Talent and Knowledge Management

Course ID
MDH 603
Paper Type
DSE – Human Resource Management
Lecture & Tutorial

Unique Paper Code: 61017917

To prepare students for talent and knowledge management efforts in organisations. It aims at enabling students to gain insights in concepts and application of talent and knowledge management in organizations. The course aims at understanding basic elements, processes, approaches and strategies of managing talent and knowledge in organisations.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Evaluate the potential and appropriateness of talent development strategies, policies and methods with reference to relevant contextual factors.
  • Assess the role and influence the politics of knowledge management policy and practice in a range of contexts.

Course Contents

Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV

Unit I (4 Weeks)

Meaning and importance of talent management, Talent management Grid, Creating talent management system, Strategies of talent management. Competency model, Competency mapping, Role of leaders in talent management, Talent management and competitive advantage.


T.V Rao: Hurconomics for Talent Management: Making the HRD Missionary Business- driven, Pearson Education, Chapter 3, 4

Lance A. Berger, Dorothy Berger: Talent management handbook, McGraw Hill New York, Part 1, 2

Unit II (2 Weeks)

Elements of knowledge management, Advantages of knowledge management, Knowledge management in learning organisations. Types of Knowledge: Tacit and Explicit. Managing knowledge workers.


Sudhir Warier: Knowledge management, Vikas publishing house, Chapter 3

Donald Hislop: Knowledge management in organisations, Oxford University press, Chapter 2, 4, 5

Unit III (3 Weeks)

Knowledge management process, Approaches to knowledge management: Knowledge management solutions, Knowledge creation, Knowledge sharing, Knowledge dissemination, Knowledge management life cycle, Nonaka’s model of knowledge. Knowledge capturing techniques: Brainstorming, Protocol analysis, Consensus decision making, Repertory grid, Concept mapping.


Sudhir Warier: Knowledge management, Vikas publishing house, Chapter 3, 4

Donald Hislop: Knowledge management in organisations, Oxford University press, Chapter 6, 7, 8

Unit IV (3 Weeks)

Knowledge management strategies: Aligning individual needs with organisation, Reward systems for knowledge management, Knowledge audit, Benchmarking, Balance score card, Gap analysis.


Knowledge management – concepts and best practices, Springer, Heidelberg (2003), K. Mertins, P. Heisig, J. Vorbeck, Chapter – 1, 2, 3, 5, 11

Additional Information

Text Books

Lance A. Berger, Dorothy Berger: Talent management handbook, McGraw Hill New York.
Cappeli Peter: Talent on Demand –Managing Talent in an age of uncertainty, Harvard Business press.
T.V Rao: Hurconomics for Talent Management: Making the HRD Missionary Business- driven, Pearson Education

Additional Readings

Stuart Barnes: Knowledge management system theory and practice, Thomson learning.
Donald Hislop: Knowledge management in organisations, Oxford University press.
Sudhir Warier: Knowledge management, Vikas publishing house.
T. Raman: Knowledge management –a resource book, Excel books.

Teaching Learning Process

Lecture, discussion, PowerPoint presentations, Case Studies

Assessment Methods

Internal Assessment: 25 marks
Written Theory Exam: 75 marks


Talent management, knowledge management, Types of Knowledge, Knowledge creation, Brainstorming, Reward systems, Knowledge audit

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