Personal Selling

Course ID
MDM 504
Paper Type
DSE – Marketing
Lecture & Tutorial

Unique Paper Code: 61017932

To familiarize the students with the concept and practice of personal selling process, techniques and methods in the modern organizational setting.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Understand the concept of personal selling and related terms.
  • An in-depth understanding to various stages in selling process and the catalytic role of sales person in the effective functioning of an organization.
  • Learn some of the tools and techniques of selling process.

Course Contents

Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV

Unit I (2 Weeks)

Personal Selling:
An overview of personal selling; functions of a sales person, characteristics of a sales person, Sales as a career. Importance and role of Personal Selling, Building trust and Sales Ethics.


Charles Futrell : Fundamentals of Selling, McGraw Hill (13th Edition), Chapter 1, 2, 3

Still, Cundiff & Govani: Sales Management, Prentice Hall of India (2nd Revised Edition), Chapter 1, 2

Unit II (2 Weeks)

Theories of Selling:
Personal Selling situations; Theories: AIDAS, Right set of circumstances theory, buying formula theory, Behavioural Equation Theory


Still, Cundiff & Govani: Sales Management, Prentice Hall of India (2nd Revised Edition), Chapter 2

Unit III (5 Weeks)

Selling Process:
Prospecting: Need and Methods; Pre approach: Sales Knowledge; Sales presentation: methods, elements, the approach; Handling Objections: categories and techniques; Closing the sale: techniques; Post sale follow up, Communication for Relationship Building.


Charles Futrell : Fundamentals of Selling, McGraw Hill (13th Edition), Chapter 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Unit IV (3 Weeks)

Sales territory:
Sales territory concept, reasons for establishing sales territories, procedure for setting up sales territories.


Charles Futrell : Fundamentals of Selling, McGraw Hill (13th Edition), Chapter 5

Still, Cundiff & Govani: Sales Management, Prentice Hall of India (2nd Revised Edition), Chapter 21, 22

Additional Information

Text Books

Charles Futrell : Fundamentals of Selling, McGraw Hill (13th Edition)
Still, Cundiff & Govani: Sales Management, Prentice Hall of India (2nd Revised Edition).
Charles Futrell, ABC’s of Relationship Selling through Service”, McGraw Hill Publications (Latest Edition).

Additional Readings

Rolph E. Anderson, Essentials of personal selling: the new professionalism, Prentice Hall, 1995 (3rd Edition)

Teaching Learning Process

Lecture, relevant cases, classroom discussions based on news and recent happenings in industry, role plays, power point presentations, discussion.

Assessment Methods

Internal Assessment: 25 marks
Written Theory Exam: 75 marks


Personal Selling, Selling approach, Sales territory

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