Entrepreneurship Theory and Practices

Course ID
FG 203
Paper Type
Generic Elective
Lecture & Tutorial

Unique Paper Code: 61015921

This course aims at instituting entrepreneurial skills in the students by giving an overview of entrepreneurship and the competences that are needed to become an entrepreneur. To enable students to explore, launch entrepreneurial ventures in their own areas of interest.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Understand the process and nature of entrepreneurship.
  • Identify the different ways in which entrepreneur manifests in start-ups
  • Know how to create one’s own business venture and the various factors that influence successful set-up and sustainable operations.

Course Contents

Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV

Unit I (3 weeks)
Introduction: Concept and Definitions Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Mind-set, Traits/Qualities of Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship process; Theories of entrepreneurship; Factors impacting emergence of entrepreneurship; Role of Entrepreneur: Role of an entrepreneur in economic growth as an innovator; generation of employment opportunities; complimenting and supplementing economic growth; bringing about social stability and balanced regional development of industries.

Hisrich, R.D., Manimala, M.J., Peters, M.P., Shepherd, D.A.: Entrepreneurship, Tata McGraw Hill [Chapter 1]
M.B. Shukla . Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management : Kitab Mahal Publishers [Chapter 1,4,5,8]

Unit II (3 weeks)
Classification and Types of Entrepreneurs; Women Entrepreneurs; Social Entrepreneurship; Corporate Entrepreneurs, Family Business: Concept, structure and kinds of family firms; Culture and evolution of family firm; Managing Business, family and shareholder relationships

Scarborough, N. M., Cornwall, J. R., & Zimmerer, T. (2016). Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management. Boston: Pearson. [Chapter 1]

M.B. Shukla . Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management : Kitab Mahal Publishers [Chapter 7,40,52]

Unit III (3 weeks)
Creating Entrepreneurial Venture: Generating Business idea, Team building, – Sources of Innovation Creativity and Entrepreneurship; Challenges in managing innovation; Entrepreneurial strategy and Scaling up, Business planning process; Drawing business plan; Business plan failures.

Scarborough, N. M., Cornwall, J. R., & Zimmerer, T. (2016). Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management. Boston: Pearson. [Chapter 2,3]
M.B. Shukla . Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management : Kitab Mahal Publishers [Chapter 11,12]

Hisrich, R.D., Manimala, M.J., Peters, M.P., Shepherd, D.A.: Entrepreneurship, Tata McGraw Hill [ Chapter 5]

Unit IV (3 weeks)
Resource Mobilization for entrepreneurship: what is resource, resources mobilization, types of resources, Process of resource mobilization, Arrangement of funds; Writing a Funding Proposal, Traditional sources of financing, Venture capital, Angels, Business Incubators. Harvesting and Exit Strategies.

Scarborough, N. M., Cornwall, J. R., & Zimmerer, T. (2016). Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management. Boston: Pearson. [Chapter 7,11,13,14,16]

M.B. Shukla . Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management : Kitab Mahal Publishers [Chapter 45]

Hisrich, R.D., Manimala, M.J., Peters, M.P., Shepherd, D.A.: Entrepreneurship, Tata McGraw Hill [Chapter 11,12]

Additional Information

Text Books

Scarborough, N. M., Cornwall, J. R., & Zimmerer, T. (2016). Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management. Boston: Pearson.
Hisrich, R.D., Manimala, M.J., Peters, M.P., Shepherd, D.A.: Entrepreneurship, Tata McGraw Hill.
M.B. Shukla . Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management : Kitab Mahal Publishers.

Additional Readings

R.D. Hishrich., Peters, M., Entrepreneurship: Irwin, (latest edition)
Barringer, B.R. and R. Duane Ireland, Entrepreneurship, (latest edition)Pearson Prentice Hall
Kuratko, D.F., and Rao, T. V., Entrepreneurship: A South-Asian Perspective, (latest edition) Cengage
Shankar, R., Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, (latest edition)Tata McGraw Hill
Gersick, K. E., Davis, J. A., Hampton, M. M., & Lansberg, I. (1997). Generation to generation: Life cycles of the family business. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Nicholls, A. (Ed.). (2006). Social entrepreneurship new models of sustainable social change. Oxford University Press.

Teaching Learning Process

Class room lecture, Case study discussion, Numerical Problem solving, Class presentation on the assigned topic by students individually or in group, Workshop, Tutorials, Role play

Assessment Methods

Internal evaluation of 25% marks
a. Attendance 5% marks
b. Two internal evaluations by the teacher with 10% marks each out of which one must be a class test and other may be another test or home assignment or presentation. Faculty may take more than two assignments and (or) tests but total will be only 20% marks.
End term University Exam of 75% marks


Entrepreneurship process, Women Entrepreneurs, Social Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Venture, Family Business, Business Incubators

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