Retail Management

Course ID
MDM 603
Paper Type
DSE – Marketing
Lecture & Tutorial

Unique Paper Code: 61017934

The primary objective of the course is to have students develop marketing competencies in retailing and retail consulting. The course is designed to prepare students for positions in the retail sector or positions in the retail divisions of consulting companies. Besides learning more about retailing and retail consulting, the course is designed to foster the development of the student’s critical and creative thinking skills.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Clarify the concept and related terms in retailing.
  • Comprehend the ways retailers use marketing tools and techniques to interact with their customers.
  • Understand various formats of retail in the industry.
  • Recognize and understand the operations-oriented policies, methods, and procedures used by successful retailers in today’s global economy.

Course Contents

Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV

Unit I (3 Weeks)

Introduction to Retailing: Definition, Characteristics, emerging trends in retailing, Evolution of retailing in India, Factors behind the change of Indian retail industry.

Retail Formats: Retail institutions by ownership, Retail institutions by Store-Based Strategy Mix, Web, Non-store based, and other forms of Non-traditional Retailing.


Berman & Evarv: Retail Management, Prentice Hall, Chapter – 1, 2, 4, 5, 6

Gibson G Vedamani: Retail Management: Functional principles & practices, Jaico Publishing House, Chapter – 1, 2, 6, 7

Unit II (3 Weeks)

Choosing a Store Location: Trading-Area analysis, characteristics of trading areas, Site selection, Types of locations, location and site evaluation.

Store Planning: Design & Layout, Retail Image Mix, effective retail space management, floor space management.


Berman & Evarv: Retail Management, Prentice Hall, Chapter – 9, 10

Gibson G Vedamani: Retail Management: Functional principles & practices, Jaico Publishing House, Chapter – 15, 16, 17, 24

Unit III (3 Weeks)

Retail Marketing: Retail Marketing Mix, Advertising & Sales Promotion, Store Positioning, CRM.

Retail Merchandising: Buying Organization Formats and Processes, Devising Merchandise Plans, Shrinkage in retail merchandise management, Markup & Markdown in merchandise management


Berman & Evarv: Retail Management, Prentice Hall, Chapter – 14, 19,

Gibson G Vedamani: Retail Management: Functional principles & practices, Jaico Publishing House, Chapter – 9, 12, 14, 20, 21, 23

Unit IV (3 Weeks)

Merchandise Pricing: Concept of Merchandise Pricing, Pricing Objectives, External factors affecting a retail price strategy, Pricing Strategies, Types of Pricing.

Retail Operation: Elements/Components of Retail Store Operation, Store Administration, Store Manager –Responsibilities, Inventory Management, Customer Service, Management of Retail Outlet/Store, Store Maintenance, Store Security.


Berman & Evarv: Retail Management, Prentice Hall, Chapter – 13, 17

Gibson G Vedamani: Retail Management: Functional principles & practices, Jaico Publishing House, Chapter – 12, 17

Additional Information

Text Books

Berman & Evarv: Retail Management, Prentice Hall.
Gibson G Vedamani: Retail Management: Functional principles & practices, Jaico Publishing House.

Additional Readings

Cullen & Newman: Retailing – Environment & Operations, Cengage Learning EMEA
Bajaj, Tuli & Srivastava: Retail Management- Oxford University Publications
Harjit Singh: Retail Management, S. Chand Publication.

Teaching Learning Process

Lecture, Relevant case studies, PowerPoint presentations, class discussions, News.

Assessment Methods

Internal Assessment: 25 marks
Written Theory Exam: 75 marks


Retail Management, Retail Industry, Merchandising, Retail store and formats

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