Personality Development and Communication

Course ID
MS 308
Paper Type
Generic Elective
Lecture & Practical

Unique Paper Code: Update Awaited

To develop inter personal, effective communication, problem solving skills and understand its influence on behaviour and attitudes of individuals.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Understand the importance of oral and written communication in day-to-day working of the organisation
  • Develop inter personal skills and problem-solving skills
  • Understand the role of body language in effective communicate

Course Contents

Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV

Unit I (3 Weeks)

Introduction, need for Communication, Process of Communication, Written and Verbal Communication, Visual communication, Signs, Signals and Symbols, Silence as a Mode of Communication, Inter-cultural, Intra-cultural, Cross-cultural and International communication, Communication through Questionnaires, Business Letter Writing, Electronic Communication


Kushal Jin-Business Communication,VK India,Chapter 1,2,11,18

Unit II (3 Weeks)

Business Cases and Presentations, Letters within the Organizations, Letters from Top Management, Circulars and Memos, Business Presentations to Customers and other stakeholders, presenting a Positive Image through Verbal and Non-verbal Cues, Preparing and Delivering the Presentations, Use of Audio visual Aids, Report Writing.


Kushal Jin-Business Communication,VK India,Chapter 16,17

Unit III (4 Weeks)

Barriers to Communication, Improving Communication Skills, Preparation of Promotional Material, Non-verbal communication, Body language, Postures and gestures, Value of time, Organizational body language, Importance of Listening, Emotional Intelligence. Working individually and in a team, Leadership skills, Leadership Lessons, Team work and Team building, Feedback, Feed forward Interpersonal skills – Delegation, Humour, Trust, Expectations, Values, Status, Compatibility and their role inbuilding team – work Conflict Management – Types of conflicts, how to cope with conflict.


Kushal Jin-Business Communication,VK India,Chapter 5,7

Krishnamacharyulu C.S.G,Ramakrishnan Lalitha-Personality Development, Interpersonal Skills and Career Management,Himalaya Publishing,Chapter 6

Unit IV (2 Weeks)

Negotiation Skills, Types of Negotiation, Negotiation Strategies, Selling skills – Selling to customers, Selling to Superiors Selling to peer groups, team mates and subordinates, Conceptual selling, Strategic selling, Selling skills – Body language.


Corvette Budjac-Conflict Management: A Practical Guide to Developing Negotiation Strategies,Pearson,Chapter 2,4,5,6

Additional Information

Text Books

Kushal Jin-Business Communication,VK India.
Krishnamacharyulu C.S.G,Ramakrishnan Lalitha-Personality Development, Interpersonal Skills and Career Management,Himalaya Publishing.
Corvette Budjac-Conflict Management: A Practical Guide to Developing Negotiation Strategies,Pearson.

Additional Readings

Mitra, B.K., Personality Development and Soft Skills, Oxford University Press
Kumar Sanjay and Pushplata,Communication Skills,Oxford University Press
Mandal S.K,Effective Communication and Public Speaking,Jaico Publishing Note: Latest edition of the readings may be used.

Teaching Learning Process

Lectures, Role plays, Presentations, Group Discussions, Case studies

Assessment Methods

Practical + Internal assessment – 50 marks
Written exam – 50 marks


Process of Communication, Non Verbal Communication, Negotiations, Interpersonal skills

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