1. Employability Skills – “Getting the best job is a matter of focussed strategy. Make sure luck is not the strategy you rely upon.”

For this project the students conducted a research that brings to the fore the collective techniques that can enable a student to bag the best placements. These include the art of designing resumes, excelling in group discussions, cracking guesstimates and a host of other techniques that act as prerequisites to obtaining your dream job.

  1. Launching a Pan DU Website – This website aims to act as a platform where students across DU get to know about various industries, the economy and the fundamentals that govern it, strategies and innovations in the market and learn from the knowledge and experience of the best professionals from the industry. Students are also encouraged to share their experiences and research over this platform that fosters holistc growth and learning.


Collaborative Courses

This year 41 students completed the NCCMP (NSE Certified Capital Markets Professional) course. The participants of the course were from colleges of the University of Delhi, MBAs and CAs. The students were awarded certification in Capital Market Dealer Module.

The efforts of the Faculty Coordinator, Mr. Amit Kumar are highly appreciated.


Special Lectures/Seminars/ Workshops Conducted by College

The college is actively involved in conducting special lectures/workshops/seminars/ that are aimed at capacity building in terms of research and imbibing research culture among the faculty members. The details of a few such programs held in the college are as follows:

  1. Seminar on Corporate Governance and Fraud Investigation.
  • Duration: one day (September 11, 2014).
  • Collaboration: Serious Fraud Investigation Office, Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
  • Highlights: J.K. Teotia, Director, Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SHO), Ministry of Corporate Affairs, delivered a lecture highlighting the Satyam Scandal. He emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in the working of a company and how Corporate Governance can be strengthened in the country.
  • Organizer: Mr. Neeraj Sehrawat.
  1. Seminar on Web Application Penetration Testing.
  • Duration: one day (October 10, 2014).
  • Collaboration: Mr. Karthik Verma, lecturer and examiner for the National Security Database Empanelment Programs.
  • Highlights: Talk on “Combating the threat of growing Cyber-Naxalism” by Sh. Alok Vijayant, Director of Cyber Security Operations, National Technical Research Organization, Government of India.
  • Organizer: Dr. Anamika Gupta.
  1. Workshop on Android Applications.
  • Duration: eight days (September 13, 2014 to September 20, 2014).
  • Collaboration: NIIT Technologies.
  • Highlights: Training on developing mobile applications by experts from NIIT.
  • Organizer: Dr. Anamika Gupta.
  1. Talk on Ux Design.
  • Date: April 12, 2014.
  • Speaker: Mr. Ankur Sardana, Design Manager, Samsung.
  • Organizer: Dr. Anamika Gupta.


FDP’s organised by the College

  • FDP on Financial Econometrics.

Duration: six days (October 6 to October 11, 2014).

Highlights: Prof. C.P. Gupta, Dr. C.S. Sharma and Dr. Pankaj Sinha conducted sessions to help the participants hone and grasp the complexities of modern research tehniques. 

Organizing Committee: Mr. Neeraj Sehrawat, Mr. Narander Kumar Nigam and Mr. Amit Kumar.




UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI-2015)

The college participated in the UK-India Education and the Research Initiative (UKIERI), an initiative of University of Delhi. As a part of the initiative students from United Kingdom Universities, such as London School of Economics, University of Edinburgh, Kings College, University College London and University of Manchester among others, visited the college. This year 48 students from UK Universities visited the college on August 27 to August 29, 2015.


The visiting students were exposed to the teaching pedagogy and class room environment. They attended a workshop on dramatics and street play and participated in an information technology quiz. The college societies like Kriti (creative society), Verve (street play society), Dhwani (music society) and Blitz (Dance society) showcased their performances for the visitors. The UK students keenly participated and joined in the dance performances and in rangoli making. 


A visit to Dilli Haat at INA Market, Delhi was arranged for them. This exposed them to Indian culture and handicrafts. The UK Students showed keen interest in the handicrafts and were excited about carrying souvenirs back home.

The UK students also visited the production centre of Project Akshar (social initiative project of the college) at Maidan Garhi, Delhi. The students interacted with the beneficiaries of the project- drug rehabilitation and human trafficking victims. They showed their support for the cause by buying Akshar notebook made of recycled paper, the proceeds of which go to the rehabilitated victims. 


Subsequently as part of the UKIERI – SIP (Study India Program) two students of the college will be visiting the United Kingdom in June 2015. They are likely to visit Oxford University, London School of Economics, Oxford Brookes University and House of Parliament amongst others. 


The efforts of the coordinator are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Anuja Mathur



On October 18 2014, the students of SSCBS visited Hindon River, so as to measure and analyse the level of water pollution in Delhi. The trip was organised on recommendation of Delhi University, as a part of the environmental studies subject.

Three teachers from SSCBS and two research scholars from the Deptt. of Geography, University of Delhi also accompanied the first-year students. The river presented a case of apathy and ignorance that prevailed in Delhi with respect to conservation and protection of natural resources. By analysing the level of pollution that the river had, they learnt that the water in the river was unfit for even washing and bathing, let alone drinking.

The students collected a few samples from the place so as to further analyse it. A project on the topic was also submitted by each student to summarise what they had learnt. The project covered areas like: water pollution, river bed erosion, lack of empathy for nature etc.


Faculty coordinator for out-station trips: Dr. Anuja Mathur



College Orientation

The college organized an orientation session to introduce the new batch of students admitted to the college in July 2014.The orientation session was organized on July 21, 2015 at the Conference Centre, University of Delhi, North Campus.

 A video presentation introduced the students to life at SSCBS. The film was prepared by the photography and filmmaking society of college.

The students were introduced to the members of the administration and staff and the functioning of the college and its courses, projects and facilities, namely the library and the computer lab. A student from each course – BBS, BFIA, BMS, B.Tech. and B.Sc. described the course structure and learning to the nw students. Each society, through presentations and videos, discussed its structure, purpose and working, highlighting its achievements, campaigns and events over the years.

Some seniors, teachers, and members of the college alumni moved on to explain some policies and rules of the college and address the FAQs of the new students.

Faculty Coordinators: Ms. Kavita Rastogi, Dr. Sameer Anand.


Freshers Welcome

The college followed its tradition of welcoming the freshers by hosting a Freshers welcome for them in August 2015. The theme was ‘Bollywood Retro’. The freshers showcased their talent in various fields and were able to impress one and all. Mr. and Ms. Freshers was organised by HT City at the event. Mr. Fresher was awarded to Arjun Gurung of BMS IA and Ms. Freshers to Pulkita Sharma of BMS IC. It was a fun filled day as freshers happily mingled with seniors as well as teachers to make SSCBS their new home for the next three years.

 Faculty Coordinators: Ms. Kavita Rastogi and Dr. Sameer Anand.

(List of student team members is enclosed in Annexure 7)


Convergence – The Annual National Corporate Convention

Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, University of Delhi organised a two day convention on 3rd and 4th November, 2015 Convergence’15-The Annual Leadership Summit, at Sardar Vallabhai Patel Chest Institute Auditorium. Learned people with immense knowledge and experience in their respective fields were cordially invited to enlighten the students on various issues and topics of significance. This two day convention provided new vistas for learning those things which are necessary but are not a part of the syllabus. The theme for the event was “India Unleashed-The Leap Forward”. “Sight is about what lies in front of us. Vision is what lies ahead” goes the old adage.


Late Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, India’s scientist-President whose ultimate dream was to see India as a knowledge super power, was and continues to be an inspiration for people across all ages.This year, Convergence’15 was held in his honour, where tribute was paid to one of the greatest and most inspirational souls to have touched the lives of Indians in so many ways and ignited their minds, giving fire to their wings.


On 3rd November, Sh. Manish Sisodia, Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, the Chief Guest, told the audience that the primary characteristic of a great leader is that he is proactive. He ended his discourse by telling the audience that fear is something that has to be removed, it is the greatest obstacle and we all should become fearless in our heart, mind and soul and victory will not be far away.


Sessions like Intelligent Investing, Branding Yourself, Talking Bans, The Noble Business and Digital India, were conducted.

The many eminent personalities such as Ankur Warikoo, CEO and Founder, Nearbuy (Groupon), Sanjay Jain, Director-Taj Capital Partners Pvt Limited, Harish Mehta, Senior General Manager-Dhanuka Industries, Sudhir Chaudhary, Business Head and Editor-Zee News, Sidharth Sinha, Founder, Uddeshya , Ravi Kalra, Founder, Earth Saviours, Nirupama Soundarajan, Senior fellow and Head of Research, Pahle India Foundation, Abhishek Asthana, Twitter Personality and Brand Manager-Reckitt Benckiser and Khurafati Nitin, Radio Jockey enlightened the young audience.


Mr. Ankur Warikoo gave the audience valuable lessons for life. He said that the worst thing in life is to take orders without questioning them. We must think rationally and we should not follow anyone or do anything blindly. Mr. Sudhir Chaudhary told the audience that in today’s time, there exists an ocean of information and much of it is contaminated by the providers so that they can serve their own selfish interests. Hence, we must be careful while drinking each and every drop from this huge ocean. He said that nowadays, religion and politics go hand-in-hand, something which should not be happening.  He concluded by saying that we should have opinions, but they should be based on true and reliable facts. Mr. Sanjay Jain and Ms. Nirupama Soundarajan taught the audience that investing can provide a multitude of opportunities to mint money. However, it is necessary to have all the necessary tools before actually diving into this huge ocean of investing. The Noble Business was a very emotional session in which the speakers shared the miseries that most of the people face in this world and hence made the audience realise that how fortunate they are. The Digital India session highlighted the importance of the fact said that whatever business is started, it should be able to solve the needs of the society, and this will be the key to its success. The event was a successful endeavour by the student organisers of the event with the support from their faculty members. This event fortuitously connected people, bred innovation and sparked change.The efforts of the faculty coordinators are highly appreciated.


Faculty Coordinators: Mr. Tushar Marwaha, Ms. Deepti Khatri, Mr. Amit Kumar

(List of student team members is enclosed in Annexure-8)


Crescendo – The College Festival

The annual cultural fest of SSCBS – Crescendo was held on March 17 and March 18, 2016. The festival was an amalgamation of academic events organized by various societies of the college and cultural events that have traditionally been a part of the festival. The fest saw huge participation from students of various colleges.

A plethora of competitions testing the participants  intellectual and creative acumen were spread over two days in the form of quizzes, art competitions, battle of bands, scavenger hunt, dance competitions etc. The highlight of the first day was: Poker, Football shootouts, Zumba, Octaves etc. In the evening Bollywood Actor Manjot Singh came for promotion of his upcoming movie. Later, the Fashion Show, Vistas saw participation from various colleges using the platform to promote the theme of women empowerment which was greatly appreciated by the judges and audiences alike. The first day ended with performance of internationally acclaimed DJ, Michael Prado which was greatly lauded by students and the faculty alike.

The second day witnessed a variety of academic competitions by various societies of the college. The festival culminated with performance by Sahil Ahuja and Sanyam Khetarpal who enthralled the audience with their marvelous performance. The Prom Night marked a spectacular ending to a great event.

The efforts of the coordinators and volunteers are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr.Anuja Mathur, Dr. Nidhi Kesari

In addition, the efforts of the Faculty Members: Dr. Amrina Kausar and Mr. Amit Kumar are appreciated.

(List of student team members is enclosed in Annexure-9)



Among the many things that sets SSCBS apart, the college societies and the involvement of students in extracurricular activities is ranked very high. With over twenty societies, CBS offers an avenue for almost every area of interest.


Blitz – The Dance Society

Blitz, the dance society of the college is a forum, which brings together all kinds of dance forms both Indian and Western together. This year the society participated in more than 30 dance competitions (group, solo and duet) organised by various colleges like Bits Pilani , IIT Kanpur , Hindu Colege, Sri Venkateshwara etc and won competitions at University College of Medical Sciences , Rukmani Devi College of Advanced Studies , SGGSCC , Zakir Hussain . Blitz also participated in the Delhi Dance Fever (DDF) competition organised by Delhi Dance Circuit Organisation. The society also organised ENCORE’16, a dance competition as a part of Annual Cultural fest of our college – Crescendo.

The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Ms. Neha Rajput and Mr. Abhimanyu Verma

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-10)


Communiqué – The Promotion Cell

Communiqué, as the Promotion Cell of SSCBS manages how outsiders perceive “Brand CBS”. This 29 year-old college, which is a blend of talent and smarts, is shining brighter each passing year. It is our job to ensure that this light reaches anyone who can be a part of the best under-grad management institution in India.

For nearly a decade now, Prodigy is being organised to bring together the most vibrant and enthusiastic young minds in the field of corporate affairs. It aims to impart awareness about management to school students by conducting an array of business games to help them explore their aptitude in the field. Four editions of the event have seen participation from across the country and next year, we’ll be hosting the 10th edition.

Apart from the event, Communiqué conducts the admission campaign of the college each year. The college received nearly 25,000 applications in 2015 and this year, the number is going to be much higher. Through our campaign we inform potential CBSites about all formalities and requirements to go through the admission process and guide them for the JAT and the GDPI rounds too.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Abhishek Tandon and Ms. Kavita Kapur.

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-11)


Darkroom – The Photography Society

The Darkroom, is a society that aims to capture and appreciate the aesthetic excellence & artistic magnificence this world has to offer. Over the last 3 years, The Darkroom has broadened its ambit from photography to visual arts i.e. graphic designing and filmmaking. The society is devoted to building a better and stronger social structure, encouraging creativity and imaginativeness in the field of visual arts via various activities. It has set up exhibitions, organise photo-walks at various locations, held graphic designing workshops, and is also engaged in making short-films regularly. It has also organized several online and offline photography contests in the annual college fest (Crescendo), such as Contre Jour and Revelation. Darkroom organised the Photography Exhibition at Crescendo ’15. The society has organised Selfie Day that set a national record for maximum no. of self-expression photos clicked at a place in a day.

It has participated in Cineshorts (Short-Film making competition) and The 48-hour film project.

The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Tarunnum Ahmad and Dr. Anamika Gupta.

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-12)


Debating Society

It is this thirst to learn more about issues that impact our lives in intricate ways that we may not directly understand yet, that drives every member of the Debating Society. Merely learning an idea, however, does not satisfy us, as we critically apply our minds to test the validity of each idea through passionate debate. It is in the pursuit of this great endeavour that we come across Raghuram Rajan and his revolutionary ideas, or the evolving situation in the Middle East. From understanding feminism and sexuality to the ethics of robotics, we cover a broad spectrum of subjects. As a team, the society has achieved respect and reputation in the debating circuit by not only qualifying but also excelling in the knockout rounds of tournaments that attract the best debaters from institutions across the country.

Balancing this passion with the fast-paced environment of a business studies college, 2015 witnessed the first ever CBS Parliamentary Debate, a successful national level tournament. We have conceptualised unique formats for our college students to involve them in the art of debating, executed as a part of the Renaissance Debating Festival, and for our flagship event, Perorate, during the cultural festival of the college, Crescendo.

The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Rishi Rajan Sahay and Mr. Tushar Marwaha

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-13)


Delhi University Model United Nations (DUMUN)

In its six years of existence, DUMUN has hosted over 1600 delegates and 120 Executive Board members, including an International presentation at WEMUN Expo China, making it India’s largest conference of its kind.

The society organised the Delhi University Model United Nations at VP Chest Auditorium, University of Delhi on April 3 to April 5, 2015 and will be organizing its sixth edition on April 7 to April 9, 2016 at Conference Centre, North Campus, DU.

The SSCBS DUMUN team has participated in various MUN’s and Rounit Soni, a team member won Best Delegate at SRCC-MUN, DDUC-MUN, IHMUN and Cross MUN. Rithish Kumar won Best Delegate at IIT Delhi and second prize at DSC. Also, Shreya Chawla won Special Mention at SRCC-MUN.

The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Gurjeet Kaur, Ms. Madhu Totla and Mr. Amit Kumar.

(List of student team members is enclosed in Annexure-14)


Dhwani – The Music Society

Dhwani’s musical endeavours encompass a vast range of genre. This year too has been a successful one for Dhwani, with 19 awards won over the course of the year. The students won at events such as western duets, western solo, western group competition of AIIMS, Lady Shri Ram College, St. Stephen’s College, etc. The society also organised Octaves as part of Crescendo ’16.

The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Goyal and Ms. Paridhi.

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-15)


EcoVision – The Economics Society

Ecovision is a consortium of like-minded Economics enthusiasts. The society came to light in the year 2011 and has since indulged in various initiatives and activities; be it the economics fests, the online knowledge sharing campaign-‘demystify’, the weekly blog, corporate projects, and many other unique endeavors. Every year, Ecovision organizes Elumiere-the annual economic pest of SSCBS across Delhi University with unique simulations, testing the acumen of college students. The event involves novel and innovative competitions based on economics and finance.

Elumiere’16 received an overwhelming response and incorporated various simulations namely; 1) Ceteris Paribus which judged the participants’ understanding of the macroeconomic variables affecting a country, 2) the finance simulation, Lock. Stock. Invest. which provided varied choices of business undertakings & perplexing corporate restraints to the financiers, 3) Spacial Resurrection which posed the problem of scarcity to the participants, 4) the Economics & business quiz, “Quidders”, and 5) “Caveat Venditor” in which the participants applied the laws of open market to establish an economy. The efforts of the convener are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinator: Mr. Raj Kumar.

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-16)


Editorial Board

The activities of the board include:

  • Publishing The Quadrangle, the college yearbook which celebrates creativity at SSCBS. It features original contributions by students like articles and illustrations, society reports and other interesting pieces. It also has an entire section dedicated to the graduating batch, alumni, teachers and even the Principal. It is the mirror and true representative of the college.
  • The Book Social is an initiative started by the Editorial Board to promote the idea of community sharing and circulation of good literature within the college. This year, the Editorial Board set up a separate room beside the admin block dedicated to bibliophiles where they can come, exchange their own books with that in the collection for free and enjoy reading peacefully, whilst providing a canvas for the college students to be creative and let their thoughts out in the form of art and writing.
  • Besides these, members of the EdBoard regularly engage in book discussions/reviews, participate in literary competitions across Delhi NCR and try to make full use of their creative prowess in different fields like art, literature and design by associating with different initiatives.
  • The Editorial Board also has an online blog wherein the members publish articles, stories and poems. myquadrangle.wordpress.com

The efforts of the coordinators are appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Rishi Rajan Sahay and Mr. Tushar Marwaha.

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-17)


Enterprenurial Action Us – ENACTUS

Enactus is an international non-profit organization that works with leaders in business and higher education to mobilize university students to make a difference in their communities while developing the skills to become socially responsible business leaders. 

Established in January 2009, Enactus chapter of Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies (SSCBS) was started to help those most in need, based on fundamentals of entrepreneurship.

Enactus SSCBS has a three-fold objective of economic, social and environmental betterment. Currently, the society is involved in three outreach programs, Project Akshar, Project Udaan and Project Raahat.

Project Akshar:

Project Akshar provides a sustainable means of livelihood to victims of domestic violence and underprivileged women, who are the main stakeholders in the project. These individuals who have no source of income and opportunities for social mobility and are stuck in a mundane life. Project Akshar helps them to live their lives independently by offering them a stable income. Project Akshar involves collection of waste paper, which is recycled into usable sheets, for the purpose of manufacturing premium quality notebooks. Project Akshar helps them to live their lives independently by offering them a stable income. Also, for every three notebooks sold, one is donated to a child in need.

Project Udaan:

Project Udaan aims to promote digital literacy in the rural  landscape by setting up sustainable computer centres. The project runs these centres with assistance from women entrepreneurs, who are trained in computers and qualitative aspects of teaching thereby working towards their empowerment. Having established a partnership with the middle school of the area, we have integrated our computer course into their syllabus. The entrepreneur will also provide services such as ticket booking, online banking, photocopies and so on.

Project Raahat:

Project Raahat aims to provide safe sanitation facilities to slum dwellers in Delhi/NCR by innovatively utilising the existing infrastructure of community toilets, ensuring efficient maintenance via community mobilization, create sensitization on good sanitation practices and eradicate open defecation. We have partnered with Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board (DUSIB), who shall authorize the construction of a toilet complex in the area, and give authority for maintenance and operations; which is to be done by Enactus.  Raahat also aims to change the way the maintenance bodies (NGOs) handle the operations and maintenance of toilet complexes through proper training and consultation.

The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinator:   Dr. Anuja Mathur

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-18)


FinX – The Finance Society

FinX is a group of financial enthusiasts who have a very simple and clear motto- to spread across passion for finance and financial literacy. The team undertakes numerous financial projects in an effort to continuously increase their knowledge base. Being one of the oldest societies in the college with a 24 year long legacy, FinX has a very strong and illustrious alumni network. The society conducts FinWiz- the Annual Finance Fest of SSCBS which receives great appreciation from the participants every year.
This year FinX has launched SPRINT- A micro article series on some key financial concepts for the students of the college. SPRINT is complimented by PULSE which is a monthly financial magazine. The members of FinX, strive continuously towards improving not just their skill sets, but also of those around them.
Apart from continuously striving for knowledge and opportunities, and trying to realise our goals, FinX has achieved a lot over the years as a contingent at several pan-India events. The members, individually, have also been successful, be it top notch placements from the campus, or admissions in some of the best institutes across the country including IIMs, and wins at numerous college level events. Some of the achievements as a team, followed by achievements as individuals, are given below.

The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinator:  Mr. Neeraj Kumar Sehrawat

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-19)


Fourth Wall – The Dramatics Society

Fourth Wall Productions is the Dramatics Society of SSCBS. It was established in the year 1995 and has since, thrived every year, powered by the vigor of its enthusiastic members. The organization is a culmination of young individuals who are creative, imaginative, expressive and above all revere the art of theatre. We had 3 annual productions this year, Art, by Yasmina Reza, Dirty Hands, by Jean Paul Sartre and Red Sparrow, by Manav Kaul.


Fourth Wall Productions organized Raasa, the Annual Theatre Festival of SSCBS at Akshara Theatre, New Delhi on 15th, 16th, 17th of March 2016. Highlights of the event were a Film Screening of the Cannes Film Festival nominee movie, Titli by CBS Alumni Mr. Kanu Behl, a Lights & Stagecraft Workshop by Mr. R.K. Dhingra and a Script Writing and Theatre Workshop by Mr. Sayeed Alam, the director and founder of Perriot Theatre Group.  Total 9 Stage Plays were performed, 6 of college theatre groups selected through a preliminary round in which more than 30 colleges participated, and 3 of our own annual productions. The festival was judged by Mr. Mrinal Dhar of Behroopiya Entertainers and Ms. Anasuya Vaidya of Akshara Theatre.

Commercial Performances:

The Hindi production, Red Sparrow was Finalist at Mahavidyalya Natya Samaroh, organized by Sahitya Kala Academy, at the Shri Ram Centre for Performing Arts. English production, Art was Finalist at Old World Collegiate Theatre Festival, organized at the Indian Habitat Centre.


A workshop was organized in August’15 for the members of the society, by renowned actor, director, writer Mr. Quasar Thakore Padamsee, the founder of QTP Entertainments. The members attended a theatre workshop on Lights and Sounds, conducted by Mr. Gaurav Sharma.

The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Tarannum Ahmad and Dr. Anamika Gupta.

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-20)


Grandeur – Consulting and Knowledge Cell

Grandeur, The Consulting and Knowledge Cell of SSCBS was established with the aim to develop a strong academic base. We at Grandeur believe in excellence. As the Knowledge Cell of CBS, we aim to disseminate & inculcate knowledge in interdisciplinary fields such as management, economics, law, technology etc. Grandeur has been established to cultivate knowledge in students about interdisciplinary fields by providing them firsthand experience through live projects, research projects and interaction with industry experts. The Society boasts about its unique structure, where in we have a permanent Board of Institutional Partners who provides constant intellectual support and content for our activities. The Advisory Board of the Society consists of Professionals and Industry Experts who perform the dual function of supervising of our work and mentoring programmes for the society members. We have worked on finance projects, sector reports, real estate projects and merger analysis with leading companies like ARC Academia, Yes Bank, Nangia & Co., NNA Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., etc. The society also has leading Bschools like IIM Indore, IIM Lucknow and ISB as its partners.

The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Kumar Bijoy

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-21)


Illuminati – The Quiz Society

The society actively participates in Delhi’s General, Business and Corporate Quizzing circles and at the same time organizes quizzes within the college on a variety of subjects ranging from Sports, Cricket, General, Business, Brands and Marketing, and a Quizzing League covering the length of the academic year, all of it with a unified aim of cultivating a culture of quizzing.

The society has won more competitions representing the college than probably any other college’s quizzing society. There’s hardly an Institute in Delhi where quizzers from Illuminati haven’t done well.

The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Rishi Rajan Sahay and Mr. Tushar Marwaha

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-22)


Kartavya and NSS – The Social Service Society

NSS SSCBS works with the motive to mobilize college students for the betterment of the under-privileged sections of the society. Kartavya, by doing justice to their motto of “service before self”, engages in activities such as cleanliness drive and other constructive solutions to issues in the society. These activities are taken under by 140 NSS volunteers working with team Kartavya on upliftment of the society.

Alongside activities undertaken as part of NSS, Kartavya has taken initiatives in the area of Project Nirvana (stationery collection drive); Wish Tree (wishes of underprivileged children were brought to life and fulfilled); Why So Filthy (repairing walls of nearby public area), Joy of Giving Week (donation drive for Goonj).

The society also organized a three-day event Vivanté – the philanthropy fest of SSCBS in March 2015 that featured blood donation camp, Goonj Book Stall, Neev-plant a sapling, health checkup and health talk with Max healthcare, panel discussion with Animal welfare foundation, Zumba session etc.

 The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators:   Dr. Mona Verma and Dr. Nidhi Kesari

(List of student team members is enclosed in Annexure-23)


Kriti – The Fine Arts Society

KRITI is The Fine Arts Society of SSCBS. It attempts to change the way in which fine arts is seen by the majority. Its main purpose is to provide a platform to the budding artists so that their art can be appreciated. Art is a way of refreshing and rejuvenating one’s mind so that an individual can work on his daily practices in a better way. ALLA PRIMA, which is the annual art event of SSCBS is organized by the society. Competitions such as Rangoli, Doodling, Photography, T-shirt painting, Typography, Best out of Waste are organized under the art fest. 100+ students from various colleges participated ensuring the achievement of society’s objective i.e. spreading art to every individual possible.

The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Tarunnum Ahmad and Dr. Anamika Gupta

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-24)

Kronos – The IT Society

Kronos-The Tech Society of the college organized Sanganak’15 – The Annual Inter-college Technology Festival of SSCBS which was held on March 26 and March 27, 2015. The event was presided over by the esteemed Chief Guest Prof. R. K. Agarwal (JNU).  The two day event presented a plethora of events such as Online events-Manifesto, die back, Codex and offline technical and non-technical events like: Decode, IT quiz, IT Crosswords, Query Master, Geek show off. Manifesto was a Sketching/ Designing Competition and Die back included 4 App based Gaming Challenges. Decode helped enhance and test the knowledge and application of C++ programming language and its efficiency in finding solutions to the given problems. Enmity brought to fore exciting LAN battles for the students with 2 individual battles- Counter Strike and NFS- most wanted.

In addition to above events, IT quiz, IT Crosswords were conducted.  A number of filler events were also used as a means to engage a diverse and wide ranging audience for the event. Fillers engaged the participants in events like Treasure Hunt, Sudoku and Tug of war. Along with all these events, a very interesting event was organized called Geek show off which was all about showing some geekiness and flaunting personal gadgets.

The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Ajay Jaiswal and Mr. Onkar Singh

 (List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-25)


Lawrence – The Law Society

The Law forum of the College has continued its legacy of spreading legal awareness and has achieved new milestones by conducting various activities throughout the year. Lawrence initiated spot set up under its programme Pehal and has also launched Campus Connect.

Lawrence has also launched second edition of The Legal View – Law Magazine on March 11, 2016. Corporate Roadies was organized a part of Crescendo ’16.

Major Achievement – Organised flagship event in V.P.Chest in second year of its incorporation.

The efforts of the coordinator are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Kishori Ravishankar and Ms. Saumya Jain.

(List of team members is enclosed in Annexure-26)


Management Interaction Cell – MIC

Management Interaction Cell (MIC) is the management and corporate exposure cell of the college. It provides a platform to each and every college student to master the art of management through the gamut of activities that it conducts. MIC tries to bridge the gap between the present and the future (corporate world). We organise an array of well integrated and articulated activities such as seminars, corporate visits, FICCI FRAMES,  the annual management fest ‘Confluence’ and added a feather to our cap by organising the first ever TEDxSSCBS this year. Corporate visits were organized to Yakult, NSE and Coca Cola.  We believe that each and every individual has a streak of management within him and with this in mind; we always strive to bring out the best in them through our year round efforts.

The efforts of the Faculty Coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Kumar Bijoy and Mr. Ramesh Kumar

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-27)


Mark-It – The Marketing Society

The marketing society of the college organised Excelsior’16 Vous Démarche at VP Chest Auditorium in February 2016. These events witnessed participation from several enthusiastic students from different universities. Team members also won national level management competitions at St. Xavier’s Kolkata. Team is also engaged in a live project with the Association of Publishers of India.

The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Preeti Rajpal Singh and Dr. Sushmita

(List of team members is enclosed in Annexure-28)


Parishram – The Sports Society

Every year, Parishram gears up to bring out the sportsperson out of CBSites by organizing its annual flagship extravaganza- ADRENALINE.

The 5th edition of the event Adrenaline’16 was organised this year on 5th, 6th and 7th April with chess, table tennis, badminton, cricket, football and our latest addition volleyball on board.

Not only students but also teachers partook in the events enthusiastically and made it a huge success. The colossal participation proved that CBSites are capable in all fields, be it academics or sports.

The events included were:

  • Athletics- 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m
  • Chess
  • Table tennis-Singles (men and women)
  • Football
  • Badminton- Singles (men and women), Doubles (men)
  • Cricket
  • Volleyball

The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Mr. Narander Kumar Nigam, Mr. Abhimanyu Verma, Ms. Saumya Jain

(List of Adrenaline 2016 awardees, society achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure 29).


Phi Beta Kappa – Literary Society

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to discuss the mutual bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to hold regular discourse.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all students have the right to question and discuss with each other, that they are endowed by the College with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Discourse, Writing and the pursuit of Intellectual Stimulation.— That to secure these rights, Societies are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the members,— That whenever any Society becomes unfulfilling of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Societies, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Intelligence and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Societies long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience has shown, that college students are more disposed to mediocrity, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by changing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of mediocre discussions and inorganic literature passes, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolution of work, it is their right, it is their duty, to change such Society, and to provide new means for their future intellectual stimulation.

After taking into consideration all of the above, the Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity was formed. We are a small, dedicated group with the goal of presenting the adventure of the pursuit of knowledge to students through the media of literary discussions.

The efforts of the college and the coordinators in setting this society up are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Rishi Rajan Sahay and Mr. Tushar Marwaha

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure 30).


Synergy – The Corporate Events Society

Society teamed with the industry’s best trainers, mentors, entrepreneurs and professionals. Using the insurgence, choas, uncertainity and spontaneity of war as the backdrop, these experts guided participants through tasks on all aspects of business during our main event, The Tempest.

Synergy has always emphasised on quality corporate exposure for its members and the students who participate in the activities we conduct, a trend which has continued this year as well.

Synergy has organised the following events:

  1. Seminars:
  2. A) In association with the Mumbai International School of Business, Bocconi, the first offshore brand of SDA Bocconi, Italy (one of the 30 be5 B-schools in the world), we conducted seminars across Delhi for college students on CAT exam preparation.
  3. B) A seminar on Soft Skills, CV Building & Acing GDs/ PIs to apply at B-Schools or jobs was also conducted in the college. It covered the processes people use to control the perceptions or impressions about themselves. The speaker for the session was Dr Seema Khanvilkar, a Ph.D. in Management in the area of Communication and has been teaching the mechanics of the language for the last 18 years.
  4. C) In association with the Delhi School of Business, a seminar was conducted is conducting a seminar on ‘Career Prospects and Acing GDs and PIs for jobs and B-schools’. The speaker for the session is Dr Indira Bhardwaj, an academician, with more than 17 years of teaching experience in consultancy firms and top-notch B-schools like the IIMs.
  5. The Tempest: The society organised the annual corporate event, The Tempest. Inspired from the similarities between wars and business, the tasks, mentored by experts, aimed at inculcating the sense of urgency in decision-making during wars, emphasised the importance of recruitment and personnel management, and, offence and defence strategies that companies can adopt to save themselves from hostile takeovers. The objective of the event was to train the participants and test their skills in the various fields that are a part of every business.

The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Rohini Singh and Ms. Kishori Ravishankar

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-31)


Verve – The Street Play Society

Verve, the street play society, is a group of enthusiastic, energetic and informed youth who have got together to pitch in with their efforts to bring about a transformation of the ailing society of today with street plays or ‘nukkad natak’ as the medium to communicate with the masses, as it offers an opportunity to break away from preaching and instead presenting ideas in a satirical, humorous and a hard hitting manner.

Their annual production “The Black Box” based on the issue of censorship of art, received many awards and accolades. It received third prize in the fest of SGND Khalsa, second prize in the fest of Motilal College, and first prize in the fest of Satyawati College.

Every year, Verve organizes its annual event, Manthan with an aim of spreading the magic of street theatre to a larger audience. This year, Manthan’16 was conducted in 36 cities across India with street play performances by 100 teams and 2000 participants at locations like prominent markets, malls, schools, NGOs and monuments. This edition of Manthan saw nationwide media coverage in national dailies like Punjab Kesari and across many other regional newspapers and television channels. Manthan took its international footsteps with a performance being conducted in Kathmandu, Nepal and Tomsk, Russia.

The efforts of the coordinators are highly appreciated.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Tarannum Ahmad and Dr. Anamika Gupta

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-34)


YUVA – The Entrepreneurship Cell

2015 has been a year of new highs for YUVA. From curating workshops to participating in reputed events, Yuva has been in and out of a number of activities.


  • YYE:

The year started with the launch of Yuva Young Entrepreneurs (YYE), a five week long workshop on various aspects of entrepreneurship. The workshop covered the knowledge as well as the practical part of starting a venture right from idea generation to raising the first round of funding. Students got an opportunity to interact with industry experts who themselves had faced challenges in their journey of starting their own business and now are running successful startups like Economy Decoded, Bitgiving, Sarthy, Lenro etc.

  • Partnership With TiE:

Team Yuva partnered with TiE- Delhi NCR to get firsthand experience of conducting a national level conference, TieCon’15, which is one of the Asia’s largest entrepreneurial conferences. It was an enriching experience where all of us learned not only to work together as a team but also the intricacies of event management and marketing. The partnership with TiE has helped us gain access to their various conferences on wide ranging topics like scaling startup to hiring the right talent which proved to be an altogether different experience for us. Yuva team scored passes worth 1.5 Lac through the same.

  • Pilot Project:

We got an opportunity to partner with Loanzguru to help priority sector of the society, specifically farmers to gain access to legitimate lenders at minimal interest rates.

  • Sarthy WePlan:

Yuva Co-organised Sarthy WePlan and was one of the 5 shortlisted e-cells throughout Delhi NCR. An internship fair too was conducted as a part of the activity for college students, which saw many students get a taste of startup culture through internships.


  • TiE: Event and mentorship partner.
  • AdvantEdge: One of the very few E-Cells to tie up with an active investment firm as a VC partner. Any of our B-Plans are always up for evaluation through their expertise.


Furthering the spirit of entrepreneurship, members of Team Yuva launched following new startups in 2015:

  • Pollin: By Hargur Singh

A venture dedicated to digitalize market research and analysis.

  • BLT: By Durgesh Rawat, Akhil, Alankrita Mitra, Ankit Saini, Ayush Mohanty

BLT deals in providing educational trips to students. Eduventure,as we call it, enables the participants to realise the startup culture. Also we will soon come up with a magazine.

  • com: By Mayank Manchanda

An online platform to provide college notes and make studying easier.

  • Surpy: By Ankit Saini

An offbeat micro event management start-up already catering to a number of clients.

Apart from the ventures mentioned above, we have other B-Plans in pipeline.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Poonam Verma, Mr. Tushar Marwaha and Ms. Manika Kaushik (Placement Officer)

(List of achievements and student team members is enclosed in Annexure-33)


Sponsorship Support

The college has been fortunate to be able to bank upon the support of its sponsorship contributors in helping the society activities and events flourish on an even bigger scale. We would like to take this opportunity to gratefully thank them for their unstinted support and generosity and we hope that we can continue to share such convivial relations in the future as well.

(List of sponsorship contributors is enclosed in Annexure-35)



The college believes in a shared and participative management model. In order to promote the same, the college has organised a number of committees comprising of the Principal, faculty members, administrative personnel and students. These committees oversee various activities in the college, serve as compliance and monitoring arms for University directives and requirements and help in managing and organising various college events.

(List of committees and members and amount of sponsorship received is enclosed in Annexure-36)



The college has a student council that is constituted by elected representatives of students of each class. The council allows for a regular interface between the faculty, administration and the students. The members of the council include The Principal, Teachers-In-charge, Laboratories-In-charge, Administrative Officer, Librarian, Placement Coordinator and student representative of each class.

(List of student council members enclosed in Annexure-37)



At the end, I once again thank all the faculty members and student organizers for taking keen interest in the college and enriching the corporate life of the college fraternity. I am also thankful to the silent but sincere services provided by the non-teaching staff without whose support nothing would have been possible.


I am once again grateful to our Chief Guest, Guest of Honour and Chairman of Governing Body, for sparing their valuable time to be with us on this occasion. Last, but not the least, I thank Ms. Kavita Rastogi, Dr. Sameer Anand, Ms. Sonika Thakral and Mr. Tushar Marwaha who have helped me in compiling this report.




                                                                                                                        Dr. Poonam Verma











Name of Member



Mr. Pankaj Vohra



Mr. Harinder Singh  



Mr. Anurag Dhanda  



Mr. O.M. Agarwal   



Mr. Ashok Upadhyay



Mr. G.L. Verma  



Mr. Sharad Vatsyayana



Mr. Kumar Gaurav



Mr. Santosh Tiwari   



Prof. Vinayshil Gautam



Prof. Anil Rai

Member, University Representative


Prof. Brajesh Choudhary 

Member, University Representative


Ms. Kavita Rastogi

Member, Teacher Representative


Dr. Kumar Bijoy 

Member, Teacher Representative


Mr. Rajinder Singh

Special Invitee Member, Non-teaching Representative


Dr. Poonam Verma

Member Secretary / Principal



Department of Management Studies





Dr. Poonam Verma



Dr. Sanjay Kumar Goyal                      

Associate Professor


Dr. Preeti Rajpal Singh 

Associate Professor


Dr. Hamendra Kumar Porwal    

Associate Professor


Ms. Kavita Kapur                    

Associate Professor


Dr. Tarannum Ahmad

Associate Professor


Dr. Rohini Singh                      

Associate Professor


Ms. Shalini Prakash                       

Associate Professor


Dr. Anuja Mathur

Associate Professor


Mr. Neeraj Kumar

Assistant Professor


Ms. Kishori Ravi Shankar

Assistant Professor


Dr. Kumar Bijoy

Assistant Professor


Dr. Rishi Rajan Sahay

Assistant Professor


Dr. Amrina Kausar

Assistant Professor


Mr. Ramesh Kumar

Assistant Professor


Dr. Mona Verma

Assistant Professor


Ms. Madhu Totla

Assistant Professor


Dr. Nidhi Kesari

Assistant Professor


Ms. Paridhi

Assistant Professor


Dr. Sushmita

Assistant Professor


Mr. Tushar Marwaha

Assistant Professor


Mr. Narander Kumar Nigam

Assistant Professor


Dr. Neetu Yadav

Assistant Professor

(Resigned w.e.f. 16/11/2015 A.N.)


Dr. Abhishek Tandon

Assistant Professor


Mr. Amit Kumar

Assistant Professor


Ms. Neha

Assistant Professor


Mr. Raj Kumar

Assistant Professor


Mr. Abhimanyu Verma

Assistant Professor


Ms. Saumya Jain

Assistant Professor


Dr. Gurjeet Kaur

Assistant Professor (Ad-hoc)

Department of Computer Science





Ms. Kavita Rastogi

Associate Professor


Dr. Anamika Gupta

Assistant Professor


Dr. Ajay Jaiswal

Assistant Professor


Ms. Shikha Gupta

Assistant Professor


Dr. Sameer Anand

Assistant Professor


Ms. Sonika Thakral

Assistant Professor


Mr. Onkar Singh

Assistant Professor


Department of Computer Science






Mr. Rajiv Ranjan


Mr. Sumit Kumar Aggarwal


Ms. Barkhashree


Ms. Isha Mangal


Ms. Jhankar Tyagi


Mr. Krishan Kumar


Ms. Priyanka Gupta


Ms. Sugandha Gupta


Ms. Neelam Dabas


Ms. Shobha Rai


Mr. Nikhil Rajput


Mr. Prashant Kumar


Mr. Sachin Kumar


Mr. Umesh Kumar


Mr. Ashish Kumar Jha


Ms. Juhi Gupta


Dr. Sonia Singh


Mr. Aditya Pancholi


Ms. Sonia


Mr. Monoj Giri


Ms. Divya Kwatra


Mr. Dhan Pal Singh


Mr. Arvind


Ms. Poonam


Ms. Rini


Dr. Shishir Kumar Jha


Ms. Asha Yadav


Mr. Manoj Aggarwal


Dr. Chaman Kumar

Department of Management Studies






Ms. Tarika


Mr. Prashant Kumar


Ms. Ankita Arora


Mr. Himahsnu Mishra






Administrative Staff


Mr. S.K. Jairath

Administrative Officer


Mr. Sumit Lamba

Sr. P.A. to Principal


Mr. Ajitabh Saxena 

Section Officer (Accounts)


Mr. S.Q. Abbas

Sr. Assistant


Mr. Rajinder Jaswal



Mr. Pradeep Verma



Mr. Surender Kumar Dagar



Mr. Sanjay Batra

Jr. Assistant


Mr. Jagdev Singh

G.O. (Store Incharge)


Mr. Harbhajan Singh

Driver (Retired on 29/01/2016)


Mr. Rakesh Kumar



Mr. Manohar Lal



Mr. Drigpal



Mr. Suman Singh

Office Attendant


Mr. Umesh Dutt

Office Attendant


Mr. Bhupal Chand

Office Attendant


Mr. Tapan Mandal

Office Attendant


Mr. Chander Pal



Mr. Baleshwar



Mr. Krishan Pal

Safai Karamchari


Mr. Karunesh

Safai Karamchari


Mr. Nand Kishore

Safai Karamchari


Mr. Deepak Kumar

Safai Karamchari


Mr. Vishnu Prasad


Library Staff


Ms. Deepti Khatri



Dr. Tribhuwan Kumar

Professional Assistant


Ms. Bimlesh Sharma

Semi Professional Assistant


Mr. Pushpender Prajapati

Jr. Library Information Assistant


Mr. Basant Lal

Library Attendant


Mr. Mohinder Pal

Library Attendant

Computer Lab Staff


Mr. Atul Bhardwaj

Technical Assistant(Lab-II)


Mr. Jaivarsh Anand

Technical Assistant(Lab-III)


Mr. Imtiaz Ahmad

Technical Assistant(Lab-IV)


Mr. Tulsi Ram Sharma

Lab Attendant(Lab-I)


Ms. Nidhi Arora

Lab Attendant(Lab-III)


Ms. Archana Pandey

Lab Attendant(Lab-II)

Placement Cell


Ms. Manika Kaushik

Placement Officer (On Contract)

Contractual Staff


Mr. Varun Kushwaha

System & Network Admn.(Lab-IV)


Mr. Hamendra Sharma

Scientific Asst.(Lab-I)


Mr. Uttam Singh

Jr. Assistant-cum-caretaker


Ms. Lakshmi Singh

Jr. Assistant


Ms. Champa Negi

Jr. Assistant


Ms. Bharti Mishra



Mr. Sunny

Lab Attendant(Lab-III)


Mr. Deepak Kumar Patel

Lab Attendant(Lab-IV)


Mr. Varun Bhardwaj

Office Attendant






Univ. / College Position

Name of Student

Marks Obtained/ Out of


I Year


Madhujot Madan



Ananya Chopra



Charvi Gupta



II Year


Ankita Jain



Sumedha Aggarwal



Mudit Gupta



III Year


Nakul Sehgal



Shaunak Misra



Aabia Phutela



II Year


Wineeta Paul



Anupama Agrawal



Disha Bansal



III Year


Narottam Garg



Ishani Mittal



Garima Jain


B.Tech. Comp. Sc.

I Year


Manish Kumar Bhardwaj



Akshay Singh



Mehak Kumar


B. Sc.

II Year


Ankit Gupta



Pawan Kumar Vashishtha



Surbhi Vyas


B. Sc.

III Year


Aditya Gupta



Jewel Pruthi



Kunal Sindhwani










Abhishek Gautam

3rd year BTech



Abhishek Kumar

3rd year BTech



Aishwerya Omar

3rd year BTech



Akshay Jain

3rd year BTech



Amar Kumar

3rd year BTech



Anuj Kumar Sharma

3rd year BTech



Deepak Singh

3rd year BTech




3rd year BTech



Jai Prakash

3rd year BTech



Jitender Singh

3rd year BTech




3rd year BTech



Kapil Kushwaha

3rd year BTech



Lokendra Singh

3rd year BTech



Manish Kumar Bhardwaj

3rd year BTech



Mohammed Haris

3rd year BTech



Mohd Arif

3rd year BTech




3rd year BTech



Priyanka Kumari

3rd year BTech




3rd year BTech




3rd year BTech



Satyam Soni

3rd year BTech



Vaibhav Gupta

3rd year BTech




3rd year BTech



Vivek Singh

3rd year BTech



Bhawna Saini

3rd year BMS



Harleen Kaur Malhotra

3rd year BMS



Harshita Arora

3rd year BMS



Manish Murarka

3rd year BMS



Sushar Sangh

3rd year BMS



Chandan Kumar

3rd year  BMS



Deep Narayan

3rd year  BMS



Honney Pal

3rd year  BMS



Saksham Verma

3rd year  BMS



Ankit Pal

2nd year BSc. Comp. Sc.



Brijendra Gupta

2nd year BSc. Comp. Sc.



Gaurav Jaiswal

2nd year BSc. Comp. Sc.



Manish Kumar Parbat

2nd year BSc. Comp. Sc.



Mohd Shahrukh

2nd year BSc. Comp. Sc.



Santosh Maurya

2nd year BSc. Comp. Sc.



Neeraj Kumar

2nd year BBS



Pradeep Kudari

2nd year BBS



Vaibhav Singh

2nd year BBS



Vidya Ratan

2nd year BBS



Ashish Kumar Verma

1st year BSc. Comp. Sc.



Mohd. Shariq

1st year BSc. Comp. Sc.



Mohit Rajbhar

1st year BSc. Comp. Sc.



Neel Kamal

1st year BSc. Comp. Sc.



Saurav Bharti

1st year BSc. Comp. Sc.



Sharad Kumar Sonkar

1st year BSc. Comp. Sc.



Junaid Ahmad

1st year BMS



Priyranjan Sah

1st year BMS



Rajeev Gupta

1st year BMS



Sanjeev Gupta

1st year BMS



ANNEXURE – 4      


Student Team Members:

Lakshay Bhambri (BTech 3A), Aarti Sharma (BTech 3C), Aditya Jain (BTech 3A), Himanshu Ruhela (BTech 3B)


ANNEXURE – 5      


Name of the student

Course (Year)


Anupama Agrawal


POSCO Scholarship, POSCO TJ Park Foundation, February 2015, Delhi University Guest House

Manvika Athwani


1. Mystery Ink, 1st, Lady Shri Ram College, January 2015,

2. B-Plan competition, 1st, Satyawati College, February 2015,

3. Estventura (Social B-plan), 1st, Moti Lal Nehru College, March 2015.

Gunjan Gupta

B.Tech (C.S.)(II)

1. Mask Making, 3rd, IIIT-Delhi, 31st Jan, 2015.

2. Face Painting, Consolation Prize, JDMC, February 4, 2015.

Kriti Shreshtha

B.Tech (C.S.)(II)

1. Cartoon Making, 3rd, AIIMS, Sept 2014 (₹ 500 cash Prize).

2. Cartoon Making, 1st, IIIT Delhi, January 2015 (Prizes worth ₹ 1500).

3. Cartoon Making, 1st, Dyal Singh College, February 2015 (₹ 3000 cash prize).

4. Doodling, 2nd, Alla Prima SSCBS March 2015 (Moto E smartphone).

Samridhi Singhal


1. Mockstock – 1st, Hansraj College – January 27, 2015.

2. Vox Populi – IIM Indore- September 5, 2014.

3. Stratosphere- IIM Indore – September 5, 2014.

Satyam Tomar


Mock stock, 2nd, Sri Aurobindo College, March 11, 2015.

Shreshth Narula


1.) Best Entrepreneur, Insignia 2015, Xavier’s Commerce Society, St Xaviers College, Kolkata

2.) Second Position,  Supply Chain Management Competition, Insignia 2015, Xavier’s Commerce Society, St Xaviers College, Kolkata

3.)Best Entrepreneur, Excelsior 3.0,  Shaheed Sukhdev College Of Business Studies, Delhi

4.) Best Entrepreneur, Excelsior 2.0 Shaheed Sukhdev College Of Business Studies, Delhi

5.) Best Entrepreneur, Esprit 2013,  Christ University, Bangalore

6.) First Position, 2013 Corporate Hunt (Physical), Xavier’s Management Convention,  St Xaviers College, Kolkata

7.) Second Position, 2013 Jugaad, Xavier’s Management Fest, St Xaviers College, Kolkata

Sukriti Goel


1. The best manager, 1st, NSIT, March 22, 2015.

2. Vendition vendetta, the marketing strategy competition, 2nd, IIM Indore, September 4, 2014.

3. Stratosphere, finalist, IIM Indore, September 3, 2014.

4.Finopoly, IIM Indore, September 3, 2014.

5.Vox Populi (Public speaking), IIM Indore, September 5, 2014.

6.Charlatan’s Chutzpah, SRCC, January 2015.

Archit Pahwa


Best Manager, 1st, Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology on March 20, 2015.

Nandini Tyagi

B.Tech (C.S.)(II)

Debate competition, 2nd, Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, March 2, 2015.




Student Members:

Aakash Beniwal, Aarushi Verma, Aastha Vij, Alankrita Mittra, Anam Sherwani, Anany Jain, Anubha Saggar, Ayushi Jain, Bani Singh, Charvi Gupta, Disha Batra, Geetika Chawla, Isha Khanna, Ketan Goel, Mridul Gupta, Naman Dhanuka, Ojasvi Jain, Pratishtha Khattar, Samarth Tuli, Sanjana Chopra,  Sarthak Kalra, Sarthak Goswami, Tavishi Aggarwal, Udhav Khanna and Yash Todi.



CONVERGENCE – The Annual Corporate Convention

Student Members:

Advisory Committee: Nandini Tyagi, Gunjan Gupta, Ritwik Mallik, Samyak Jain, Ketan Malhotra

Core Committee: Tanya Semwal, Abhishek Meena, Tanvi Binani, Tanya Yadav, Damini Rustagi, Khyati Garg, Tanisha Malhotra, Snigdha Maan, Anant Gupta, Sukriti Chopra, Harjas Gulati

Organising Committee: Aru Mangla, Kajal Yadav, Aankhi Anwesha, Rohan Gupta, Rohan Modi, Rohan Verma, Kritika Nigam, Kanika Budhiraja, Shreya Bansal, Mahima Rastogi, Roopika Patwa, Ayush Ritolia, Akhil Mangla, Sakshi, Saloni Rana, Unnat Preet, Bhavika Sapra, Sanya Kapoor, Aarush Jain




Student Members:

Karan Sachdeva BTech 3A (Event Coordinator), Ashish Aggarwal BTech 3A, Saurabh Kumar Singh BTech 3A, Aseem Upadhyay BTech 3A, Pooja Sharma BMS 3MGB, Pooja goyal BMS 3MGB, Shrishma Kudadah BMS 3MGB, Madhav Kumar BMS 3MGB, Bharti Babbar BMS 3M, Jalaj gambhir BTech 3A, Nitin Kheterpal BTech 3c, Anish nihal BTech 3B, Kapil Kushwaha BTech 3B,

Priyanka Meena BMS 3MGB, Siddhant Pandey BTech 3A and Akshay Jain BTech 3A.



CRESCENDO – The College Fest

Student Members:

Aaryav Anand, Aditya Mehta, Alvin Lakra, Alok Verma, Aman Budhiraja, Amar Ahlawat, Anshumaan Mishra, Anish Arora, Ankur Gupta, Archana Shah, Ashish Ranjan, Vanshika Luthra, Chayya Singh, Deepak Kumar Kargwal, Devesh Revankar, Diksha Prakash, Harsh Vardhan, Jasneet Kaur, Pranjali Kumar, Shivam Dhall, Shivanshu Tomar, Simran Soni, Tanishka Gupta, Udish Swami, Vaishali Kanojia, Yashika Yadav, Jyotjit Devgun, Gaurav Jaiswal, Himanshu Khanna, Rajan Sharma, Lakshay Rajor, Chandan, Ashna.



BLITZ – The Dance Society

Student Members: Abhishek Chaudhary, Avika Agrawal, Chhavi Chadha, Jyant Khatttar, Lakshay Gogia, Saksham Verma, Saurabh Parmar, Sukhdeep Singh, Vandita Nim, Aashish Kumar, Agam Phogat, Aman Kumar, Ruchika, Tanvi Kumar, Sanchi Agarwal, Bulbul Das, Himanshu Verma, Prachi Garg, Shivani Kumbhare, Shweta, Simran Singla



2nd runner up at University College of Medical Sciences,


1st runner up at Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies


Special mention at DCAC College


Aashish Kumar and team members of 3plus4crew represented Delhi in the grand finale of KPOP 2015 (Korean Culture Centre) and secured the 3rd position all over India


Jayant Khattar and Aashish Kumar stood 1st in a duet dance competition at Akshayam15 the sports cultural fest of MDI Gurgaon


Aashish Kumar came 2nd in a solo dance competition at MDI Gurgaon



COMMUNIQUE – The Promotion Cell

Student Members:

Advisory Committee: Dhanishtha Anand, Rajat Garg, Rishabh Singhania, Sanyam Khetarpal, Shreya Ahuja and Shubham Verma

Core Committee: Naman Madaan (Coordinator), Pranay Mavi , Prasanna Mandal, Prerna Bhatia (Coordinator) and Tanisha Malhotra

Organizing Committee: Antara Rabha, Avnish Khurana, Chayya Singh, Devika Walia, Kshitij Ahluwalia, Lakshay Bansal, Raghav Bhatia, Roopika Patwa, Shivangi Sabharwal, Shivani Panwar,

Subhanshu Yadav and Suryansh Agarwal



Avnish Khurana, Stratagem, KMC – 1st position


Lakshay Bansal, Mock stock, LSR – 4th position


Naman Madaan, Stratosphere, IIM Indore – 1st position and Lights Camera Auction, Hansraj College – 2nd position


Prerna Bhatia, Mercado Ploy: The Marketing Plan Competition, DDUC -1st position, The Tempest, SSCBS – 2nd position and The Strategists, SSCBS – Finalist




DARKROOM – The Photography Society

Student Members:

Ravi Kapoor, Raghav Chopra, Mohit Bhalla, Arushi Sablania, Ram Chandra Tudu, Saahil Gogia, Shallabh Kumar, Kartik Kain, Tanvi Virmani, Maulik Sharma, Kritika Relan, Pragya, Aayush, Karan, Abhishek, Ruchi, Rishab, Jatin, Deepanshu, Akshay Bansal, Aditya John Paul, Akul Khuller, Anuj, Chaitanya, Ishan Gupta, Kartikeya Bhatotia, Lakshaya Soin, Madhav Gupta, Nipun Sehrawat, Parmeet Singh Sethi, Pratishtha Khattar, Saksham Anand, Shekhar Mann, Shivangi Gautam, Shivanshu, Shubham Luthra, Snigdha and Ujjwal Arora.


Maulik Sharma


On-the-Spot Photography

IIT Kanpur – Antaragni


Maulik Sharma


On-the-Spot Photography

IIT Delhi – Rendezvous


Ayush Yadav


On-the-Spot Photography

IIT Kanpur – Antaragni


Ujjwal Arora


Online Photography



Snigdha Singh


Online Photography, HUII

Harvard College


Lakshay Soin


On-the-Spot Photography

Maiterey College


Lakshay Soin


Online Photography

Janki Devi Memorial College


Lakshay Soin


On-the-Spot Photography

Gargi College


Shivanshu Tomar


On-the-Spot Photography

Gargi College




Debating Society

Student Members:

Ritwik Mallik, Varun Sharma, Priyanka Chwal, Shohtaj Singh, Viraj Gupta, Aditya Kohli, Rhea Khurana, Anany Jain, Akshat Aggarwal, Ashutosh Gupta, Avneet Sinha, Bani Singh, Disha Batra, Madhav Mukund Aggarwal, Harshin Bhambhani, Kamna Mittal, Rohit Ramanan, Shreyaa Kapoor, Shreya Sahay






Ritwik Mallik

Quarter-Finalist (Wax Eloquent PD, Gargi College),  Quarter-Finalist (LSR PD)

Breaking Adjudicator (KMC Freshers’ PD), Breaking Adjudicator (Shanti Narayan Memorial PD, HRC),


Varun Sharma

Breaking Adjudicator (People Speak, SVC), 3rd Best Adjudicator (Gambit Freshers’ PD, SRCC),  Breaking Adjudicator (LSR PD)


Aditya Kohli

Octo-Finalist (Prof. Ghanshyam Singh Memorial Debate, NLUD), Quarter-Finalist (Natasha Ranjit Memorial Debate, JMC),  Quarter-Finalist (LSR PD)


Rhea Khurana

Breaking Adjudicator (GGS Freshers’ PD),  4th Best Adjudicator (Shanti Narayan Memorial PD, HRC)


Shohtaj Singh

Octo-Finalist (Prof. Ghanshyam Singh Memorial Debate, NLUD), Quarter-Finalist (Natasha Ranjit Memorial Debate, JMC),  Quarter-Finalist (LSR PD)

3rd Best Adjudicator (Trivium, PEC),  2nd Best Adjudicator (Gambit Freshers’ PD, SRCC), 5th Best Adjudicator (Q.E.D., BITS Pilani), 4th Best Adjudicator ( Wax Eloquent PD, Gargi College)


Viraj Gupta

Octo-Finalist (Prof. Ghanshyam Singh Memorial Debate, NLUD),  Quarter-Finalist (Wax Eloquent PD, Gargi College),  Quarter-Finalist (LSR PD)

Breaking Adjudicator (Trivium, PEC)


Akshat Aggarwal

Octo-Finalist (KMC Freshers’ PD),

Breaking Adjudicator (Axiom PD, JDMC)


Anany Jain

Octo-Finalist (Trivium, PEC),  Quarter-Finalist (Wax Eloquent PD, Gargi College),  Quarter-Finalist (LSR PD)

Breaking Adjudicator (Axiom PD, JDMC)


Ashutosh Gupta

Semi-Finalist (GGS Freshers’ PD)

Breaking Adjudicator (NUJS PD, Kolkata),  Breaking Adjudicator (Wax Eloquent PD, Gargi College)


Avneet Sinha

Octo-Finalist (KMC Freshers’ PD), Semi-Finalist (Novice category, Shanti Narayan Memorial PD, HRC), Quarter-Finalist (IIT-D PD)

Breaking Adjudicator (MukMem ProAm PD, SSC), Breaking Adjudicator (Natasha Ranjit Memorial Debate, JMC),


Bani Singh

2nd Best Am Speaker (MukMem ProAm PD, SSC), Semi-Finalist (KMC Freshers’ PD),  Semi-Finalist (Gambit Freshers’ PD, SRCC),  Quarter-Finalist (Wax Eloquent PD, Gargi College),  Quarter-Finalist (LSR PD)

2nd Best Adjudicator (MukMem PD, SSC)


Disha Batra

Breaking Adjudicator (Wax Eloquent PD, Gargi College)


Harshin Bhambani

Octo-Finalist (Trivium, PEC),  Semi-Finalist (KMC Freshers’ PD),  Quarter-Finalist (IIT-D PD)

5th Best Adjudicator (Natasha Ranjit Memorial Debate, JMC)


Kamna Mittal

Octo-Finalist (KMC Freshers’ PD)

Breaking Adjudicator (Prof. Ghanshyam Singh Memorial Debate, NLUD)


Madhav Mukund Aggarwal

Octo-Finalist (Trivium, PEC),

Breaking Adjudicator (Prof. Ghanshyam Singh Memorial Debate, NLUD),  Breaking Adjudicator (Axiom PD, JDMC), 2nd Best Adjudicator (IIT-D PD)


Rohit Ramanan

Semi-Finalist (KMC Freshers’ PD),  Semi-Finalist (GGS Freshers’ PD),  Semi-Finalist (Gambit Freshers’ PD, SRCC),  Semi-Finalist (Novice category, Shanti Narayan Memorial PD, HRC),  Quarter-Finalist (Wax Eloquent PD, Gargi College)

Breaking Adjudicator (MukMem ProAm PD, SSC), Breaking Adjudicator (Polemic PD, Ramjas College),


Shreya Sahay

Semi-Finalist (GGS Freshers’ PD),  Semi-Finalist (Gambit Freshers’ PD, SRCC),  Semi-Finalist (Novice category, Shanti Narayan Memorial PD, HRC),  Quarter-Finalist (Wax Eloquent PD, Gargi College)

Breaking Adjudicator (MukMem ProAm PD, SSC),



Delhi University Model United Nations (DUMUN)

Student Members:

Cheshta Sarin, Rahul Kapoor, Rounit Soni, Suman Raj, Abhinav Verma, Aastha Vidyasagar, Aditya Srivastava, Anushka Gambhir, Anshika Singh, Arjun Agarwal, Jyotsna Sabharwal, Prateek Thapliyal, Puran Rathore, Rajan Sharma, Rithish Kumar, Riya Verma, Varnika Rawat and Vidushi Jaiswal, Anurag Gussain, Arup Lekh, Chitra Yadav, Gurashish Singh, Kartik Singh, Prateek Dogra, Saksham Verma, Shreya Chawla, Sakshi Verma, Sanya Kapoor, Sarthak Verma, Tanya Krishnoo, Yashi Agarwal, Chirag Sinha, Hitaishi Ghai, Prerna Rana, Ritika Chaudhary, Sakshi Jain.



Abhinav Verma, Ryan international MUN – Best delegate, Amity Noida MUN 2011 Noida- Best Delegate, Indus International MUN – Best delegate and BrainwizMUN – Best Delegate


Rounit Soni, SRCC Mun – Best delegate, DDUC- Best delegate, IHMUN- Best delegate and Cross MUN- Best delegate


Rithish Kumar, IIT Delhi – Best delegate and Czars of commerse DSC – 2nd prize


Shreya Chawla, SRCC MUN – Special Mention.




DHWANI – The Music Society

Student Members:

Abhijith Krishnan, Aditya Dudi, Arjun Gurung, Bhupender Singh, Gurpreet Kaur, Ishaan Jain, J. Manjusha, Ojasvi Jain, Ritika Brijwal, Sakshi Dhiman,  Soham Bansal, Vabhravi Verma, Yasir Pervez, Anjanay Saxena, Bulbul Dhawan, Mansimar Singh Bhatia, Pallavi Aggarwal, Ria Arora, Aarushi Verma, Aditya Dutta, Ananya Agarwal, Anveksha Taneja, Latika Gupta, Mihir Rao, Saadhika Chawla, Sonali Verma.



  • Ria Arora is a member of ThirteenK, an Acapella Group, along with members of other colleges like Gargi College. They have performed at various places including India International Centre
  • Zu Tisch, a Café based in Greater Kailash, reached out to Dhwani in January, 2016 and offered us a platform to perform at their Café.
  • Ananya Aggarwal, a Hindustani Classical Vocalist, teaches music to underprivileged children.
  • One World College of Music, a sponsor for Dhwani’s event Octaves, invited Dhwani to perform at their Institute.
  • Aditya Dutta, the drummer of the society, is a member of Capital3, a jazz trio. He is also the drummer in Hanita Bhambri Collective, which also features the former Dhwani members Hanita Bhambri, Rythem Bansal, and Sagar Jolly.

List of Achievements:

1) Pulse, AIIMS – 17th September, 2015 – Carnatic Solo – J. Manjusha – Consolation

10) Lady Shri Ram College – 5th February, 2016 – Western Trio – Latika Gupta, Saadhika Chawla, Pallavi Aggarwal – 2nd

2) Pulse, AIIMS – 19th September, 2015 – Western Solo – Ria Arora – 3rd

11) Lady Shri Ram College – 7th February, 2016 – Western Group – 3rd

3) Pulse, AIIMS – 19th September, 2015 – Western Duet – J. Manjusha and Bulbul Dhawan – 2nd

12) Institute of Home Economics – 22nd February, 2016 – Western Solo – Ria Arora – 2nd

4) Pulse, AIIMS – 19th September, 2015 – Western Group – 1st

13) St. Stephens College – 2nd March, 2016 – Western Trio – Latika Gupta, Saadhika Chawla, Pallavi Aggarwal – 2nd

5) Plexus, UCMS – 30th September, 2015 – Western Solo – Ria Arora – 3rd

14) St. Stephens College – 2nd March, 2016 – Western Group – 2nd

6) Plexus, UCMS – 30th September, 2015 – Western Duet – J. Manjusha and Bulbul Dhawan – 3rd

15) Sri Venkateshwara College – 3rd March, 2016 – Western Trio – Latika Gupta, Saadhika Chawla, Pallavi Aggarwal – 2nd

7) Plexus, UCMS – 30th September, 2015 –  Indian Solo – Ojasvi Jain – 2nd

16) Ripple, UCMS – 9th March, 2016 – Western Duet – J. Manjusha and Bulbul Dhawan – 2nd

8) Audactity, Ambedkar University – 17th October, 2015 – Indian Solo – Bulbul Dhawan – 1st

17) Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology – 10th March, 2016 – Western Group – 2nd

9) Antaragni, IIT Kanpur – 1st November, 2015 – Western Solo – Ria Arora – 1st

18) Indraprastha College for Women – 11th March, 2016 – Western Solo – Ria Arora – 1st

19) Dyal Singh Evening College – 22nd January, 2016 – Western Solo – Ria Arora – 3rd



ECO VISION – The Economics Society

Student Members:

Advisory Committee: Jashan Gupta, Ridhi Gupta, Shreya Ahuja, Guneet Kohli, Pradeep Shah

Core Committee: Harshul Jain, Sukriti Goel, Kriti Bansal, Nitika Kalra, Tarang Gupta, Abhinav Mahipal, Arshiya Garg, Karan Sharma, Naman Madaan, Samridhi Singhal

Organizing Committee: Mukund Kakkar, Paridhi Sharma, Sarthak Verma, Pavitra Garg, Niharika Nangia, Harshit Jain, Aditya Arora, Mahima Rastogi, Prince Robin Krishnamurthy, Yash Rajput, Shubham Gupta.


1) 1st Position – Stratosphere, Atharv IIM Indore 2015

17) 1st Position-Ecodevoir, Maitreyi College

2) 1st Position – Econjecture, Atharv IIM Indore 2015

18) 2nd Position – VoxPopuli, Atharv IIM Indore 2015

3) 1st Position – Devil’s Advocate, Atharv IIM Indore 2015

19) 2nd Position – Vault to wealth,BSENivesh

4) 1st Position – Vault to wealth, BSENivesh

20) 2nd Position – Econjecture, Atharv IIM Indore 2015

5) 1st Position – Financial Knights, St. Stephens College

21) 2nd Position – Case Centric Business case study competition, DeenDayalUpadhyay College

6) 1st Position – Best Manager (Excelsior), Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies

22) 2nd Position – Game of Investments, SRCC

7) 1st Position – Firmwars, St.Stephens College

23) 2nd Position – Mockstock, Ramjas College

8) 1st Position – Consultus, St.Stephens College

24) 2nd Position – Headhunter, Atharv IIM Indore 2015

9) 1st Position – Tito in Vegas, St.Stephens College

25) 2nd Position – Financial Platter, Hansraj College

10) 1st Position – Dreamerger 2015, St.Stephens College

26) 3rd Position – Paper Presentation Competition, JMC 2015

11) 1st Position – Blueprint- Bplan Competition, Ramjas College

27) 3rd Position – Banca Del Vaticano, Hansraj College

12) 1st Position – Lights. Camera. Auction., Hansraj College

28) 3rd Position – Investrix, St.Stephens College

13) 1st Position – B-plan competition, DCAC College

29) 3rd Position – International Khiladi, Gargi College

14) 1st Position – Best manager, NSIT college

30) 3rd Position – BPlan Competition, Atharv IIM Indore 2015

15) 1st Position – Minductor 4.0 , SRCC

31) 3rd Position – Stratosphere, Atharv IIM Indore 2015

16) 1st Position – Ironical Dias, Kirorimal College 2015

32) Best Investors – Bulls and Bears (Finwiz), Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies




Student Members:

Aakriti Agarwal, Aarushi Verma, Aditya Pratap Singh, Anusha Sinha,  Arjun Agarwal, Arjun Malhotra, Ekjyot Singh, Gaurav Singh, Hargurpal Singh, JacKey, Jalaj Gambhir, Jasmine Dhingra, Kartikeya Bhatotia, Nandini Tyagi, Ragini Kumari, Roshni Yadav, Samyak Jain, Shreya Bansal, Siddhant Pandey.






Aarushi Verma

1st place, Stage craft- Alla Prima, Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, 2016

1st place, Tailor Made – Alla Prima, Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, 2016


Anusha Sinha

1st Place, Crossword, Sanganak, Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, 2016

Published various fiction writeups and comic strips in Neev, an international children’s magazine, 2016.

Completes a year of working for Digit magazine in May 2016.  Covers the Mobile Gaming section, including reviews and feature articles.


Arjun Malhotra

3rd Place, Paper Presentation, Shyam Lal College, 2016

Presented a Research Paper titled “Performance Analysis of Data Link Layer Protocols with a Special Emphasis on Improving the Performance of Stop-And-Wait-ARQ” at IndiaCom 2016, BVICAM. The paper has been selected for publication in the IndiaCom journal of 2016.


Kartikeya Bhatotia

Became Copy Editor at DU Beat, Delhi University’s independent newspaper

Visual blog featured in scroll.in, India’s largest web based feature news site


Shreya Bansal

3rd Place, Story Writing, Literaria, Laxmibai College, 2016


Siddhant Pandey

2nd Place, Brain o’ Teaser, Shyamlal College, 2016

3rd Place, What the font! Typography Competition, Alla Prima, Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies 2016

3rd Place, Query Hunter, Sanganak, Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies 2016

3rd Place, Debugging, Shyamlal College, 2016




Student Members:

Advisory Committee: Aantika Tandon, Ankur Ahlawat, Gaurav Singh Jangpani, Harshit Singh, Jagtesh Singh, Jaya Ratna, Kinshu Sultania, Kshitij Purswani, Lakshya Rastogi, Madhujot Madan, Pranay Arora, Priyal Jain, Rishabh Chowdhary, Sarthak Tyagi and Vikrant Kadian.

Core Committee: Aniruddh Gupta, Gayatri Mann, Harsh Garg, Manvika Athwani, Naman Bansal, Nikhil Garg, Nikhil Kapoor, Nishtha Noonwal, Raghav Batra, Raghav Mahajan, Shaurya Sadana, Sunidhi Sebait, Utkarsh Makkar and Vatsal Dhaka.

Organizing Committee: Abhishek Arora, Abhishek Vasu Chaudhary, Additya Sharma, Akshat Aggarwal, Akshay Raheja, Ambika Agarwal, Anuj Rana, Arpita Verma, Dhruv Gupta, Drishti Basi, Garima Goel, Harkirat Singh, Harshin Bhambhani, Keshav Nanda, Piyush Khatri, Prarthna Mittal, Pulkita Sharma, Ria Dokania, Rohan Verma, Sahil Gupta, Sangam Kathiyal, Suryansh Agarwal, Ujjwal Mahajan, Vani Kapoor, Vasu Tyagi and Yatin Goel.


Enactus Tomsk State University hosted a two week winter school program on social entrepreneurship (13th February 2016 to 27th February 2016)  where in it invited 23 Enactus teams from 11 countries. From India 5 Students were selected using a selection process where SSCBS was ranked number 1. Additya Sharma of BMS 1A represented Enactus SSCBS at the program. The purpose of the school was to discuss different social business models and at the end devise global businesses of our own.
Awards and Grants won by ENACTUS SSCBS

  1. Raahat – DU Innovation Project, I – Seed B Plan Winners
  2. Akshar- Accessible India Grant, KPMG ethics grant
    Udaan – Walmart Women Economic Development Grant, KPMG Ethics Grant, Unilever
  3. Special Grant
  4. IIT Kanpur Social Challenge Winners
  5. Mahindra Rise Grant



FinX – The Finance Society

Student Members:

Simran Ahluwalia, Abhilash Jain, Jatin Agrawal, Udit Raj Sabrawal, Wineeta Paul, Devika Chadha, Disha Bansal, Ananya Chopra, Aditya Khanna, Abeer Nandrajog, Akshay Bansal, Guneet Kohli, Jashan Gupta, Anant Gupta, Abhishek Meena, Vidit Jain, Sukriti Jain, Pranav Aggrawal, Nitika Kalra, Samridhi Singhal, Nishant Sharma, Mridul Jain, Manav Khanna, Niharika Chopra, Niyati Mutreja, Karan Sharma and Jatin Tutueja.


Achievements as a team:

Faking the Research-Matharena, JMC
Property Bidding- Epiphany, Gargi,
Mind and Money, JMC,
Cipherish, South Asian University, 
JDMC Economics Quiz
Gargi Epiphany (Gen)
DTU Quizzottica
SRCC Inquizest (Online Biz)
SPM College Tech Quiz
Ironical dias kmc
Chanakya neeti
Open canvas srcc

Vault to Wealth- BSE
Freshers’ MockStock- hansraj
Policy Paralysis- Hansraj
Game of Investments- Srcc
Big War Theory- Hansraj-
Stockholmes Show- Xaviers
Quizment – SGGSC
International Khiladi – Gargi
Treasure hunt – LSR
Money ball-xavier
Mudra, SSCBS.

Achievements by individuals:

Saksham Dewan
JMC, 1st Property Bidding- Epiphany
Gargi, 1st Mind and Money, JMC,
1st Cipherish, South Asian University
2nd  JDMC Economics Quiz 1st,
Gargi Epiphany (Gen) 3rd,
DTU Quizzottica(Gen) 1st
SRCC Inquizest (Online Biz) 1st
SPM College Tech Quiz 2nd

Sarthak Goswami
Mockstock BSE nivesh 2nd position
Quizment Ggs 2nd position
Chanakya neeti Hansraj 2nd position
Arthniti Xavier’s 2nd position
Plan-ET KMV 2nd position
Case study competition KMV 1st position

Anant Gupta
Mudra, SSCBS, 1st

Piyush Khatri
Ironical dias winner kmc
Chanakya neeti runner up hansraj
Open canvas srcc winner

Akhil Mangla
Money ball-xavier-2nd

Pankhuri Gupta
1st International Khiladi –Gargi
1st Treasure hunt – LSR

Prateek Arora
Ironical Dias, Kirori mal- 1st
Chanakyaneeti, Hansraj-2nd

Nishant Sharma
1st position, Saksharth, social case study competition, St. Stephen’s College

1st position, Big Short (Mockstock), Shaheed Bhagat Singh College

Jatin Tuteja
Mudra, KMV, 2nd
BBN, SGTB Khalsa, 1st

Debashish Roy Choudhury
2nd Chanakyaneeti, Hansraj

Aarush Jain
Vault to Wealth- BSE- 2nd
Freshers’ MockStock- hansraj -1st
Policy Paralysis- Hansraj-3rd


Game of Investments- Srcc-2nd
Big War Theory- Hansraj- 2nd
Stockholmes Show- Xaviers- 2nd



FOURTH WALL – The Dramatics Society

Student Members:

Gaurav Singh, Diivit Kumar, Hitesh Khanna, Prateek Sonny, Aayush Krishnatreya, Ashmit Kaur, Jaisika Singh, Ashish Ranjan, Saumya Rao, Harsh Gupta, Harjas Singh, Divyam Aggarwal, Anant Gupta, Prachi Sheoran, Akshay Raheja, Abhishek Arora, Ujjawal Jain, Vrinda Agarwal, Tavishi Aggarwal, Prarthna Mittal, Harshit Gaur, Debashish Roy, Nikhil Anand, Nishant Bhati, Rohan Modi, Keshav Nanda, Jasneet Kaur, Shreya Bansal, Srija Yadav, Shubhangi Bhatia, Charu Gupta.


Secured 1st position at YMCA, Faridabad, 2nd position at OP Jindal Global University, Sonepat, 3rd position at BITS Goa and Special Mention at St. Stephens College. Gaurav Singh, received the Best Actor Award at St. Stephens College. Other than these, our three productions were the Finalists at, St. Stephens College (Hindi), Jamia Millia Islamia University, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (Evening), Miranda House, Maitreyi College, IIT Delhi, PGDAV College, Shivaji College, IPCW, LBSIM, Daulat Ram College, Maharaja Agarsen College, BITS Pilani and PEC Chandigarh.



GRANDEUR – The Consulting and Knowledge Cell

Student Members:

Advisory Committee: Parth Haldia, Pranav Mittal, Rishabh Jain, Ritvik Sultania, Shaurya Dhall, Shubham Kumar Yadav and Suman Raj.

Core Committee: Anuraag Gupta, Divya Bhalla, Keerti Gogna, Prateek Thapliyal, Priyanka Banthia, Samarth Wahi, Sarthak Kalra and Yagyaa Goyal.

Organising Committee: Ankur Gupta, Antra Verma, Bhavika Sapra, Devika Walia, Harneet, Mayank Khanna, Rohan Bhatia, Rohan Verma, Saarthak Monga, Sakshi, Shivam Nagpal, Shivani Panwar, Shreya Chawla, Shreyaa Kapoor, Soham Bansal and Sukrithi Sood.



ILLUMINATI – The Quiz Society

Student Members:

Harshit Bajaj, Jayant Verma, Satya Mathur, Shanav Kakkar, Ishan Gupta, Harsh Vardhan Singh,  Ravtej Singh, Tanvi Binani, Avnish Khurana, Ekjyot, Harneet Singh, Ishaan Jain, Mahima Batheja, Mukund Kakkar, Naman Dhanuka, Saarthak Monga, Saksham Dewan, Tanishq Dubey and Vandit Kumar.




Venue/ Name




Sep 15



Ravtej Singh and Harsh Vardhan Singh


Sep 15

Jamia Hamdard/Delhi


Shanav Kakkar and Satya Mathur


Sep 15

Teri University/General


Jayant Verma


Sep 15



Ravtej Singh and Harsh Vardhan Singh


Sep 15



Ravtej Singh and Harsh Vardhan Singh


Oct 15



Jayant Verma


Oct 15



Ravtej Singh & Harsh Vardhan Singh


Nov 15

IIT Kanpur/ General Quiz


Jayant Verma


Nov 15

IIT Kanpur/ Bollywood Quiz


Jayant Verma


Nov 15

IIT Kanpur/ India quiz


Jayant Verma


Nov 15

IIT Kanpur/ MELA quiz


Jayant Verma


Nov 15

SSCBS/Convergence Quiz


Ishaan Jain, Naman Dhanuka and Harneet Singh


Jan 16



Ravtej Singh


Jan 16



Saksham Dewan


Jan 16



Ishaan Jain


Jan 16



Saksham Dewan


Jan 16



Ravtej Singh


Feb 16



Jayant Verma


Feb 16



Ravtej Singh


Feb 16



Jayant Verma


Feb 16

DTU/War quiz


Jayant Verma and Ravtej Singh


Feb 16

Kamla Nehru College/Delhi quiz


Ishaan Jain


Feb 16

DTU/India Quiz


Jayant Verma


Feb 16

Venkateshwara College/Nexus


Ravtej Singh


Feb 16

Ambedkar University/General


Jayant Verma and Ravtej Singh


Feb 16



Jayant Verma


Feb 16

Cannot Place/Open SpEnt Quiz


Jayant Verma


Feb 16

Cannot Place/Open AV General Quiz


Jayant Verma


Feb 16

ANDC/General Quiz


Jayant Verma


Feb 16

LSR/India Quiz


Jayant Verma


Mar 16

SSCBS/Business Quiz


Jayant Verma


Mar 16

MSI/Business Quiz


Saksham Dewan


Mar 16

DTU/Tech Quiz


Naman Dhanuka


Mar 16

Ramjas College/Tech Quiz


Naman Dhanuka


Mar 16

B.R Ambedkar College/Business College


Ishaan Jain and Naman Dhanuka


Mar 16

SSCBS/Tech Quiz


Naman Dhanuka and Jayant Verma


Mar 16

KNC/Media Quiz


Saarthak Monga


Mar 16

Vivekananda College/Business Quiz


Tanishq Dubey


Mar 16

KMC/Cricket Quiz


Avnish Khurana


Mar 16

St. Stephens College/STIFF Quiz


Ravtej Singh


Mar 16

Venkateshwara College/General Quiz


Ravtej Singh


Mar 16

NSIT/General Quiz


Ravtej Singh


Mar 16

Venkateshwara College/History Quiz


Ravtej Singh


Mar 16

LSR/Politics Quiz


Ravtej Singh


Mar 16

SBSC/Business Quiz


Ravtej Singh


Mar 16

UCMS/General Quiz


Ishaan Jain and Mahima Batheja


Mar 16

Ramjas College/General Quiz


Jayant Verma


Mar 16

LSR/General Quiz


Jayant Verma



KARTAVYA – The Social Service Society (and NSS)

Student Members:

Advisory Committee: Neelaksh Arora, Harshit Bajaj, Nipun Sherawat, Parmeet Singh,P rateek Chotrani, Rahul Shah, Sanya Khullar

Core Committee: Himani Cheema, Alokek Kumar, Manish Kumar, Manish Malik, Neha Yadav, Prerna Bhatia, Priyanka Bhantia and Taranum Rajpal

Organising Committee: Anushka Sharma, Arushi Gupta, Chitra Yadav, Kanika Budhiraja, Khyati Wahi, Neetika Rao, Pragati Gupta, Rajeev Gupta, Ridhi Dhawan, Rishab Malhotra, Rohan Gupta, Siddharth and Yashi Aggarwal



KRITI – The Fine Arts Society

Student Members:

Amitesh Shubham, Damini Rustagi, Khyati, Manish Jangid, Gunjan Gupta, Kanishka Gautam, Roopal Kalra, Kriti Shreshtha, Arjun Malhotra, Mahima Batheja, Megha Kumari Sah, Neetika Rao, Pragati Gupta Rachel Lakra , Rajeev Gupta, Shreya Verma, Ajay Kumar, Megha Arya, Ranita Sarkar, Sakshi.



Painting Competition by NSS , Ranita Sarkar, 1st  Position


AD Making Competition by Dyal Singh College, Kriti Shreshtha and Khyati, 1st Position


Mascot Making Competition by Dyal Singh College, Amitesh Shubham and Kriti Shreshtha, 1st Position


Mehandi Art Competition by Dyal Singh College, Megha Kumari Sah, 3rd Position


Shipwreck Writing by Gargi College, Megha Arya, 1st Position


Doodling Competition by Gargi College, Ranita Sarkar, 3rd Position


Speed Art Finalists (IIT Kanpur), Amitesh Shubham, Mahima Batheja, Megha Kumari Sah, Sakshi




Cartoon Making Competition by IIT Kanpur , Ananya Garg , 3rd Position

Sketching Competition by IIITD , Damini Rustagi and Manish Jangid , 3rd Position

Mask Making Competition by IIITD , Khyati and Gunjan Gupta , 3rd Position

Face Painting Competition by Janki Devi Memorial College, Khyati and gunjan gupta , Consolation Prize

Cartoon Making Competition by IIITD , Kriti Shreshtha and Charul Giri,1st Position

Cartoon Making Competition by Dyal Singh College , Kriti Shreshtha , 1st Position

Cartoon Making Competition by IIT Kanpur , Khyati , 2nd Position

Cartoon Making Competition by AIMS , Kriti Shreshtha , 3rd Position



KRONOS – The IT Society

Student Members:

Geetanjali, Garvit Gupta, Aviral Aggarwal, Dhawal Kumar, Kaustabh Agarwal, Aseem Upadhyay,

Tanmay Garg, Harshit Porwal, Anushka Gambhir, Abhishek Sharma, Aarush Verma, Aarti Verma, Hittu Garg, Harsh Vardhan Singh, Aditya Chaudhary, Deepak Singh Rawat, Puneet Singh Rawat, Himanshu Tomar, Ankita Singh and Manish Jangid.

List of Achievements:

Aviral Agarwal:

·         Created an app for Android store: Plicx.

·         Attended few hackathons and won few devices including leap motion sensor and Nokia devices like Lumia 1320.

Garvit Gupta:

·         1,00,000+ downloads, 4,000+ 4.5 star reviews on Windows Phone Store.

·         Earned ₹ 1,00,000 from Status Tiles by selling the app on Windows Phone Store.

·         Puneet Singh:

·         Created and published android games including : Orbitium, ZigZagZump,Try hard, etc.

·         Won third position in Dexterity competition organized by IEEE DTU.

Aditya Chaudhary and Deepak Singh Pawar :

·         Created website for conducting all online events in Sanaganak’15.

·         Working on 3 commercial websites, one website for the University of Delhi and 2 personal websites namely: Colonect, Zokator and Hypercube etc.

·         Published several windows phone apps in windows store.



LAWRENCE – The Law Society

Student Members:

Advisory Committee: Vartika Agarwal, Vibhor Goel, Shubham Gupta, Shubham Gupta, Devesh Revankar and Sarthak Kumar.

Core Committee: Astha Rattan, Abdullah Bin Asad, Bhoomika Panwar, , Saachi Rawat, Surbhi Lal, Soumya Arora and Sanat Kumar Sahu.

Organising Committee: Kardam Kapoor, Kritika Nigam, Himanshu Kalia, Rohan Gupta, Aaryav Anand and Rohit.



Competition name


Names of the participants



Shell- Group Discussion

IIT Roorkee





IIT Roorkee

Vartika, Aaryav




IIT Roorkee

Vartika , Vibhor, Sanat, Aaryav




IIT Roorkee

Vibhor, sanat



Stock Exchange Colisium

IIT Roorkee

Saachi, Surbhi, Soumya




IIT Roorkee

Vibhor, Sanat



Stock Exchange Colisium


Abdullah, Vartika, Vibhor



Holt Valuation Challenge

Credit Suisse Bank

Vibhor Goel

Worldwide Winner




Shubham Gupta(13284)

28th rank


Annual exam(2nd Sem)


Bhoomika Panwar





Student Members:

Advisory Committee: Devika Verma, Divij Kashyap, Ketan Malhotra, Lovish Khatri and Pragya Khera

Core Committee: Abhishek Meena, Anushka Negi, Jellybean Singh and Pranay Mavi

Organizing Committee-Aankhi Anwesha, Aditya Arora, Ayushi Jain, Bhavika Sapra, Daisy Ahuja, Harshit Jain, Kajal Yadav, Karan Mehtani, Kritika Nigam, Lakshay Trehan, Naitik Aggarwal, Parth Arora, Pranav Arora, Saloni Rana, Shivangi Sabharwal, Tania Malarh and Unnatpreet Kaur



Ecotecture, Synergy, St. Xavier’s College, Jaipur, 2nd position.

Aankhi Anwesha, Jellybean Singh and Pranav Arora.


Kootniti, Synergy, St. Xavier’s College, Jaipur, 2nd position

Abhishek Meena, Ayushi Jain and Bhavika Sapra.


Treasure Trove, Synergy, St. Xaviers College, Jaipur, 3rd position

Ketan Malhotra, Lakshay Trehan and Saloni Rana.


Investrix (Mockstock), St.Stephen’s College, Abhishek Meena, 1st position.


China’s Economic Policy Paralysis, Embassy of China, Aditya Arora, 1st position.


Coworking Space, Aditya Arora, Budding Entrepreneur of the Year.


NSS Debating Competition, SSCBS, Ayushi Jain, 2nd position.


Fund Raising Event, IIT Delhi, Aditya Arora, Best Pitch.


Mark Sense, IIT Roorkee, Aditya Arora, 2nd position.


Comquest (Mockstock), LSR College, Naitik Aggarwal, 3rd position.


Matharena-Film Making competition, JMC, Jellybean Singh & Divij Kashyap, 2nd position



MARK IT – The Marketing Society

Student Members:

Advisory Committee: Anmol Manocha, Samridh Arora, Saiyam Batra, Rashi Dhingra, Gautam Rai, Chandan Gupta, Nidhi Aggarwal, Lakshit Jain and Rishab Jain.

Core Committee: Niyati Mutreja, Udhav Khanna, Khushbu Anand, Shivangi Nassa, Neelesh Kumar, Tarun Sidharth, Ritvec Gupta and Shikhar Lohia.

Organizing Committee: Aashi Batra, Antara Rabha, Arushi Gupta, Abhijith Krishnan, Bhavyaa Kukreti, Dhruv Gupta, Harshit Gupta, Mayank Khanna, Nitya Shukla, Raghav Bhatia, Shubhangi Bhatia, Vandit Kumar, Tanya Patel and Nikhil Bansal.



PARISHRAM – The Sports Society

Adrenaline 2016 Award Winners:


Student Members:

Nikhil Yadav, Aastha Singh, Akanksha Verma, Ankita Singh, Jatin Sharma, Lakshay Burman, Mohd. Rumman, Ramandeep Singh, Anadi Chaturvedi, Piyush Chaudhary, Himanshu Mehta, Abhishek Dhiman, Alvin Lakra, Faezaan Ahmed, Falak Kathuria, Harsh Vardhan, Jaskirat Singh, Keshav Keshan, Neha Yadav, Neelesh Diwakar, Vinay Thakur and Tanishq Dubey.



PHI BETA KAPPA – Literary Society

Student Members:

Ravtej Singh, Harsh Vardhan Singh, Yatharth Yadav, Yash Jain, Tushar Behl, Ishan Gupta, Mayank Manchanda, Anusha Sinha, Sanjana Chopra, Shreya Bansal, Shreyaa Kapoor, Rhea Khurana, Rohan, Ishaan Jain, Aditya Arora, Sukriti Chopra, Mansimar Singh Bhatia, Shanav Kakkar, Satya Mathur, Hargur Singh, Ekjyot Singh, Kartikeya Bhatotia, Varun Sharma.



Shreya Bansal – Third – Creative Writing Competition, Rani Laxmi Bai College


Yash Jain and Yatharth Yadav – Second – Comic Books Quiz – Ramjas College


Yash Jain and Yatharth Yadav – Third – Marvel Quiz – KMC


Yash Jain and Yatharth Yadav – Second – Game of Thrones Quiz – Ramjas College


Ravtej Singh – First – Literature Quiz – Sri Venkateshwara College


Ravtej Singh – First – Literary Quiz – Ramjas College



SYNERGY – The Corporate Events Society

Student Members:

Kanika Jain, Satya Mathur, Reba Singh, Pranav Mittal, Nitish Dewan, Partth Mahajan, Kanwar Singh Alagh, Kritika Relan, Sonakshi Sehgal, Adamya Sharma, Ankita Sethi, Anuraag Gupta, Vedika Gukati, Divya Chopra, Lakshaya Soin, Mitushi Garg, Pragya Ojha, Rhea Khurana, Samarth Wahi, Disha Garg, Sanjana Chopra, Sukrithi Sood, Rashi Gupta, Anish Arora, Kshitij Ahluwalia, Shivam Nagpal, Rohan Modi, Uttkarsh Poddar, Yashasvi Handa, Rishabh Malhotra and Yatin Goel.



Lakshaya Soin, 1st, Mock Stock, St. Xavier’s, Jaipur


Lakshaya Soin and Divya Chopra, 2nd, State of the Nation, St. Xavier’s, Jaipur


Disha Garg and Yatin Goel, 2nd, Treasure Trove, St. Xavier’s, Jaipur


Lakshaya Soin and Vedika Gulati, 1st, Bizkrieg, College of Vocational Studies


Ankita Sethi, 1st, The Whitehall Model, Hansraj College


Ankita Sethi, 2nd, Best Manager, Excelsior, Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies


Ankita Sethi, 2nd, CIMA Case Study, Finwiz, Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies


Anish Arora, 2nd, EcoSquare, Shyam Lal College


Yatin Goel, 2nd, Virtual Monopoly, Janki Devi Memorial College


Shivam Nagpal, 4th, Bizzschool Tycoons, Enigma16 Hindu College



VERVE – The Street Play Society

Student Members:

Aashay Pandey, Prachi, Lakshay Burman, Kunwar, Jasleen, Nishant, Akshay, Aishwarya, Atul, Chhavi, Ishvam, Nandini, Srishti, Tannya, Tushar, Ambika, Anamika Gupta, Antra Verma, Bhavyaa Kukreti, Chirag Gupta, Disha Garg, Himanshu Choudhary, Himanshu Yadav, Jasmine Dhingra, Jayesh Bhargava, Krittika Takiar, Nitya Shukla, Ritvec Gupta, Shivik Chaudhary and Tanya Patel.

List of Achievements:

SGND Khalsa fest, 3rd Prize

Satyawati Economics Department Fest, 1st Prize

Mukaam’16, Motilal Nehru College, 2nd Prize

Event Organised


From – to (Date)


36 cities across India

28th February to 1st April 2016



YUVA – The Entrepreneurship Cell

Student Members:

Co-Presidents: Hargurpal Singh, Durgesh Rawat.

Members: Alankrita Mitra, Ankit Saini, Archit Pahwa, Anshul Ghiloria, Anshika Singh, Madhuri Bhatoa, Tushar Behl, Mayank Manchanda, Durgesh Rawat, Hargurpal Singh, Pavitra Garg, Pragati Gupta, Sanya Kapoor, Ayush Mohanty, Gourav Jena, Nitish Rohella, Aarush Jain, Atishay Jain, Arup Lekh, Akhil Mangla, Rayaan Jaitly, Satvik Ahuja, Samriddh, Archit Kaushik, Archit Arya.









Startup Weekend 2015


EDC, IIT Delhi



In top 6 among 120 teams in Business Plan Competition

Avante Garde 2015, IIM Indore



Best manager


Dyal Singh College



Ace the Case


Aryabhatta College



In top 6 among 120 teams in Business Plan Competition

Avante Garde 2015, IIM Indore



Volunteer Programme





Volunteer Programme





In top 6 among 120 teams in Business Plan Competition

Avante Garde 2015, IIM Indore



Volunteer Programme





Special mention at Startup weekend

EDC, IIT Delhi



Startup Weekend


EDC, IIT Delhi





E-cell,  NIT Trichy









E-cell,  NIT Trichy





E-cell,  NIT Trichy





E-cell,  NIT Trichy


Team Secured Volunteer Partnership with Tie Delhi, which has so far availed the team with events worth 2.1 Lac.


Three members secured Surge Conference, with combined passes worth 1.2 Lac.





Bharat Hospital




EON Electricals

Nuova Shoes

Canara Bank



Career Launcher


Swan Environment

Company X

Harjeet Caterers


Cornitos Nachos



Deal Monk

IS Creations

Worlds of Wonder                            

Delhi Milk Scheme


Yasita Fashion

Renaissance Advanced Consultancy Ltd

Amount of Sponsorship Raised


Society Name

Amount (in ₹)






153000.00 + in Kind


Debating Society



Editorial Board

















































Name of Committee



Academic Development Committee

Three Teachers-in-Charge, Dr. Preeti Rajpal Singh, Ms. Kavita Kapur, Dr. Rohini Singh, Dr. Tarannum Ahmad, Ms. Shalini Prakash, Dr. Anuja Mathur and Dr. Abhishek Tandon.


Admission Committee (BBS + BFIA)

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Goyal, Dr. Preeti Rajpal Singh, Dr. Hamendra Kumar Porwal, Dr. Rishi Ranjan and Dr. Abhishek Tandon.


Antiragging/Discipline Committee

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Goyal, Dr. Preeti Rajpal Singh, Dr. Tarannum Ahmad, Ms. Kavita Rastogi, Dr. Kumar Bijoy and Dr. Hamendra Kumar Porwal.


Budget Committee

Dr. Ajay Jaiswal (Bursar), Dr. Kumar Bijoy

Ms. Kishori Ravi Shankar, Mr. Neeraj Kumar Sehrawat and Dr. Sameer Anand (Staff Council Secretary).


Building Committee

Bursar, Three TICs and Staff Council Secretary


Canteen Committee

Ms. Kishori Ravi Shankar, Dr. Sameer Anand, Dr. Amrina Kausar, Mr. Onkar Singh (teacher representatives) and  Mr. Surinder Jairath (non-teaching representative)


CASH (Committee Against Sexual Harassment)

Mr. Raj Kumar and Dr. Mona Verma.


CDC (Career Development Centre)

Ms. Kavita Kapur, Dr. Tarannum Ahmad, Dr. Anuja Mathur, Ms. Manika Kaushik and Mr. Tushar Marwaha.


Committee for Representation of  North-East Students

Dr. Abhishek Tandon (Nodal Officer) and Mr. Tushar Marwaha.


Committee to look into provision of text book and other amenities to economically weak students

Bursar, Dr. Anuja Mathur and Ms. Sonika Thakral.


Dalit Grievances Committee

Dr. Abhishek Tandon, Mr. Amit Kumar, Ms. Neha and Mr. Narander Kumar Nigam.


Equal Opportunity Cell

Mr. Neeraj Kumar Sehrawat, Ms. Neha and Mr. Tushar Marwaha.


ICT (Infrastructure Committee)

Bursar, Teacher-in-Charge and Staff Council Secretary.


Information Brochure Committee

Dr. Preeti Rajpal Singh, Dr. Rohini Singh,

Ms. Kavita Kapur and Mr. Tushar Marwaha.


Internal Quality Assurance Cell

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Goyal (Member Secretary), Dr. H.K. Porwal, Ms. Kavita Rastogi, Librarian, AO, Prof. R.K. Aggarwal (School of Comp. and Systems Sciences, JNU) and Prof. C.K. Jaggi (HoD, Deptt. of Operational Research, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delhi)


Leave Advisory Committee

Three TICs.


NAAC Core Committee

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Goyal, Dr. Hamendra Kumar Porwal, Dr. Preeti Rajpal Singh and Mr. Surinder Jairath (AO).


NAAC Steering Committee

Dr. Hamendra Kumar Porwal (Coordinator), Dr. Preeti Rajpal Singh, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Goyal, Dr. Anuja Mathur, Ms. Kavita Kapur, Ms. Shalini Prakash, Dr. Anamika Gupta, Ms. Kavita Rastogi, Ms. Kishori Ravi Shankar, Dr. Kumar Bijoy and AO.


Purchase Committee

Dr. Preeti Rajpal Singh, Dr. Tarannum Ahmad and Mr. Onkar Singh (the teacher representatives) and Mr. Surender Jairath (AO).


Research Committee

Dr. Anuja Mathur, Mr. Neeraj Kumar Sehrawat, Dr. Kumar Bijoy, Dr. Amrina Kausar, Mr. Amit Kumar,  Ms. Paridhi, Mr. Tushar Marwaha, Dr. Neetu Yadav,  Dr. Abhishek Tandon, Ms. Sonika Thakral and Mr. Abhimanyu.


Website Committee

Dr. Ajay Jaiswal, Dr. Sameer Anand, Dr. Abhishek Tandon, Systems and Network Administrator (Mr. Varun Kushwaha).



List of Student Council Members – Info recd

Class Representatives:

Aakash Beniwal, Harsh Garg, Mayank Manchanda, Priyanka Banthia, Siddharth Jain, Anand S. Gupta, Shambhavi, Ravi Kr. Tomar, Aditya Pratap Singh Yadav, Dhruv Talwar, Jyotjit Devgun, Parmeet Singh, Saksham Malik, Shivam Dhall, Arjun, Vibhav Dudeja, Roopal Kalra, Tanmay Garg, Ankita Jain, Aditi Rana, Mehul Gupta, Rohan Kundu, Vasvi, Rajneesh Kumar, Devika Puri, Wineeta Paul and Shivangi Goyal.


DeputyClass Representatives:

Aishwarya Rao, Jellybean Singh, Manvika Athwani , Roshni Jain, Vidit Jain, Amandeep Kaur, Pranav Aggarwal, Nishtha Arora, Angad Singh, Chetan Dahiya, Madhav Sabarwal, Prakash Jain, Rahul Shah,

Sonali Bajaj, Aditya Pratap Singh, Shivam Chaudhary, Dhawal Kumar, Rohit, Akshay Bansal , Vipul Mittal, Mehul Gupta, Manish Chaudhary, Dhruv Hingorani, Shikhar Kumar and Sudeep James Tirkey.


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