Girl Up Ruhi

What We Do

GirlUp is an initiative of the United Nations Foundation. It was founded in 2010. GirlUp aims to achieve global gender equality.

Led by a community of passionate advocates for women’s safety, the club aims to instill leadership skills in young girls from all walks of life and also envisions making everyone aware, sensitive and intolerant of gender inequality.

GirlUp Clubs are open and inclusive of any youth regardless of sex, gender identity, race, religion, ethnicity, political belief, socioeconomic status, sexuality, or physical ability.

Girl Up India is a branch of GirlUp which operates in India and manages Indian chapters of GirlUp.

GirlUp Ruhi is a chapter of Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies. Through education, fundraising, advocacy and service, GirlUp members develop the leadership skills necessary to make a positive difference in the lives of girls everywhere. While focusing on women in corporate, the club also makes efforts to uplift people from the underprivileged section of the society by donating and organizing drives.

Activity and Event Reports