E Commerce

Course ID
MS 406
Paper Type
Skill Enhancement
Lecture & Practical

Unique Paper Code: 61013923

The objectives of the course are to introduce the concept of electronic commerce, and to understand how electronic commerce is affecting business enterprises, governments, consumers and people in general. In addition, this skill enhancement paper will provide elementary knowledge to students to acquaint with the art and skill of developing websites using relevant software tools.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Fundamental principles of e‐Business and e‐ Commerce and the role of Management,
  • Underlying used technologies with emphasis on Internet Technologies,
  • Application of tools and services to the development of small scale e‐Commerce applications.

Course Contents

Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV

Unit I (3 Weeks)

Introduction to ecommerce: Meaning and concept of ecommerce, ecommerce vs e-business, advantages and disadvantages of ecommerce, value chain in ecommerce, Porter’s value chain model, competitive advantage and competitive strategy, different types of ecommerce like B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B,G2C. E commerce: Business Models and Concepts. Business to Business e-commerce: Meaning, benefits and opportunities in B2B, key B2B models and their main functions, EDI as a B2B tool. E-core values: ethical issues, legal issues, taxation issues and international issues.


Elias. M. Awad, “Electronic Commerce”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd. (Latest Edition) [Chapter 1, 11, 12]

Unit II (3 Weeks)

Commerce- A Consumer Oriented Approach: Traditional v/s E-Retailing, Key success factors in E retailing, Models of E-retailing, and Characteristics of E-retailing. E-services: Categories of E-services, Web-enabled services, matchmaking services, Information selling on the web, E-entertainment, Auctions and other specialized services. Consumer oriented e-commerce: traditional retailing and e retailing, benefits and key success factors for e-retailing, models for e-retailing like specialized and generalized e-stores, e-mall, direct selling by manufacturer, e-broker and e-services like web-enabling services, information selling on the web, entertainment services and auction services.


Elias. M. Awad, “Electronic Commerce”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd. (Latest Edition) [Chapter 10]

Dave Chaffey, “E-Business and E-Commerce Management- Strategy, Implementation and Practice (Fifth Edition) [Chapters 8]

Unit III (3 Weeks)

Technology in ecommerce: An overview of the internet, basic network architecture and the layered model, internet architecture, intranets and extranets ,The making of world wide web, web system architecture, ISP, URL’s and HTTP, cookies.

Building and hosting your website: choosing an ISP, registering a domain name, web promotion, internet marketing techniques, e-cycle of internet marketing, personalization, mobile agents, tracking customers, customer service, CRM and e-value.


Henry Chan, Raymond Lee, Tharam Dillon, Elizabeth Chang, “E-commerce Fundamentals and Applications, Wiley Publications (Student Edition) [Chapters 2,11,14]

Dave Chaffey, “E-Business and E-Commerce Management- Strategy, Implementation and Practice (Fifth Edition) [Chapters 3,9]

Elias. M. Awad, “Electronic Commerce”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd. (Latest Edition) [Chapters 7,8,9]

Unit IV (3 Weeks)

Web page design using HTML and CSS: Overview of HTML, basic structure of an HTML document, basic text formatting, links, images, tables, frames, form and introduction to CSS. Security threats: Security in cyberspace, kinds of threats and crimes: client threat, communication channel threat, server threat, other programming threats, frauds and scams Basic cryptography for enabling security in ecommerce: encryption: public and private key encryption, authentication and trust using digital signature and digital certificates, internet security using VPN, firewalls, SSL. Internet payment systems: Features of payment methods, 4C payment methods, electronic money, ACID and ICES test, payment gateway, SET protocol for credit card payment, electronic payment media: e-cash and e-wallet, e-check, credit card, debit card, smart card, EFT and ACH


Henry Chan, Raymond Lee, Tharam Dillon, Elizabeth Chang, “E-commerce Fundamentals and Applications, Wiley Publications (Student Edition) [Chapters 3,7,8,10]

Additional Information

Text Books

Laudon and Carol G. Traver, “E-commerce: business, technology, society,” Kenneth
Addison Wesley. (Latest Edition)
Henry Chan, Raymond Lee, Tharam Dillon, Elizabeth Chang, “E-commerce Fundamentals and Applications, Wiley Publications (Student Edition)
Elias. M. Awad, “Electronic Commerce”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd. (Latest Edition)

Additional Readings

Efraim Turban, Jae Lee, David King, H. Michael Chung, “Electronic Commerce – A Managerial Perspective”, Addison Wesley. (Latest Edition)

Teaching Learning Process

Lectures, Presentations, Case studies, Practical classes in labs, Test/ Term paper on a given topic, Virtual Website making project.

Assessment Methods

Practical + Internal assessment – 50 marks
Written exam – 50 marks


E commerce, Technology, Consumer oriented, HTML, Business, Internet

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