Combinatorial Optimization

Course ID
B.Sc. CS (Hons.)
Paper Type
DSE - 1
Lecture & Tutorial

Unique Paper Code: Update Awaited

This course is designed to introduce the fundamentals of combinatorial optimization to the students in terms of both theory and applications, so as to equip them to explore the more advanced areas of convex and non-convex optimizations.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Model problems using linear and integer programs.
  • Apply polyhedral analysis to develop algorithms for optimization problems.
  • Use the concept of duality for design of algorithms.

Course Contents

Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV

Unit I 

Introduction to Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Linear and Integer Programs: LP Formulation, understanding integer programs, computational complexities of IP vs LP, using LP to find optimal or approximate integral solutions, concept of integrality gap

Unit II 

Theory of Linear Programming and Algorithmic Perspective to Simplex Method: standard vs. equational form, basic feasible solutions, convexity and convex polyhedra, correspondence between vertices and basic feasible solutions, geometry of Simplex algorithm, exception handling (unboundedness, degeneracy, infeasibility), Simplex algorithm, avoiding cycles

Unit III 

Primal-Dual Algorithms: interpretation of dual, optimality conditions for primal and dual, weak and strong duality, complementary slackness, primal-dual algorithm for the shortest path problem.

Unit IV 

Network Flows: linear programming formulations for network flows and bipartite matching, totally unimodular matrices integral polyhedral.

Disclaimer: Details on this page are subject to change as per University of Delhi guidelines. For latest update in this regard please refer to the University of Delhi website here.

Additional Information

Text Books

Matousek & Gartner (2007). Understanding and Using Linear Programming. Springer
Papadimitriou, C.H. & Steiglitz, K. (1998). Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and complexity. Dover Publications

Additional Readings

Bazaraa, M.S., Jarvis, J.J., & and Sherali, H.D.(2008). Linear Programming and Network Flows. 2nd edition. Wiley
Korte, B., & Vygen, J. (2006). Combinatorial Optimization. 5th edition. Springer

Teaching Learning Process

Lectures, Presentations, Role plays, Case studies, Term paper on a given topic

Assessment Methods

Internal assessment 25 marks
Written exam 75 marks


optimization problems, linear programming, integer programming, duality, network flow problems.

Course ID
B.Sc. CS (Hons.)
Paper Type
DSE - 1
Lecture & Tutorial

Unique Paper Code: 61011103

To acquaint the students with the fundamentals of managing business and to understand individual and group behavior at work place so as to improve the effectiveness of an organization. The course will use and focus on Indian experiences, approaches and cases.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Understand the nature of management and describe the functions of management.
  • Develop understanding of different approaches to designing organizational structures.
  • Understand the role of personality, learning and emotions at work.
  • Discover and understand the concept of motivation, leadership, power and conflict.
  • Understand the foundations of group behaviour and the framework for organizational change and development.

Course Contents

Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV

Unit I (2 Weeks)

Introduction to management; Evolution of management thought: Scientific, Administrative, Human Relations and Systems approach to management; Management functions and Managerial roles.

Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter, Management. 13th Ed. Pearson[Chapter 1]
Kaul Vijay Kumar, Business Organization & Management – Text and Cases, Pearson[Chapter 23]

Unit II (3 Weeks)

Planning: Importance and types of plans, planning process, MBO; Decision making: process, types, concept of bounded rationality; Control: process and types; Principles of organizing: common organizational structures, Departmentalization: types of departmentalization, Delegation & Decentralization: Factors affecting the extent of decentralization, Process and Principles of delegation.

Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter, Management. 13th Ed. Pearson[Chapter 2,8,10,18]

Unit III (3 Weeks)
Meaning & concept of organizational behaviour; Personality: meaning, factors affecting personality, Big five model of personality; Learning: concept and theories of learning (Classical conditioning, operant conditioning and social learning theory), concept of reinforcement; Perception: concept, factors affecting perception, process of perception, perceptual errors. Motivation: Concept, importance, Content theories (Maslow’s need theory, Alderfers’ ERG theory, Mc Cllelands’ theory of needs, Herzberg’s two factor theory) & Process theories (Adams equity theory, Vrooms expectancy theory).

Robbins Stephen P and Judge T.A., Vohra, Organisational Behaviour, 16th Ed. Pearson.[Chapter 5,6,7]
Kaul Vijay Kumar, Business Organization & Management – Text and Cases, Pearson[Chapter 28]

Unit IV (4 Weeks)
Leadership: Concept, Theories (Trait, Behavioural, Contingency, Charismatic, Transactional and Transformational Leadership; Emotional Intelligence: Concept, Importance, Dimensions. Groups: Definition, Stages of Group Development, Group Cohesiveness; Analysis of Interpersonal Relationship: Transactional Analysis, Johari Window; Conflict: Concept, Sources, Types, Stages of Conflict, Management of Conflict; Organisational Power: Sources of Power and Dysfunctional uses of Power; Organizational Change: Concept, Resistance to change, Managing resistance to change, Kurt Lewin Theory of Change; Organizational Development(OD): Meaning and types of OD Interventions.

Robbins Stephen P and Judge T.A., Vohra, Organisational Behaviour, 16th Ed. Pearson.[Chapter 9,12,13,14,17]

Additional Information

Text Books

Robbins Stephen P and Judge T.A. (2017) Organisational Behaviour, 17th Ed. Pearson.

Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter (2017) Management. 13th Ed. Pearson.

Kaul Vijay Kumar (2012). Business Organization & Management – Text and Cases, Pearson.

Teaching Learning Process

Lectures, Presentations, Role plays, Case studies, Term paper on a given topic

Assessment Methods

Internal assessment 25 marks
Written exam 75 marks


Planning, Organizing, Controlling, Departmentation, Leadership, Motivation, Change, Organization development

Disclaimer: Details on this page are subject to change as per University of Delhi guidelines. For latest update in this regard please refer to the University of Delhi website here.