Advertising and Brand Management

Course ID
MDM 604
Paper Type
DSE – Marketing
Lecture & Tutorial

Unique Paper Code: 61017933

To equip the students with the nature, purpose & complex constructions in the planning and execution of a successful advertising program. The course will expose student to issues in brand management, faced by firms operating in competitive markets.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • To understand the nature, role, and importance of brand management and advertising in marketing strategy
  • To understand effective design and implementation of advertising strategies
  • To present a general understanding of content, structure, and appeal of advertisements
  • To understand ethical challenges related to responsible management of advertising and brand strategy

Course Contents

Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V

Unit I (2 Weeks)

Introduction to advertising and marketing communication:
Advertising need & importance; growth of modern advertising; advertising & the marketing mix; types & classification of advertisement; social & economic aspects of advertising; Marketing communication models- AIDA, hierarchy of effect, innovation adoption model; Planning framework of promotional strategy.


Batra, R., Myers, J.G., Aaker, D.A. Advertising Management. Prentice Hall. [ Chapter 1 and 19]

Kazmi, S.H.H and Batra, S. Advertising and Sales Promotion Management. Excel Books [ Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7and 8]

Unit II (4 Weeks)

How advertising works:
Exposure, salience, familiarity, low involvement, central route & peripheral route & cognitive learning; Associating feelings with a brand; creating copy strategies- Rational & emotional approaches; FCB Grid and Elaboration Likelihood model; selection of an endorser; creative strategy & style- brand image, execution, USP, common touch & entertainment; message design strategy; format & formulae for presentation of appeals (slice of life, testimonials, etc); different types of copy; art & layout of an advertisement- principles of design, layout stages, difference in designing of television, audio & print advertisement


Batra, R., Myers, J.G., Aaker, D.A. Advertising Management. Prentice Hall. [ Chapter 5,6,7,9,10,12 and 13]

Kazmi, S.H.H and Batra, S. Advertising and Sales Promotion Management. Excel Books [ Chapter 10 and 11]

Unit III (2 Weeks)

Media planning and scheduling:
Introduction to broadcast & non -broadcast media; Budgeting decision rule- percentage of sales method, objective to task method, competitive parity, & all you can afford; Key factors influencing media planning; Media decisions- media class, media vehicle & media option; Scheduling- flighting, pulsing, & continuous


Batra, R., Myers, J.G., Aaker, D.A. Advertising Management. Prentice Hall. [ Chapter 16 and 17]

Kazmi, S.H.H and Batra, S. Advertising and Sales Promotion Management. Excel Books [ Chapter 14,15,16 and 17]

Unit IV (1 Week)

Management of sales promotion:
Importance & need for sales promotion; planning for consumer schemes & contests; different types of consumer schemes.


Kazmi, S.H.H and Batra, S. Advertising and Sales Promotion Management. Excel Books [Chapter 22, 23 and 24]

Unit V (3 Weeks)

Brand Management:
Concept of a brand; brand evolution; branding challenges and opportunities; brand elements; brand resonance pyramid; introduction to strategic brand management process; brand positioning strategies; brand extension; brand hierarchy-Kapfrer. Brand equity; brand personality.


Kazmi, S.H.H and Batra, S. Advertising and Sales Promotion Management. Excel Books [Chapter 11 and 12]

Keller, K.L., Parameswaran, A.M.G. and Jacob, I. Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity. Pearson Education India.[Chapter 1,2,3,4,7,11, and 13]

Additional Information

Text Books

Batra, R., Myers, J.G., Aaker, D.A. Advertising Management. Prentice Hall.
Chunawalla S.A. Advertising and Sales Promotion Management. Himalaya Publishing House.
Kazmi, S.H.H and Batra, S. Advertising and Sales Promotion Management. Excel Books.

Additional Readings

Keller, K.L., Parameswaran, A.M.G. and Jacob, I. Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity. Pearson Education India.

Teaching Learning Process

The teaching pedagogy is student/learner centric with a focus on developing application to real world situations by using case studies, field based learning and projects, class presentations. Students will be encouraged to acquire knowledge through a combination of lectures, tutorials supported by textbooks and e learning resources.

Assessment Methods

A variety of assessment methods will be used. To facilitate continuous evaluation a combination of: time-constrained examinations; closed-book and open-book tests; problem based assignments; individual/ group project repots; presentations and any other pedagogic approaches as per the context and relevancy to the course.
Internal evaluation will be of 25 marks (including 5 marks for attendance)
End term examination of 75 marks


Consumer, marketing communication, appeals, advertising execution, media strategy, sales promotion, and brand

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