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Kausar, A., Hasan, A. & Jaggi, C. K. (2023).Sustainable inventory management for a closed‑loop supply chain with learning effect and carbon emission under the multi‑shipment policy. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer Publication, 14(5) 1738- 1755 (ESCI) (Scopus Indexed) (Impact Factor: 2.018) (H Indexed 28) ISSN/eSSIN :0975-6809 / 0976-4348
Maheshwari, S., Gautam, P., Kausar, A., & Jaggi, C. K. (2023). Optimal inventory replenishment policies for deteriorating items with preservation technology under the effect of advertisement and price reliant demand. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics, 136128. (Scopus, SCIE, IF 9.040) ISSN : 2330-2674.
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Maheshwari, S., Kausar, A., Hasan, A. & Jaggi, C. K. (2023). Sustainable inventory model for a three-layer supply chain using optimal waste management. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer Publication, 14(1)216-235 (ESCI) (Scopus Indexed) (Impact Factor: 2.018) (H Indexed 28) ISSN/eSSIN :0975-6809 / 0976-4348
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Hasan A., Kausar A., Verma M. (2021). An EOQ model for non-instantaneous deteriorating items with ramp-type demand in a two-warehouse facility. International Journal Services Operations and Informatics, 11(2/3), 115- 158. (Scopus Indexed) (Impact Factor: 1.06)(ABDC-C) (H Index: 14) (SJR: 0.17).ISSN/eISSN: 1741-539X /1741-5403
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Jaggi, C. K., & Kausar, A. (2009). Inventory decisions for deteriorating items under two-stage trade credit with credit period induced demand. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, 2(1), 74-86.(H Index: 18)(SJR 0.232)(Scopus Indexed) (Impact Factor 0.26) ISSN: 1755-8077
Jaggi, C. K., Kausar, A., & Khanna, A. (2007). Joint Optimization of Retailer's unit selling price and Cycle Length under Two-Stage Credit Policy when the end demand is price as well as credit period sensitive. OPSEARCH, 44(2), 172- 182. (ESCI Indexed ) (Scopus indexed) (H Index: 20) ) (Impact Factor 1.6)(SJR: 0.357)
Jaggi, C. K., Goel, S. K., & Kausar, A. (2007). Joint Optimization of Price and Cycle Length under Two-Stage Credit Policy with Credit-Linked Demand. Investigación Operacional, 28(3), 196-203. (H Index: 10)(SJR 0.21)(Impact Factor: 0.71) )(Scopus Indexed)ISSN: 0257-4306
Jaggi, C. K., Shah, N. H., & Kausar, A. (2007). Optimization of Channel Profit for Deteriorating Items under Permissible Delay in Payments when end Demand is Price Sensitive. Investigación Operacional, 28(3), 204-216. (H Index: 10)(SJR 0.21) )(Scopus Indexed) (Impact Factor: 0.71) ) ISSN: 0257-4306