The course gives an overview of the need for HRD and HRD practices which can develop and improve an Organization’s systems and strategies leading to an effective HRD climate.
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
Unit I (3 Weeks)
Human Resource Development (HRD): Concept; Relationship between human resource management and human resource development; Roles and competencies of HRD professionals; HRD Matrix; HRD as a Total System; HRD areas of Training, Education and Development.
Pareek Udai,Rao T.V-Designing and Managing Human Resource System,Oxford IBH, Chapter 1,12
Rao T.V & Nair M.R.R-Excellence through Human Resource Management,Tata Mcgraw,Chapter 6,7,8
Nadler Leonard-Corperate Human Resource Development,Van Nostrand Reinhold/ASTD New York,Chapter 2
Werner J.M,Desimone-Human Resource Development,Oxford IBH Pub,Chapter 1
Unit II (3 Weeks)
HRD Process: Assessing need for HRD; Designing and developing effective HRD programs; Implementing HRD programs; Evaluating HRD programs; HRD interventions: Integrated Human Resource Development Systems, Staffing for HRD; HRD Audit; HRD and diversity management; HRD Climate.
Pareek Udai,Rao T.V-Designing and Managing Human Resource System,Oxford IBH,Chapter 1,22
Rao T.V & Nair M.R.R-Excellence through Human Resource Management,Tata Mcgraw, Chapter 11
Swanson Richard,Holton-Human Resource Development,Berett Koehers Pub,Chapter 2
Werner J.M,Desimone-Human Resource Development,Oxford IBH Pub,Chapter 16
Unit III (3 Weeks)
Approaches to HRD: Leadership development; Action learning; Assessment Centers; Motivation approaches for HRD; Industrial relations and HRD: role of Trade unions.
Pareek Udai,Rao T.V-Designing and Managing Human Resource System,Oxford IBH, Chapter 9
Graven Thomas,Gaire,Dooley-Fundamentals of Human Resource Development,Sage Pub, Chapter 9
Unit IV (3 Weeks)
Career management and development: Coaching and mentoring; Employee coaching, mentoring and counselling; Competency mapping; High Performance Work Systems; Balanced Score Card; Integrating HRD with technology.
Graven Thomas,Gaire,Dooley-Fundamentals of Human Resource Development,Sage Pub, Chapter 9
Werner J.M,Desimone-Human Resource Development,Oxford IBH Pub,Chapter 10,11,12,15
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