Sushmita, Ph.D.

Dr. (Ms.) Sushmita, Ph.D.

Areas of Expertise

  • Public Policy
  • Infrastructural Macroeconomics
  • West Asia

Sushmita, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

You will either step forward into growth, or you will step backward into safety


Dr. Sushmita is Assistant Professor of Economics at Dept of Management Studies, Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, University of Delhi. She started her career as manager in Risk and Business Analysis department of Business Intelligence Unit ICICI bank. She has received her doctorate in the area of infrastructural macroeconomics. She is fellow of Developing Countries Research Centre. Her research interest includes West Asia, Behavioral economics, Public policy and Infrastructural macroeconomics. She has published and presented her research papers in numerous national and international journals and platforms of repute. She has also authored a book in area infrastructural macroeconomics titled ‘Retail banking in India: A New Perspective’. She believes that learning is an ongoing process and sustaining force of her life.


  • PhD, Economics- A Comparative Study of Retail Banking in Selected Public and private sector banks in India, M.G.K.V.P
  • NET (UGC) Economics, NET (ASRB) Economics and Agricultural Business Management
  • M.A. Economics, Banaras Hindu University
  • B.A. Economics (Hons), Banaras Hindu University


  • Sushmita, An Evaluation of Mono-product Economies & examining the sine qua non for diversification - In West Asian Region, Journal of Accounting Research, Business and Finance Management ,2(2),2021, ISSN 25828851, pp75-81
  • Sushmita, “Retail Banking in India: A New Perspective”, Research India Publications, ISBN 978-93-87374-42-3, 2018
  • Sushmita, Rishabh Bhatia, Sanchit Sharma,. Investor Overconfidence and disposition Effect: An Evidence from India, Indian Journal of Research In Capital Markets, Vol:5 Issue:3, ISSN 2394-3459, July –September 2018, pp 31-41.
  • Anuj Maurya, Chaitali Bansal, Shivani Singh and Sushmita Economic Crisis Modelling : Data based approach to generalize effect of a crisis,International Journal of Engineering and Future Technology 2019,vol16,issue 2 ISSN 24556432
  • Sushmita & Utkarsh Sharma, A Study of Trade off between Monthly Allowance and Pattern of Saving Behavior among Students, Vivekanad Journal of Research, ISSN 2319 8702, Vol 7 issue 2, July –December 2018,pp128-136
  • Sushmita, “Panchayati Raj Institution – the 73rd Amendment to the Constitution of India: and women empowerment”, Women Security and Entrepreneurship in the Contemporary world: A Critical Analysis, Globus Press, Delhi, India, ISBN 978-93-82484-62-2, pg 32-41
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