Marketing of Services

Course ID
MDM 505
Paper Type
DSE – Marketing
Lecture & Tutorial

Unique Paper Code: 61017936

The course brings out the emerging service environment in India and the world. It emphasizes the distinctive aspects of Services Marketing. It aims at equipping students with concepts and techniques that help in taking decisions relating to various services marketing situations.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Understand the Concept of Services and intangible products
  • Discuss the relevance of the services Industry to Industry
  • Examine the characteristics of the services industry and the modus operandi
  • Analyse the role and relevance of Quality in Services
  • Visualise future changes in the Services Industry

Course Contents

Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV

Unit I (2 Weeks)

Increasing Importance of Services; Defining a Service; Nature of Services; Intangibility; Distinguishing Features of a Service; Managing Services; The Service Product; Relationship of Services and the organization; Services as an Opportunity; Service Industry across the world.


Zeithaml Valerie A, & Bitner Mary Jo., Gremler Dwayne D., Pandit Ajay; Services Marketing, McGraw Hill [Chapter 1]

Unit II (2 Weeks)

Relevance of Services:
Emergence of The Service Economy; Outsourcing and Services; Overview of The Indian Economy; Services Sector in The Indian Economy, (Major players, Major services offered, Major centres; Circumstances that contributed to the Services boom in the Indian economy; Role and relevance of Services to the Indian economy; Classification of Services; Variety of Services offered by Indian organizations, Intangible and Tangible Services.


Zeithaml Valerie A, & Bitner Mary Jo., Gremler Dwayne D., Pandit Ajay; Services Marketing, McGraw Hill [Chapter 18]

Unit III (3 Weeks)

Differentiating Services:
Distinguishing Features; The service; Promotion; Price; Place; People; Physical evidence; Process; Elements of Positioning; Service Differentiation; How Indian companies have been at the forefront of the Services industry; What do Indian companies offer to companies seeking Services support; Services as a source of competitive advantage; Increasing integration of Services with organizational plans and activities; Internal Services and External Services, Features, Relevance, Examples; Services Training and Hiring; Motivation and Employee Management in the Services sector; Factors affecting attempts of Services Differentiation.


Wirtz Jochen, Lovelock Christopher H, Chatterjee Jayanta.: Services Marketing, 8e Edition, Pearson. [Chapters 3,11,]

Unit IV (5 Weeks)

Quality and Strategies:
Defining Service Quality; Researching Service Quality; Service Quality Benchmarking (Servqual, TUV, ISO etc.); Setting Quality Standards; Managing the Marketing Mix for Quality; Organizing and Implementing Service Quality; Factors affecting Service Quality Management; Customer and Customer Value Proposition and Value Creation n Services; Managing the Service Encounter; Blueprinting; Managing Customer Demand, Frequency, Quality, Training, Content and Context; Developing Relationships with Customers; Distribution Strategy; Pricing of Services; Promoting Services;. Competitors of the Indian Services Industry; Future of Services Industry in India and elsewhere; Near-shoring and Re- shoring; Services and the Gig Economy; Growth potential of the Services Industry


Zeithaml Valerie A, & Bitner Mary Jo., Gremler Dwayne D., Pandit Ajay; Services Marketing, McGraw Hill [Chapter 6,7,16,17]

Wirtz Jochen, Lovelock Christopher H, Chatterjee Jayanta.: Services Marketing, 8e Edition, Pearson. [Chapters 5,6,9,11,12]

Additional Information

Text Books

Wirtz Jochen, Lovelock Christopher H, Chatterjee Jayanta.: Services Marketing, 8e Edition, Pearson.
Zeithaml Valerie A, & Bitner Mary Jo., Gremler Dwayne D., Pandit Ajay; Services Marketing, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill

Additional Readings

Woodruffe, Helen: Service Marketing. MacMillan India
Zeithaml Valerie A, & Bitner Mary Jo., Gremler Dwayne D., Pandit Ajay; Services Marketing, McGraw Hill

Teaching Learning Process

This course will be taught using a mix of the following tools:
1. Case studies
2. Relevant and important articles from academic linked journals in the domain of Management such as Harvard Business Review, Strategy+Management and MIT Sloan Management Review among others of a comparable quality.
3. Research reports put out by management bodies such as McKinsey and Company, KPMG and Deloitte among others.
4. Classroom discussions based on points 1-3 and other parts of the course contents.
5. Classroom presentations by the students on teacher assigned topics.

Assessment Methods

The total assessment of the course is for 100 marks and would be split as follows:
Semester end exam = 75 marks
Attendance = 5 marks
Internal = 20 marks


Outsourcing, Marketing, Services Marketing, Quality, Total Quality Management, Services Sector, ITeS Industry in India, Re-shoring, Gig Economy

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